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Coral Vue Hydros

NC12: diary of an L.A. tank


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Oh...he's a pretty small goby then! I have no experience with them. Hopefully he won't be a difficult one to feed!!!!!




I experimented last week with only one water change. I totally can tell a difference. I'm going back to two a week. I may end up losing the xenia that way, but the tank will look better over-all. I can always move xenia to my macro tank.


Oh yeah, it is a teeny goby, inch in size. Biggest they get is two the most.


Hopefully the xenia does not give you issues. Mine keep moving, kind of a pain now.

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Happy face conspiracy!



:lol: How'd you do that???? We're a happy bunch :)


this may be why i can never keep xenia in my tank which is probably a good thing -> i was given heeps of it from time to time - never liked my tank though! Jeesh your tank is looking so good!

Thanks, trog :)


Probably why!!!!! Your water is too clean.


Oh yeah, it is a teeny goby, inch in size. Biggest they get is two the most.


Hopefully the xenia does not give you issues. Mine keep moving, kind of a pain now.

I'm gonna have to google an image of them. If the xenia does give me issues...I'll move it to the macro tank.

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:lol: How'd you do that???? We're a happy bunch :)


⌘ + shift + 4 on a mac for selectable screenshots.

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No mac here :lol: I need one though!

I'm sorry, I can no longer speak to you until you have a Mac. That is all. :happy:

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⌘ + shift + 4 on a mac for selectable screenshots.


Well I did not know that :P .... thank you.

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I'm sorry, I can no longer speak to you until you have a Mac. That is all. :happy:



When my husband was buying me my laptop he tried to get me a mac and I refused :slap:


I'm such a creature of habit and didnt want to learn something new. Live and learn. He has a mac so we do have one in the house. You can talk to me again ;)

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Happy face conspiracy!





When my husband was buying me my laptop he tried to get me a mac and I refused :slap:

:slap: I have converted many people to the magical ways of Apple. They are so expensive but last longer so it's worth it.

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Wow Miss Gena, so much going on! I so agree with everyone, frag tank is awsome!!!

Thanks, Mark!!!!! I've now resigned to just calling it my macro tank since that's mostly what it is :lol:


I have a whole thread dedicated just to it:


The Enchanted Forest: My 10g Macro tank





:slap: I have converted many people to the magical ways of Apple. They are so expensive but last longer so it's worth it.

Yes...I now know the error of my ways :lol: I'm gonna get my husband's hand-me-down Mac when he gets his new Mac laptop :)

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Yes...I now know the error of my ways :lol: I'm gonna get my husband's hand-me-down Mac when he gets his new Mac laptop :)


psh... i can understand iphones & ipods.. why you would buy a mac laptop/desktop is beyond me. You can play either way .. PC can run mac (hackintosh) or the boot loader for apple will run windows -> thus why waste the money on the mac?


I just built a new PC myself :)

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Wow -- that's really lovely. I like the look w/out the sand, too -- kind of industrial modern sea scape!




When my husband was buying me my laptop he tried to get me a mac and I refused :slap:

LOL! I am a PC-er as well -- if you're using Windows 7, you can use the snapshot tool to take screen pics -- much less time consuming than print screen and cropping ;).

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Amazing! I've been gone for too long. How many gallons is that tank? And how do you keep it so clean! Wow!


Also, what are those invisible baskets with suction cups called? I actually want to buy one for my QT :happy:

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I think the clear baskets are just soap dishes that are meant for suctioning in the shower? If I recall correctly.


And I hate the mac vs pc debate, it gets heated quickly :P My boyfriend is a long time user of macs, but built his own PC just for gaming. :wacko:


I switched to a Macbook pro when I first started university for a couple of reasons. One, much longer battery life. Two, it was lighter than my previous laptop. Three, almost no worry about viruses. I've read that viruses might be becoming more of a threat, but so far I've been fine.


Also, I must marvel at those pics again. WOW.

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Gena, your frag tank makes me really want to start one! My apartment is just so small that with more than one tank in here I kind of look like the crazy fish lady :lol:


I'll just have to admire yours :)

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psh... i can understand iphones & ipods.. why you would buy a mac laptop/desktop is beyond me. You can play either way .. PC can run mac (hackintosh) or the boot loader for apple will run windows -> thus why waste the money on the mac?


I just built a new PC myself :)

I dunno :unsure:


I think the whole no worrying about viruses thing is nice.


