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Pod Your Reef

Kat's badass BC14, retired


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Bettas do change color as they age, depending on genetics. more pure bred show bettas are less likely to do this though, and tend to have the same colors throughout their life, brightening up or fading depending on age, but never new colors.

sorry to hi-jack, may have been relative since both of you have bettas...



Oh! Okay, thank you for the insite... I have two bettas, blue and red. The red once obviously is just red. Okay, so my betta is moving into his senior years. Still fiesty as every.


Well the blue one has now developed some red streaks in him but the blue is still pretty bright.

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wow that frag for only $2.50? not $12.50? lol that was a good deal! sure beats my variety frag i sent you for $17 lol, sorry :P

where did you get this from?


And yes the color changes sometimes happen early or late in life, and aren't always indicative of age. Its always good if the betta is active :) My last betta was 2.5 years old and was really active right up until he died...He started out as a silver half-moon betta with some red and ended up as a feather tail, purple-coppery color with red. Its interesting how some can even change fin shape as the grow.

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@newman : it is a home made mini reef.


Got the green striped mushies for $2.50 (the store had some loose brown/peach mushrooms for that price and I didn't like those, was walking around and these guys were in the corner almost out of reach in another tank. The guy at the store was nice enough to give these to me for $2.50)


The orange zoa was a single free floating polyp that I stole from my buddy's tank when he was not looking. :ninja:


The red/orange mushie was a freebie from the same LFS, I bought one for $5, he gave me 5 (they were also loose/unattached). (has made a baby)


All of these were glued onto different little pieces of rubble. then glued together. Mini reef.

(I also had some pink zoas on it but they died)


The variety rock from you: not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, might frag some of those zoas and stick them on the bald spots on my virgin atlantic zoa branch. Or the frag swap is coming!!! you going to that?


Evolution of the mini reef



Used to have a blue mushie too, which decided to walk off.


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o i see so you made that, nice! You're going to sell my variety frag because you are afraid of the algae on it? That's understandable.

And no I wont be attending that frag swap - I have to focus on school and my job :(

I am trying to make as much money as possible in December to finally move out lol.

And November is going to be all about school...

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Ecoxotic Panorama Pro, kool, which colour combination ? wanted to get these for sometime now just to add shimmer effect :)

btw , i believe these don't come with timer ?

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^^ you are right, no timer, so they will go in the timer I have for the stock lights. I ordered the 12K/453nm combo panorama pro, and a magenta! with blue stunner strip. I can't wait! I also ordered a 3-way splitter so if I want to add another pro or stunner I can. Ecoxotic said just the one pro was enough for coral growth, SPS, even clams!


I need some help with the stock light removal - I want to use them (if possible) on my 2.5G. They are good lights, hate to just not use them, I could just have the sockets and wiring on a wooden board and be happy


@D I'll be making more at some point.


Got my order from John Maloney. TWO JARS of coral crack. I did see a good response from the frogspawn but they were already fed by the time I added a pinch of Johns food.


Speaking of which! Johnny is famous! Check out my Nerite, John the Rockstar on John Maloneys site!!!! My snail and I have arrived!

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Did you seduce him with your female powers? :happy:


You know all anybody has to do is to have a conversation with the folks at the LFS. They're so happy someone is into the same stuff as they are. Then I pull out my tank pictures, ding ding ding, discounts, free stuff, drool.


o i see so you made that, nice! You're going to sell my variety frag because you are afraid of the algae on it? That's understandable.


No, I killed the algae. Hydrogen peroxide and tweezers.

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You know all anybody has to do is to have a conversation with the folks at the LFS. They're so happy someone is into the same stuff as they are. Then I pull out my tank pictures, ding ding ding, discounts, free stuff, drool.


So that's what they call it these days... Hmmmm....


VthMaestro (how ever you spell it :P) has a pro over his tank. Check it out!

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Picture updates!

This blasto is blasting OFF the frag plug! Too soon to make additional frags, are these too young?



Silly worm. Will any of my corals eat it? How about hidden cup corals?



My hellboy frag FINALLY showed a feeding response today. I saw some tentacles. Made me cry. :wub:

Mr. Coral refunded my partial order, and I'm still welcome for lunch he said.

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Well, you can see the zoas in the same picture, I would say the blasto polyps are a little bigger than those, some are about the same size as the zoas in diameter. The frag plate is about 3 inches, I've got 20+ polyps on it easy. What should I do, they have no room really, but if they are too small, won't fragging kill them?

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here is what you should do: sell send them to me. :lol:

I really like Blastomussa merletti species, i have never owned one before. They just seem to grow much faster than welsi species which is what i like most about them. My Blasto grows soooo slowly =/

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technically, they should survive if you cut the colony right down the middle, with enough polyps on both sides left to grow if some nearest to the cut do die...BUT if it was my coral, I would wait a few more months at least until the colony grows more. I would cut it in half when the colony starts to ever look elongated, i think that would be easiest to successfully frag. I'm not entirely sure how these things grow, if they grow

like this:


or like this:


it personally would be easier for me to frag the elongated one than have to cut a round colony...

what do you think?

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