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Mr. Microscope's Cube 2.1

Mr. Microscope

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Mr. Microscope

that yellow tip acro is amazing! Subscribed!

Thanks xzeror! Will be posting more soon.

Still, I cannot believe you can take such amazing pics with a P&S. You have got SKILLZ! :)


The Milli wars are surprizing. I would have thought there would have been some tissue damage by now. Maybe they have equal Milli powers and defenses.


Those yellow tips are so lovely. Wow! what a great contrast.


Please document your CO2 scrubber build. I would like to put one together one day soon.


Thanks for sharing those amazing pics!

Thanks E!

I think the millis don't compete chemically with each other because they are the same species. So, they just compete for space.

I will share the CO2 Scrubber build. It should be pretty simple. I think my biggest challenge will be finding a place to put it.


Thanks Lovelia!
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should know what camera you use, and how to find the appropriate settings, it's amazing the first time I saw the results that are so real macro photograph of a close

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Mr. Microscope

should know what camera you use, and how to find the appropriate settings, it's amazing the first time I saw the results that are so real macro photograph of a close

Agreed. Macro photography is a lot of fun!
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Still, I cannot believe you can take such amazing pics with a P&S. You have got SKILLZ! :)


Mr. Microscope you had me fooled, I always thought your pictures were taken with a dslr, lol.

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Yeah I have a cannon powershot sx150 IS point and shoot and I can't get the aperature and iso squared up in Order to get decent color out of my corals, tell us mr. M what's the secret?

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Mr. Microscope


Mr. Microscope you had me fooled, I always thought your pictures were taken with a dslr, lol.


Yeah I have a cannon powershot sx150 IS point and shoot and I can't get the aperature and iso squared up in Order to get decent color out of my corals, tell us mr. M what's the secret?

ISO as low as possible, exposure settings on the lower end depending on where I am in the tank. I also use a tripod for stabilization most of the time (top-down are hand held). Either way, once I find a good shot I take five or six pictures (sometimes more). I then evaluate all images and pit them against each other to find the one with best focus/exposure. Finally, I use Photoshop to post process the image to be as true to life as possible. The left slider on the blue channel histogram often needs to be moved a little, and the right slider of the green and red needs to be moved considerably. These adjustments are found in Levels. Also, I find that contrast needs to be reduced a little. After all that, I cherry pick my images and only choose the best ones to post.

Sometimes, I'll shoot all night and only get a two or three I'm really happy with. Though, I figure I only get one or two opportunities to post a pic of the same coral before it gets monotonous (this is especially important since I'm stocked on corals and are not adding any more to my system). So, if a polyp or tentacle is out of focus a little, I figure it's opportunity to get the right shot later.

As an example, here is a coral that I've had in place for about six months. I took this image just a few weeks ago and it's this first one I took that I'm happy with. Since it's a side view, the color isn't quite right. Hopefully, I can get a good top-down shot some day. ORA Hawkins if you were wondering.


Maybe I'll write a thread on taking high quality pics with a low end camera in the photography forum.

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ISO as low as possible, exposure settings on the lower end depending on where I am in the tank. I also use a tripod for stabilization most of the time (top-down are hand held). Either way, once I find a good shot I take five or six pictures (sometimes more). I then evaluate all images and pit them against each other to find the one with best focus/exposure. Finally, I use Photoshop to post process the image to be as true to life as possible. The left slider on the blue channel histogram often needs to be moved a little, and the right slider of the green and red needs to be moved considerably. These adjustments are found in Levels. Also, I find that contrast needs to be reduced a little. After all that, I cherry pick my images and only choose the best ones to post.

Sometimes, I'll shoot all night and only get a two or three I'm really happy with. Though, I figure I only get one or two opportunities to post a pic of the same coral before it gets monotonous (this is especially important since I'm stocked on corals and are not adding any more to my system). So, if a polyp or tentacle is out of focus a little, I figure it's opportunity to get the right shot later.

As an example, here is a coral that I've had in place for about six months. I took this image just a few weeks ago and it's this first one I took that I'm happy with. Since it's a side view, the color isn't quite right. Hopefully, I can get a good top-down shot some day. ORA Hawkins if you were wondering.


