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Mr. Microscope's Cube 2.1

Mr. Microscope

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Yeah, it probably got to your Bio filtration, but I am sure with your diligence your beautiful tank will recover Sorry for your mishap Hang in there!


When I dosed my tank a little too much with H202, (I don't have any SPS) the one thing that took a big hit was my Neon green Trumpet colony. NOw though, it it the center piece of the tank, go figure.


By the way, my move is still a go, long as the house appraises ok :scarry:

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Good idea with the separate bucket. I'll keep that in mind in the future. I thought those Ammonia badges weren't reliable. You like them? Thanks BulkRate!


Heck no.... I've heard tell about people saying both yea and nay about them. But I were facing a possible mini-cycle any bit of warning I could get would be helpful. I imagine your livestock will tell you even sooner, but the badge is a good 2nd step to determine what your appropriate course of action should be.


Main reason I recommended it and the salt is that even Petco/Petsmart typically have them in stock and it could save bacon. Having drooled over your ToTM video presentation it just seems a shame to think about what's at risk.

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Mr. Microscope

Yeah, it probably got to your Bio filtration, but I am sure with your diligence your beautiful tank will recover Sorry for your mishap Hang in there!


When I dosed my tank a little too much with H202, (I don't have any SPS) the one thing that took a big hit was my Neon green Trumpet colony. NOw though, it it the center piece of the tank, go figure.


By the way, my move is still a go, long as the house appraises ok :scarry:

Thanks friar! Yeah, all of my LPS seems okay. I feel lucky about that.

Good luck with the appraisal and move hopefully! ;)

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Your biofiltration should be ok within a few days. Coralline will likely suffer, but the bacteria in there will come back in no time. I used 30% H2O2 in my tank at too high of a dose and my zoas, frogspawn and gsp are all fine. Sure they are not SPS, but I think yours willl recover nicely. As far as recovery for the SPS, the damage is done, so I'd treat it like any other damage done to them. If that's reduce light and let heal, so be it. It would almost seem important to give ample light, though, so as to make photosynthesis more available and thus more nutrients? I'm not really sure, sorry :(


Good luck! I think it'll turn out just fine. Bacteria are hardy little bastards - especially in environments that are pretty harsh like salt water.


Edit: removed statement made in brain-fart mode. Thesis writing is getting to me today

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Mr. Microscope

Heck no.... I've heard tell about people saying both yea and nay about them. But I were facing a possible mini-cycle any bit of warning I could get would be helpful. I imagine your livestock will tell you even sooner, but the badge is a good 2nd step to determine what your appropriate course of action should be.


Main reason I recommended it and the salt is that even Petco/Petsmart typically have them in stock and it could save bacon. Having drooled over your ToTM video presentation it just seems a shame to think about what's at risk.

Cool cool. Good point. 'Might as well get some sort of warning sign. Yeah, I've seen them in the stores too. Should be easy to get a hold of. Thanks again BulkRate!


Your biofiltration should be ok within a few days. Coralline will likely suffer, but the bacteria in there will come back in no time. I used 30% H2O2 in my tank at too high of a dose and my zoas, frogspawn and gsp are all fine. Sure they are not SPS, but I think yours willl recover nicely. Fortunately the H2O2 had been sitting in the other water for a while, so maybe it oxidized a good amount before it went into the display? As far as recovery for the SPS, the damage is done, so I'd treat it like any other damage done to them. If that's reduce light and let heal, so be it. It would almost seem important to give ample light, though, so as to make photosynthesis more available and thus more nutrients? I'm not really sure, sorry :(


Good luck! I think it'll turn out just fine. Bacteria are hardy little bastards - especially in environments that are pretty harsh like salt water.

Thanks for your thoughts on H2O2. Yikes! 30%! You must work in a lab like me. Yeah, I was really surprised at the reaction considering it was already so diluted before it went into the tank and then it was even further diluted.

Good point on both ends of the lighting question. Hmm..

