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So Ballz, why did you think Joel and I should get married? He doesn't even like cats :P

My ex had 3 cats. I like them until they get hair all over my s### :lol:

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My ex had 3 cats. I like them until they get hair all over my s### :lol:


Have I told you Lily's hair somehow gets in my aquarium all the time? I find it in clumps in the powerhead and the filter intake. Normally it doesn't bother me because I'm kind of a neat freak and just vacuum and lint brush everything a lot, but I get annoyed when I find it in my fish tank.

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Haha your cat is cute but that would annoy me to no end! :P


No matter how often I lint rolled my clothes I'd find hair. I felt like the grinch. All the hair, hair, hair!

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I find Ella's hair strands floating in the tank once in a while -_- ... I figure as long as it in moderation, I am not going to worry.

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I find Ella's hair strands floating in the tank once in a while -_- ... I figure as long as it is in extreme moderation, I am not going to worry.


Good to know someone else has this issue.


That cat's got them crazy eyes.


She was attacking the cord dangling from my camera. She normally doesn't look like that, its just a goofy picture I like :)

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That's what you think.

Your mom thinks so too. Bazinga.


Sorry, Mrs. Ballz, you're a saint.



Omgosh your cat! Getting married wouldn't be so bad. So what we don't know each other well, you have that cat and stuff.


And I did it, I'm ordering from Mr. Coral. The SPS pack and this chalice

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oh my...3 pages later and a little romance brewing in here :lol: I would have to say it would be awesome if it happened :)


Love the new sig, Joel...and new coral :happydance:

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Tell me how your order goes! I have a $50 gift card I need to spend there..

Will do, to be honest I'm only doing it because 1. I am relatively close to his facility and 2. The way to get from my place to his is the standard ups route I've seen packages travel.


and the frag of that chalice will be near microscopic.

But it didn't cost me anything extra ;)


oh my...3 pages later and a little romance brewing in here :lol: I would have to say it would be awesome if it happened :)


Love the new sig, Joel...and new coral :happydance:

Oh yeah, Ballz is the NR match maker.


Thanks about the other stuff! I just hope I have a good Mr. Coral experience. If it goes bad I'll probably not order any more coral until the upgrade. Most law schools are in bigger cities so my LFS choices will be better and I won't have to order online anymore.

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Haha, I'm not sure how to take someone wanting to marry me just because of Lily. I'm sure she'd be flattered if she understood ;)


That chalice is GORGEOUS! I hope everything in your order arrives in good shape. I'll be sending the good vibes.

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It wouldn't be the first time a guy used a girl for her #####. :haha:


Probably too far but how many times in life can you make that pun?

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You're going through law school? That's flipping awesome! Hmm, how old are you again? ;) just kidding!


That is one sweet chalice.

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It wouldn't be the first time a guy used a girl for her #####. :haha:


Probably too far but how many times in life can you make that pun?


:haha: I honestly would have been disappointed if you didn't say it. It was set up too nicely not to take advantage, haha.


Where all are you considering for law school? I've got a couple friends in law school right now, but they're all in schools in Florida.


Not to mention....he's rich (Dad invented washable crayons omgomgomg). I think that's so cool :)


Rich and going to law school...hmmm, maybe this arranged marriage isn't such a bad deal for me... ;)


We'd just need a pre-nup about Lily being mine and our tanks, :lol:

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