Maybe I'll write a thread on taking high quality pics with a low end camera in the photography forum.

I'd like this ^^^^ :)

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Mr. Microscope

Okay. So, as promised. New FTS!


As you can see, I made a few changes. Here's last month's FTS for comparisson.



First off, you'll notice a big difference in the general lighting appearance. Since I changed my LED setup I've got more of a 14-20K look.


Next on the list of noticeables, I sold my big rainbow birdsnest. It was getting too big for the tank and was growing too close to both the glass and my glowing tips acro (pic in post #698). It also obstructed my view of some acros from the side. For example, I was never able to get a shot of my Vivid Rainbow Delight from this vantage point:



Second, I decided to pull out a rather large rock that was sitting on the bottom right side of the tank. This was a big piece of Pukani and after seemingly exhausting all other possible causes of algae in my tank, I pinned it down to this culprit. After taking it out, I've noticed that algae has been less of a problem. With the opened up space, I moved most of my acan garden over there and moved the zoa garden over to the left side of the tank near the torch coral. Here's a couple pics of the acans in their new spot.




Finally, I remounted a frag that I removed from my display a couple months ago. I originally mounted it in a spot too close to other SPS and it wasn't really growing. I'm not sure what it is (maybe a prostrata), but it's highlighter yellow. I put it on a rock with a finger and mounted that rock to the pillar. I think this will give it ample territory to branch out and thrive.




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I like but usually don't post because I think it's all been said.


Time to go to the thesaurus ...




Main Entry: awesome


Part of Speech: adjective


Synonyms: alarming, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awful, beautiful, breathtaking, daunting, dreadful, exalted, fearful, fearsome, formidable, frantic, frightening, grand, hairy*, horrible, horrifying, imposing, impressive, intimidating, magnificent, majestic, mean, mind-blowing*, moving, nervous, overwhelming, real gone, shocking, something else, striking, stunning, stupefying, terrible, terrifying, wonderful, wondrous, zero cool


* = informal/non-formal usage


Hairy? Zero cool?


Real gone dude.

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I like your remodel. You are really making good plans and thinking of the long term growth. The acan garden is so colorful and cheery. :wub:


I find it interesting that the Pukani rock was perhaps the algae culprit. Do you think the algae was able to get some nutrient it needed out of that rock?


It all looks amazing, as usual! :)

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Nice job, I got to play around with a ecotech radion pro last Friday at work, and the 20k mode looks just like your lighting,except yours has a hint more blue which IMO looks way better (a DIY led fixture kicks a rations ass any day).also what editing program do you use for the pics?

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Mr. Microscope

Always love these pics...especially the FTS with the reflection on the top.

Thanks Spiro! I think FTS's look the best when I turn off all of my pumps. Keeps everything from blurring with movement. The cool reflection is definitely a perk!

Awesome pics man, I really like the new look, looks more organized. Your acans are awesome btw.

Thanks jball! Removing rock really helped to open things up in there which helped to clear up some clutter. I'm very tempted to remove more to make more room for the acan garden.

I like but usually don't post because I think it's all been said.


Time to go to the thesaurus ...




Main Entry: awesome


Part of Speech: adjective


Synonyms: alarming, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awful, beautiful, breathtaking, daunting, dreadful, exalted, fearful, fearsome, formidable, frantic, frightening, grand, hairy*, horrible, horrifying, imposing, impressive, intimidating, magnificent, majestic, mean, mind-blowing*, moving, nervous, overwhelming, real gone, shocking, something else, striking, stunning, stupefying, terrible, terrifying, wonderful, wondrous, zero cool


* = informal/non-formal usage


Hairy? Zero cool?


Real gone dude.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks markalot! The hairy bit stuck out to me too. Haha!

This one's for you!


Tank... looks... AWESOME :)

Thanks TuLIPgirl!