You're right about bacteria. Hopefully, it will be okay. Do you think I should do the Dr. Tim's?

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Thanks for your thoughts on H2O2. Yikes! 30%! You must work in a lab like me. Yeah, I was really surprised at the reaction considering it was already so diluted before it went into the tank and then it was even further diluted.

Good point on both ends of the lighting question. Hmm..

You're right about bacteria. Hopefully, it will be okay. Do you think I should do the Dr. Tim's?

Hahaha, yeah I'm in a microbiology lab.


For the Dr. Tim's, if you want to give it a go, it won't hurt the tank at all, but most of those bacteria probably have decent doubling times. I'd be willing to bet they will be back at full capacity within 3 or 4 days. Many microorganisms are resistant to NOS anyways, especially in environments where reactive oxygen species can be generated naturally. Depending on when this happened, when you order the Dr. Tim's, when it arrives and when you use it, your tank's biofiltration could be completely back and then you'll have spent a lot of money for something that isn't likely to have a major effect. Again, it won't hurt, and if it'll give you peace of mind, go for it. Seriously, I was aiming for 1ml/10 gallons with a 3% solution and I ended up dosing like 4 times higher than that after I diluted the 30% (forgot what I was doing and made a dumb calculation). My tank had no spike at all in ammonia or anything.

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Mr. Microscope

Hahaha, yeah I'm in a microbiology lab.


For the Dr. Tim's, if you want to give it a go, it won't hurt the tank at all, but most of those bacteria probably have decent doubling times. I'd be willing to be they will be back at full capacity within 3 or 4 days. Many microorganisms are resistant to NOS anyways, especially in environments where reactive oxygen species can be generated naturally. Depending on when this happened, when you order the Dr. Tim's, when it arrives and when you use it, your tank's biofiltration could be completely back and then you'll have spent a lot of money for something that isn't likely to have a major effect. Again, it won't hurt, and if it'll give you peace of mind, go for it. Seriously, I was aiming for 1ml/10 gallons with a 3% solution and I ended up dosing like 4 times higher than that after I diluted the 30% (forgot what I was doing and made a dumb calculation). My tank had no spike at all in ammonia or anything.

Haha! I feel your pain on the dumb calculation. Sometimes, science isn't an exact science with a scientist in charge (wait, did I just mix that to 1M or 0.1M? Oh well, if it blows up at least I'm working in a hood and wearing goggles.). Though, I suppose that's how some great discoveries are made. I really appreciate you sharing your experience with H2O2 and knowledge of bacteria. It's good to know you didn't experience an ammonia spike.



Hey, at least your bad algae is gone :)



Yeah, pretty much. I went in there yesterday and tried to pick out any remaining hold out GHA. The rock is pretty sparkly right now. LOL.

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Sorry to hear about that Mr. M. I think I may know how you feel. Just had my tank partially crash on me on Monday.
Numerous casualties. :( But certain things unaffected. Which I'm taking as a positive and moving on from there.
Kind of like you said in your post.

Hope things turn around quickly! W-

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Mr. Microscope

Sorry to hear about that Mr. M. I think I may know how you feel. Just had my tank partially crash on me on Monday.

Numerous casualties. :( But certain things unaffected. Which I'm taking as a positive and moving on from there.

Kind of like you said in your post.


Hope things turn around quickly! W-

Yeah, if I had actually lost a lot of stuff I would have just viewed it as an opportunity to move the tank in a new direction and explore other types of corals. 'Kind of a fresh start. Luckily, nothing is beyond repair with a few months of care and stable water. Sorry to hear about your crash. Don't give up. There's so much to explore! :)

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Yeah, if I had actually lost a lot of stuff I would have just viewed it as an opportunity to move the tank in a new direction and explore other types of corals. 'Kind of a fresh start. Luckily, nothing is beyond repair with a few months of care and stable water. Sorry to hear about your crash. Don't give up. There's so much to explore! :)


Thanks! That's exactly how I'm viewing this minor debacle. :) With certain corals now gone it opens up some nice space and I can view things a little differently. Will see what happens! W-

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Mr. Microscope


Thanks! That's exactly how I'm viewing this minor debacle. :) With certain corals now gone it opens up some nice space and I can view things a little differently. Will see what happens! W-

Don't get me wrong, it's a tragedy to loose a living thing. But, I feel a little less worse about it when they're captive bred/aquacultured.

