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~ Candy Land ~ New Pics up Radions are UP! Tons of Top Downs.


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Good to know I think each weekend we are planning an outing you are more then welcome to come along and be a guide so we don't get lost for an hour again! LOL

Yeah I didn't! I was one of maybe 8 people who showed for the Frag Auction at the president's house and all they did was complain. Their a bunch of people who don't promote their club enough then wonder why no one shows. ;)



Yes we do! I forgot you had one! Bogart is the male GBG and Booger is the Female now! LMAO they fit it so well.



Well guys and gals these are not tank pics but I have some waterfalls I want to share with you the first is Looking Glass Falls in Buncombe NC.

From the top of the steps.








So awesome the power of water.




Leaking rocks




My favorite of this fall I took today, through the tree.




Little dude crossing the river with some amazing rock formation behind him




Rock formations the kids were making




Downstream perched on a rock in the middle of the creek I am like spiderwoman when I need to be.




Crazy Pack Rats Dream of a Harly










Looking Glass Rock From the Blue Ridge Parkway




All Mountains, just amazing.




Parkway along the mountains.




What you drive along, so pretty




Now Skinny Dip Falls. NO there was no skinny dipping! It was way too cold to swim in this water but it is crystal clear and just amazing.







See just so crystal clear.




I like this shot




See the tree that went over the falls there.







I like how the lens got the water flowing in this one so well.










There wasn't much of a walkway we climbed over boulders and tree roots to get closer to the top.




My dog the Mountain Goat




Now how do I get down?













Waterfall out of a solid rock face.




More rock formations




Can you tell which ones I was sitting on rocks in the water for? ;)




I :wub: This pic




Yep I was perched one foot on one rock and the other braced on the other rock







Andrew not knowing I was going to take his pic. :lol:



He has some of me and the dog I will post them as he posts them to FB for you peeps. Tank pics tomorrow did the Total Nutrition Powder again today 2 caps instead 1.5 the algae goes away if I feed more so F it I will feed every other day. :)


Thanks again.

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I'm going to sound like someone's mother now, just be careful, someone always dies from falling from Looking Glass Falls or some other falls every year. Yeah, I'm outta shape but that would get me into shape (I haven't hiked uh, since, uh, 2007). I need to do some hiking and get a pair of hiking boots again.

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I'm going to sound like someone's mother now, just be careful, someone always dies from falling from Looking Glass Falls or some other falls every year. Yeah, I'm outta shape but that would get me into shape (I haven't hiked uh, since, uh, 2007). I need to do some hiking and get a pair of hiking boots again.


Oh I have heard! Why I did not climb to the top even though I wanted to. Have heard of dummies jumping from them and you never know what is under them, rocks trees etc.

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Pics of me taking pics of him and the dog!




Wider angled shot




Me taking a pic of the hound




See I was on the rocks trying to get pics.




Pretty awesome for an iPhone




Me so serious! And out of focus.




More in a minute. He is uploading them now.

On the blue ridge Parkway overlooking Looking Glass Rock



I like this one.

Looking Glass again, you can see why I think it's stupid for people to jump off it or swim in the upper part of the falls.


iPhone from Drew's phone




Laughing and taking pics is hard!




He likes to take pics of me taking pics.







More and more as he posts them to FB.

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That's one whacky cycle you took pics of. And yeah, people like to cross the top of the falls and do some rock hopping but they don't realize just how much force is behind a foot of water. Natural selection at it's best!!!!! Weed them out so they don't have kids that grow up to say...

"hey'all watch this!!" and that's the last you hear of 'em.

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That's one whacky cycle you took pics of. And yeah, people like to cross the top of the falls and do some rock hopping but they don't realize just how much force is behind a foot of water. Natural selection at it's best!!!!! Weed them out so they don't have kids that grow up to say...

"hey'all watch this!!" and that's the last you hear of 'em.