Wowzers Nice FTS! All looking good. :)

Thanks N00ZE! Haha! The word, "wowzers" instantly puts the Inspector Gadget theme in my head. I'll be jammin' out all night to that now. ;)

I am going to use stupefying... Maybe awe inspiring

Thanks Reefed! I hope you're inspired rather than stupefied. You can do it too!

Verrrry Nicely Done Mr M! Kudos!



Thanks Friar! More to come later this week!

I like your remodel. You are really making good plans and thinking of the long term growth. The acan garden is so colorful and cheery. :wub:


I find it interesting that the Pukani rock was perhaps the algae culprit. Do you think the algae was able to get some nutrient it needed out of that rock?


It all looks amazing, as usual! :)

Thanks E!

Unfortunately, planning for long term growth has meant removing/selling off some corals to make room for others to grow. Oh well, I guess it comes with the territory of having a nano. I didn't realize in the beginning how much space SPS need.

The acan garden is one of my favorite parts of the tank now. I need to piece them together somehow in a single spot. It's hard to balance out the right places between lighting and flow. I'm thinking I might move my platygyre to make room for the last colony that I still have in the front of the tank.

Yeah, Pukani is notorious for spewing phosphates into the water. I also noticed that this rock seemed be the fastest to grow algae on it's own. It's a shame because it was a beautiful rock, but I'm really happy about opening up the new space.

Nice job, I got to play around with a ecotech radion pro last Friday at work, and the 20k mode looks just like your lighting,except yours has a hint more blue which IMO looks way better (a DIY led fixture kicks a rations ass any day).also what editing program do you use for the pics?

Thanks Reefmaster! Cool! I've always wanted to play with one of those, but yeah after the thrill of building my own lights, I don't think I could go commercial anymore. Thanks for your comments. I use Photoshop for post processing pics.
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Thanks N00ZE! Haha! The word, "wowzers" instantly puts the Inspector Gadget theme in my head. I'll be jammin' out all night to that now. ;)

Lol, classic!

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Hey Mr M.


I have a question. I just noticed you are using the Mr Aqua 12x12 cube for a sump. How is that working out for you? I wasn't following too closely while you were doing your build, have you had to modify it from your #2 design? Are you using a skimmer in it?




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Man your tank is always amazing. Awesome pics, and love the colors you have in there. Gave me an idea for my acans instead of having them on that one rock moving them down it'll open more flow through the rocks.


As always amazing sir. :flower:

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Mr. Microscope

Hey Mr M.


I have a question. I just noticed you are using the Mr Aqua 12x12 cube for a sump. How is that working out for you? I wasn't following too closely while you were doing your build, have you had to modify it from your #2 design? Are you using a skimmer in it?




Yes, I'm in the process of replacing it. The volume of water and overall space available for equipment and sections (baffles, fuge, return, etc.). Here is my latest design, however I'm thinking about trying to simlify it as the construction might be a little much for my first attempt at building an aquarium.

Man your tank is always amazing. Awesome pics, and love the colors you have in there. Gave me an idea for my acans instead of having them on that one rock moving them down it'll open more flow through the rocks.


As always amazing sir. :flower:

Thanks F1Candy! Opening up space is always a plus in my book! Good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing the change.


In other news, as promised I have another update this week. My BRS order came in and I installed the air filter with soda lime to connect to my skimmer.



I could have hooked up the hose directly, but I decided to use some silicone bonding tape used for automotive stuff (it also works great for sealing plumbing ;) ).


My pH had been hovering around 7.8 to 7.9 all winter (and geeze it was a long one this year). Since we've had the windows open, it has gone up to about 8. After hooking up my air filter the pH has shot up to 8.2! I'm very happy with the change and I hope my corals are too. If I have time this weekend, I'll be replacing all of the cartages sans the membrane on my 5-stage RO/DI system.

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Hey mr m that's a dandy system for raising ph you got there, could you elaborate a little more on how you set it up, I'm assuming you got a brs reactor filled it with those soda lime spheres, and plumbed it to the skimmer intake? How does it work and other than raise your ph what else can it do.

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In my research, CO2 absorbing media is expensive as shit to continuously replace, as it doesn't absorb much CO2 before exhausting. Let us know how it does.

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