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Don't get me wrong, it's a tragedy to loose a living thing. But, I feel a little less worse about it when they're captive bred/aquacultured. That's why I only get stuff produce that way. If I were to lose something that came directly out of the ocean, I might be so depressed that I'd quit.


Yes. There wasn't one coral that I didn't like! In fact, my frogspawn, which didn't make it, started as 2 heads and grew to 8. So that was a huge bummer. One of the oldest corals in my tank. Will def get another. Some of the other corals were small space fillers. All great. But now I can re-think. :)

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Mr. Microscope

Yes. There wasn't one coral that I didn't like! In fact, my frogspawn, which didn't make it, started as 2 heads and grew to 8. So that was a huge bummer. One of the oldest corals in my tank. Will def get another. Some of the other corals were small space fillers. All great. But now I can re-think. :)

2 to 8? Nice! Sorry to hear you lost that piece. Maybe try a small nem or some gorgs.

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Funny you said nems and gorgs . . . Right after the crash my rock nem looked the biggest and fullest it ever has! Go figure!
Glad it made it. My next purchase after things get stable for a week or two is a gorg. My LFS just got a bunch of nice photosynthetic ones. Will be a good change of pace. W-

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Oh no! At least you have the balls to admit it and share it!!! Thanks for that! I usually have to make the same mistake twice before it sinks in.......


Hopefully everything will be OK.

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Mr. Microscope

Oh no! At least you have the balls to admit it and share it!!! Thanks for that! I usually have to make the same mistake twice before it sinks in.......


Hopefully everything will be OK.

Thanks spiro! I figure better to share the data than keep the failure to myself.
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Sorry to hear, I remember the mini cycle I had after the move killed all my SPS and it had me thinking of breaking everything down. We see what happened there, I bet it will all be fixed and recovering soon. :flower:

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Mr. Microscope

Sorry to hear, I remember the mini cycle I had after the move killed all my SPS and it had me thinking of breaking everything down. We see what happened there, I bet it will all be fixed and recovering soon. :flower:

Thanks FI! Yeah, you've got some great PE going on with your SPS now. Thanks for the encouragement!

Hi there, just seen your tank, its outstanding ! Look forward to future developments ;) !!!!!! Hope you had a safe journey home .


Ady :rolleyes:

Thanks ady! :welcome: to Nano-Reef!
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Thanks! I try really hard to keep everyone happy, but I lost 2 birds due to too much light I think and then another SPS to mysterious STN.... IDK everyone else is super happy. Makes you wonder what you did wrong sometimes, but gotta keep on keeping on.


Congrats on TOTM BTW.

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Mr. Microscope

Sorry to hear about the mishap, but I have to give you credit for posting it! As usual well written and informative.

Thanks Serenity! I try to keep the facts straight. BTW, I've decided against adjusting my lighting for now.

Thanks! I try really hard to keep everyone happy, but I lost 2 birds due to too much light I think and then another SPS to mysterious STN.... IDK everyone else is super happy. Makes you wonder what you did wrong sometimes, but gotta keep on keeping on.


Congrats on TOTM BTW.

Thanks FI!

Yikes! I hate those sudden losses.

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Yeah what was weirder was they were fine for a while in those spots then suddenly bam bleached then gone. Weird. The more sensitive SPS are thriving, so idk, I have heard Birds can be way more tempermental then it says.

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Don't give up. There's so much to explore! :)

Awesome quote :D


Sorry to hear about the accident! You have the right attitude about it though. When life gives you lemons...make lemonade ;)

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