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NC12: diary of an L.A. tank


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In tank news....I've decided to take major evasive action on the bryopsis in my tank. Today I dosed 20ml of Kent Tech-M and will add 10ml more tomorrow to raise the mag to 1800. My mag already runs high at 1500. Hopefully nothing will die from it besides the bryopsis. We'll see what happens in a couple of weeks. It was definitely weakened by the dosing today. I was able to rip out a bunch.


They are probably angry because you bumped the mag up quite a bit for one day. I thought 100 per day was the max. Also, where did you score the Tech-M. Been looking for it everywhere.

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Allergies, yuk. I had terrible allergies in LA, and then when I moved to Texas they have all but gone. You need to move to Florida!


My allergies were WAY worse when I lived in Florida. Its so warm everything is blooming all the time, so there's almost always pollen. Not that she shouldn't move to Florida, but avoiding allergies is definitely not a good reason.

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Come to TN, where the max pollen levels should be around 50. It was over 500 last summer :(

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They are probably angry because you bumped the mag up quite a bit for one day. I thought 100 per day was the max. Also, where did you score the Tech-M. Been looking for it everywhere.

Actually they were mad before I put the magnesium in. They were happier today, but still not perfect. I haven't been observing the tank as much to see what's ticking them off!


Get some lettuce sea hares for the bryopsis if the mag doesn't do the trick. Also you can't really overdose mag unless you put like a whole bucket in there.



Do you mean the lettuce nudibranches? I had two of them and my green-banded gobies were picking on them. Tearing flesh off :( I returned them to the LFS. They didn't seem to make a dent at all for the short amount of time I had them.


I'm pretty confident the magnesium is going to take out the bryopsis. I'm starting to see an improvement already. I did dose more than the recommended but only because I read you can't really overdose it. I'm adding another 10ml. tomorrow and then letting the tank sit for 2 weeks without a water-change :scarry: I'll just keep a close eye on things.



My allergies were WAY worse when I lived in Florida. Its so warm everything is blooming all the time, so there's almost always pollen. Not that she shouldn't move to Florida, but avoiding allergies is definitely not a good reason.
Come to TN, where the max pollen levels should be around 50. It was over 500 last summer :(
My allergies were bad a few weeks ago but are better now. We got some rain which I think helped.

I never ever used to have allergy problems. I really think it's this L.A. air :( I'll just keep on drinking my herbal tea.




In tank news.....everything did fine with my heavy mag dose from yesterday. I added 10 more ml today and will add 10 more ml tomorrow. So far so good with the brittle stars. They were out to eat this morning like usual.

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What kind of mag are you dosing? I checked mine last night and I'm down to 1080. I guess that explains why my calcium won't stay up and my alk won't come down.

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Hope this kicks that bryposis' butt!

Thanks! I do too :)


What kind of mag are you dosing? I checked mine last night and I'm down to 1080. I guess that explains why my calcium won't stay up and my alk won't come down.

It's Kent Tech M. Supposedly there's a secret ingredient in there that kills the bryopsis :unsure:


Other mg. don't seem to work the same as the Tech M. We shall see what comes of this. It's definitely not happening overnight.

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Happy Thursday to you... hope all is well in the NC and Garden :)


Thanks! You too :) I was hoping to wake up this morning and find the bryopsis all gone...no such luck :lol:

Thanks! I just ordered some so hopefully I can get my levels back in line!

Excellent! Have you tested to see what your new make-up water mg level is? Mine runs super high at 1500. And it doesnt seem to get used up at all once it goes in the tank.

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Allergies, yuk. I had terrible allergies in LA, and then when I moved to Texas they have all but gone. You need to move to Florida!

EEK! Florida will not make allergies go away :lol: -- mine got jump started here, and this year, after the mild winter, it's been horrible. Both of my kids have missed school b/c their immune systems just couldn't handle it. I never knew there were so many different kinds of steroids :o.

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Well glad your doing all right with the dosing! I was so worried when I started doing that. Bummer on the nudi's I missed that somehow.....


Allergies are not a good thing here! A get's sinus infections all the time. They say your better off in desert areas as there is no humidity etc. IDK -_-

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Im very interested in finding out if this kent tech m thing works! I've have tried using peroxide to get rid of it, it works, but it just grows back! So I have resorted to pulling it out and dipping my fingers in peroxide to prevent the filaments spreading.


It's frustrating though because I think I know why I have it and there's not much I can do about it - spilt a ton of carbon down the back of the rock work at the beginning of the year and I don't think I managed to clean it all out, keep finding little carbon sea matrix balls in the sand bed.


keep us up dated on the kent tech m!

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Excellent! Have you tested to see what your new make-up water mg level is? Mine runs super high at 1500. And it doesnt seem to get used up at all once it goes in the tank.


I haven't tested my new water but I tested the tank only 4 days post-WC and was at 1080 so I'm going to have to dose for now at least. I may need to switch salt brands or something. My calcium, mg, and alk are all out of line. Maybe it's just a bad bag or something but I'm still frustrated.

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EEK! Florida will not make allergies go away :lol: -- mine got jump started here, and this year, after the mild winter, it's been horrible. Both of my kids have missed school b/c their immune systems just couldn't handle it. I never knew there were so many different kinds of steroids :o.