Wow -- that's really lovely. I like the look w/out the sand, too -- kind of industrial modern sea scape!



LOL! I am a PC-er as well -- if you're using Windows 7, you can use the snapshot tool to take screen pics -- much less time consuming than print screen and cropping ;).

Thanks, msscha!!!! I'll have to try the snapshot tool sometime.



How's things?


Amazing! I've been gone for too long. How many gallons is that tank? And how do you keep it so clean! Wow!


Also, what are those invisible baskets with suction cups called? I actually want to buy one for my QT :happy:

Thanks, Mike! It's about 10g. See the link in my signature to check out the thread for that tank. This is my favorite tank I've set up so far!!!!!!! I need to siphon the crud accumulating on the bottom, but otherwise it stays incredibly clean. I don't do anything...the plants do it all!


Those are soap baskets. I got them at Target.


I think the clear baskets are just soap dishes that are meant for suctioning in the shower? If I recall correctly.


And I hate the mac vs pc debate, it gets heated quickly :P My boyfriend is a long time user of macs, but built his own PC just for gaming.


I switched to a Macbook pro when I first started university for a couple of reasons. One, much longer battery life. Two, it was lighter than my previous laptop. Three, almost no worry about viruses. I've read that viruses might be becoming more of a threat, but so far I've been fine.


Also, I must marvel at those pics again. WOW.

Thanks, Paige!!!!!


As always girl just awesome!

Thanks, Randi!!!!!


Gena, your frag tank makes me really want to start one! My apartment is just so small that with more than one tank in here I kind of look like the crazy fish lady :lol:


I'll just have to admire yours :)

I like being known as the crazy fish lady :lol: Well, I'm sure that's what my friends think of me but have never said so to my face :lol:

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I like being known as the crazy fish lady :lol: Well, I'm sure that's what my friends think of me but have never said so to my face :lol:

:lol: Its definitely not a bad thing and I'm positive my friends already think it too. Its just when I had 2 tanks going in my apartment it just looked so cluttered/crowded. I just don't have the space for it to look decent with multiple tanks. When I had the 10 gallon running at the same time as my cichlid tank, the 10 gallon was on my desk. Not like how yours is on your desk; mine was literally occupying the entire workspace of the desk. It wasn't the most functional set-up ever. :lol:


I'm just getting myself a frag rack for now, and someday when I have a bigger place, I'll set up a separate frag tank. For the time being, I'm just living vicariously through yours :D

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HI, Gena. What is that lovely orange-ish red coral in the back of the tank? My tank desperately needs a dose of orange, though currently, I am pretty satisfied with what is in there :).

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I like being known as the crazy fish lady :lol: Well, I'm sure that's what my friends think of me but have never said so to my face :lol:


SO do I!


People are like WOW you really work hard on the tank, when I start explaining they get that dull glazed look and say WOW.


Fish lady is better then the crazy cat lady I guess! :P;) Either is fine though I would want to be like the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons throwing cats at everyone! :lol:

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HI, Gena. What is that lovely orange-ish red coral in the back of the tank? My tank desperately needs a dose of orange, though currently, I am pretty satisfied with what is in there :).

I think you are referring the the orange frilly sponge????? The corals I have in the macro tank are mushrooms, maxi mini anemones and gorgonians. I have one zoanthid polyp that is bright orange...oh, and the pink cabbage leather. I think that's it. It's mostly macros, and the two sponges. I don't count my kenya frags since they are only sitting on the frag rack until someone comes along and buys them. I just relisted them on CL today.


Hello darlin ... happy Thursday :happy:

Hey!!!!! Happy Thursday to you too. This week has gone by FAST!!!!! It's nice having things back to normal. The boy is back at school this week. His best friend was out all last week and STILL isn't back. I hope he's OK. They probably had the same thing. I ended up taking A to the Dr. on Thursday. He had a sinus infection, strep throat, and the fever. The antibiotics seem to have kicked it's butt.


SO do I!


People are like WOW you really work hard on the tank, when I start explaining they get that dull glazed look and say WOW.


Fish lady is better then the crazy cat lady I guess! :P;) Either is fine though I would want to be like the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons throwing cats at everyone! :lol:

I think crazy fish lady is way more acceptable than crazy cat lady :lol:

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I think crazy fish lady is way more acceptable than crazy cat lady :lol:



LMAO I know! At least the tank is not pooping everywhere! ;)

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