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Coral Vue Hydros

Danielle's • NC24 • Moderately updated • FTS 5/26


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Danielle, I still have hope for your crab, they're pretty hardy.


... I will do my best to be more patient and I do hope it turns up when I break down the LR and it is just not its exoskeleton :P parts.

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Now about Sara's macro box of goodness. I am definately sending that next week.


I am also hiking this weekend, interested. I need to get my arse back in shape fast before I move. I know I can do it :lol:

Ok...I'll get some macro to you before then. What day will you ship?


I think your macro is called codium. I've come across it in my macro search. Mine's going bonkers with growth. The stuff is awesome :)


Hiking sounds fun! Not sure what were doing this weekend yet.

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Ok...I'll get some macro to you before then. What day will you ship?


I think your macro is called codium. I've come across it in my macro search. Mine's going bonkers with growth. The stuff is awesome :)


Hiking sounds fun! Not sure what were doing this weekend yet.


I am not going to have P this weekend, she will be with her father. Sunday L and I are going to Malibu again. But, Saturday I am hiking local (by my self if I can not find a partner) L has to go to the Big Cat Reserve in Lancaster for his Bio Class.


Shipping the macro next week for sure. Mid week.


Hey Danyello! If you guys see Brad, please say hello for me.


Will do, but the plans are somewhat all over the place. I am not sure if I can make it bacause of my commute and such. Either way I can still text him that you said, Hello... okay darlin.

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Hiking sounds awesome! Wish I could join you!


Unfortunately Los Angeles has one of the worse air quality. Shouldn't even be excising in it. But, I rather hike then the gym, least for the time being while I can.

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I agree! I have been hating the gym recently. I ran in the rain Monday and in the heat/humidity yesterday instead of going to the gym!

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I agree! I have been hating the gym recently. I ran in the rain Monday and in the heat/humidity yesterday instead of going to the gym!


I suppose I have grown so tired of the gyms here. Either they are super expensive or super gross. So besides that I need to drop this extra weight before I move and get back into what I am used to.

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I know! I got really lazy for about a month and gained 5 or so pounds. I tried to get back to my regular routine this week and 1 session with my trainer plus 2 runs has me walking like I've been riding a horse for days! :lol: I'm really disappointed with how quickly I lost my fitness!

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I know! I got really lazy for about a month and gained 5 or so pounds. I tried to get back to my regular routine this week and 1 session with my trainer plus 2 runs has me walking like I've been riding a horse for days! :lol: I'm really disappointed with how quickly I lost my fitness!


On track ... I am shipping your macro mid next week, okay.


Off track ... right, the older I have gotten the harder it has been. But, I am pretty much back on top of it with my diet and intake. I just need to get the exercise going. With a program I really like, I am not liking the gym, least not like I used to.


I am not a runner, unless I am running for my life :P

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What is this Jelly term you speak of? :lol: Now I am dating myself, because I have missed the memo on this slang.


Also, it reminds me of the jelly man.



I am not a runner, unless I am running for my life :P

:haha: yes.

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I do run for my life! ;)


My lungs and bp will not allow me :( but I can do just about everything else.



Also, it reminds me of the jelly man.



Silly Ethan :lol:

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Update on the porcelain crab :D


... my bf spotted the darn thing last night around 11'ish. Extremely random, he just happened to grab the LED flashlight that I keep next to the tank and spotted the little punk under the large main LR in the center of the scape.


Okay, so least it isn't dead :lol:


... when in doubt, I will just knock it off :P

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Yay!!!!! Great news :) I'm glad L found him!!!!! Way to go L :)


Check out my NC12 thread. Looks like I may be getting a porcelain crab, at some point, too :happy:

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This one is the Blue Porcelain Crab, so it will not host anything, except hide under rocks.


:P thanx and least it isn't MIA anymore. We have answers :lol:


Will try to get the updated pictures up and also get those off to Felicia :happy: ... L and I are suppose to go hiking at Malibu Creek State Park again today. He is iffy right now and I am already dressed and ready to go <_<

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My lungs and bp will not allow me :( but I can do just about everything else.

Flat feet over here, I can't run at all. I can't even walk fast in flat shoes of any kind for that matter - very odd. But I can work an elliptical really good and high heels don't bother me. So I stick to Spinning, Zumba, high intensity aerobics like Step and some toning. Try to go to the gym between 3-5 times a week. If I didn't I would suffer.

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Flat feet over here, I can't run at all. I can't even walk fast in flat shoes of any kind for that matter - very odd. But I can work an elliptical really good and high heels don't bother me. So I stick to Spinning, Zumba, high intensity aerobics like Step and some toning. Try to go to the gym between 3-5 times a week. If I didn't I would suffer.


I do enjoy the elliptical, treadmill seems to be a waste of time. Unfortunately I am unable to go that often during the week because of my daughter. But, the hiking (and she can go with me) I feel like I using more muscles climbing and toning without even wondering if I am buring enough calories overall per workout. I am buring off this little bit of chunk faster also (main goal) and hopefully I can myself on track before I move.

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