I've heard that. Actually, I've heard that anytime you move to a new place your allergies will appear to get better or go away completely because you left the allergen. But after some time you develop allergies to whatever is in your new surrounding. Whatever was bothering me has subsided in the last week, so yay!


Well glad your doing all right with the dosing! I was so worried when I started doing that. Bummer on the nudi's I missed that somehow.....


Allergies are not a good thing here! A get's sinus infections all the time. They say your better off in desert areas as there is no humidity etc. IDK -_-

I've added a lot of magnesium to my tank. I tested yesterday, and it's not raised all that much!!!!!! I don't know where its going. Maybe the macros???? I took out my CPE before I dosed and it's still out. I'll be adding another 36ml I guess.


I bet!! Stuff is like grass in a way.



Im very interested in finding out if this kent tech m thing works! I've have tried using peroxide to get rid of it, it works, but it just grows back! So I have resorted to pulling it out and dipping my fingers in peroxide to prevent the filaments spreading.


It's frustrating though because I think I know why I have it and there's not much I can do about it - spilt a ton of carbon down the back of the rock work at the beginning of the year and I don't think I managed to clean it all out, keep finding little carbon sea matrix balls in the sand bed.


keep us up dated on the kent tech m!

Growth has slowed. Some turning white. Not gone yet :angry:


I haven't tested my new water but I tested the tank only 4 days post-WC and was at 1080 so I'm going to have to dose for now at least. I may need to switch salt brands or something. My calcium, mg, and alk are all out of line. Maybe it's just a bad bag or something but I'm still frustrated.

Sounds like you do need to switch salt brands. Which one are you using?

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I am currently using Instant Ocean but I only have a little left so I might try to find Reef Crystals.

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I've heard that. Actually, I've heard that anytime you move to a new place your allergies will appear to get better or go away completely because you left the allergen. But after some time you develop allergies to whatever is in your new surrounding. Whatever was bothering me has subsided in the last week, so yay!

Yay! We've had some high winds up here so the pollen count is back up to high for the next few days. What you said explains a lot about why when I moved to CA, I didn't have allergies at all for a full year and now I have them this year again. I was really hoping there was just nothing in CA that set off my allergies and that it was just stuff in Florida. Oh well! -_-

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Today was a totally unexpected day. We slept in much later then planned and hit our garage sales VERY late...like almost 11am...way too late :lol:




We scored a ton of stuff. AND.......


I have a new aquarium :lol: OMG....I got a AquaEuro 28g tank for $35. I truly wasn't going to buy it and my husband insisted because of the deal. It's practically like new. And I actually know the family that it came from. I had no clue they even had a saltwater tank.


So.....looks like this NC12 is moving on up to a AE28 omgomgomg


I still have a lot of figuring out to do. My husband needs to build me a stand. Have to decide if I'm going to stick with the stock lighting 72w Compact flourescent or move the LED over. I REALLY wish it was T5 lighting. I would totally stay stock that way. Maybe I can retrofit a T5 light into the hood and sell off the LEDs. I don't think I'd really miss them all that much.


So...yeah....weird happenings. Still TOTM and I'm upgrading it :lol: That was totally NOT in my plans. Oh well :)

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omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg


Sooooo exciting! And such a good deal. Apparently I need to hit up garage sales more often!


Yeah take your time with the upgrade and get it all just right so you're happy. You're going to have so much more space!


Everyone is going to be on update overload this weekend between the two of us suddenly getting new tanks :lol:

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I know!!!!!!! This tank retails for around $300. It's an AIO again...ehhh...I can deal with that. Honestly....the whole new tank thing kinda makes me nauseous :lol:


I'm going to be very careful about NOT introducing the bryopsis in the new tank. Some corals will just NOT be able to make the move. I don't want to take any chances.


This will be interesting :happy:

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I can't believe no one else but me has noticed your update yet!


Don't stress about the upgrade, just take your time and enjoy it. I know you'll end up loving all the space you have for new stuff once you finish with the hassle of upgrading. I'm also sure you'll do an amazing job considering what the current one looks like in only just over a year and considering how quickly you set up that amazing looking 10 gallon :D


I can definitely see how the AIO's can be a pain sometimes, but they're also really nice in a lot of ways. They're so compact and sleek since you don't see most of the equipment which I like a lot. Whereas in my tank you see both power heads, the AC70 intake, the heater, and the skimmer return.


I'm going to be sad if you get rid of corals because of byopsis, but I understand not wanting to introduce it into the new tank. Do you know which corals may have to go? Hopefully not any of my favorites!

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OMG!!!! WOW.

The AquaEuros are beautiful - and you are going to be swimming in space for new corals!


Congrats on the find.


I'm struggling right now with whether or not to fold my pico into my nano so that I only have one tank to deal with for the summer and when I'm out of town - the thing that's giving me pause is that I had an outbreak of green bubble algae in the pico and I DON'T want to introduce that into the nano - and so the weeks are going by and I still haven't done anything about it.


The question is - if you have corals that you don't want to move - what are you going to do with them?

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