Stupid is as stupid does. ;)

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Beautiful! I could totally live in a place like that! I personally think your mountains are so much prettier than ours. Definitely more lush. :)


I mentioned NC to my husband. It's on our list. My mother is going to move to the Traverse City, MI. area...we are considering that. My husband thinks a farm in Connecticut would be nice (sounds good to me too). Good thing we have about 5 years to figure it out. :lol:

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Thanks ladies



Beautiful! I could totally live in a place like that! I personally think your mountains are so much prettier than ours. Definitely more lush. :)


I mentioned NC to my husband. It's on our list. My mother is going to move to the Traverse City, MI. area...we are considering that. My husband thinks a farm in Connecticut would be nice (sounds good to me too). Good thing we have about 5 years to figure it out. :lol:

Hey your more then welcome to come visit and see the area if you want!


The Rockies are young and sharp not much can grow there yet compared to my Appalachians.

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That's one whacky cycle you took pics of. And yeah, people like to cross the top of the falls and do some rock hopping but they don't realize just how much force is behind a foot of water. Natural selection at it's best!!!!! Weed them out so they don't have kids that grow up to say...

"hey'all watch this!!" and that's the last you hear of 'em.

"Hold my beer and watch this."


I'm a huge fan of darwinism.

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"Hold my beer and watch this."


I'm a huge fan of darwinism.


It is the best way of thinning the herd.


Side note I moved 2 SPS I will take pics tomorrow. The one colony was not pleased where it was (candy the acro crabs home) so I switched the Scripps and it around we will see already better PE and color fingers crossed.

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Hey your more then welcome to come visit and see the area if you want!


The Rockies are young and sharp not much can grow there yet compared to my Appalachians.

That would be awesome! :)


The Rockies are also hot and dry which I'm not crazy about.

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OMG okay so taking care of the herd and the house is much more work when I am alone, this is something I saw at work today and man oh man just turn the volume down a bit before you hit play.....


What does the Fox Say



My way of saying sorry for no pics right now working on gathering some.

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Hi Randi. I've not been paying attention much. Didnt realized you left palm beach! Just saw a Craigslist add for PBMAS frag swap this weekend and was wondering why you hadn't posted anything about it here. Now I know. I love that area. My girls went to summer camp up near Asheville, and I always wanted to move up there. Maybe some day. Enjoy.

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Hi Randi. I've not been paying attention much. Didnt realized you left palm beach! Just saw a Craigslist add for PBMAS frag swap this weekend and was wondering why you hadn't posted anything about it here. Now I know. I love that area. My girls went to summer camp up near Asheville, and I always wanted to move up there. Maybe some day. Enjoy.


Well thanks! And thanks for dropping in! I am sorry I have to miss their swap it's always great each one gets bigger and this one should be the biggest yet.


Now for what you have all been patiently waiting for I have more pics.

ORA Scripps, I moved it up and had to frag the large Aussie Acro for some reason they do not do well in my system I have about 8-9 chunky mini colonies from it pics of that later








Acro Crab, I never noticed her little elbows looked like polyps! SO cool







Getting big




SO Fluffy!

















Lil Fatty




Bully of the tank












Quorra is well there was a burst of flow from the MP10 right before this was taken.








This thing I have had for 2 nearly 3 years I love it.









More Mushies




What I was able to salvage. They look good, guess I was just giving them more light then they needed and decided to STN. I know why the crab bailed now, this guy was saying hey move me. Well I was a day or two late to save the whole guy but I have them so far. Those Aussie Acros are hard to keep Happy.




Dendro just ate.





All I have for now more tomorrow I have the day off.


Thanks again for looking and I am so sorry I do not post in here or on other threads as much as I used to I will try to get on more often.


Thanks again and again for your posts and views.

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I can totally tell Bowie grew by his features. His body shape has changed a little, a little more elongated maybe? same w/ snout? Glad to hear lil crabby is doing well. I was wondering about her.

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