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NC12: diary of an L.A. tank


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Okie dokie .... I am picking P up from school @ 11. So we can time this out depending on which comes first. If I can grab that red shroom that jumped ship :P I bring that to you to toss in your frag tank. It may turn out that I run her over to Woodland Hills then directly over to you with a quick pit stop to pick up the goods :D


I think my cherry shrimp is molting or dying, it was difficult to tell :P I turned on the light and it seem extremely weak, then moved into the moss. I found it, but it is really difficult to see what it is doing exactly.

That red shroom would be perfect for my frag tank!!!!! No worries if you can't get it. I'll text you when the stuff arrives.


How's the tank temp in the shrimp tank? Maybe it's sluggish from colder water? I've been running my heater again. BTW....I found my elusive snail I put in the FW way back when. I was hunting for my SW nerites that keep escaping and found the FW nerite with a SW nerite :lol: I think it may have been sitting out a while. It hasn't moved since I put it back in the tank and the shrimp are all around it :(


Yer funny. No I don't have her direct line, not yet anyway, I just e-mailed her from her website. She did add some new coral pics to her site, but I'd like to see what she keeps on her top shelf in the back. :)

I figured you had it, being her favorite customer and all ;)

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I did plug in the heater this morning when I turned the lights on. I will do the usual and keep an eye on it and see.


I am going to get myself together and gather your goodies and isolate them in the meantime. I will be on standby for your text :P

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Gena, I just noticed TOTM! Congratulations! Totally deserved.


I loved the pictures of your father and his fish. it must have been great growing up with someone who loved this stuff.

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Gena, I just noticed TOTM! Congratulations! Totally deserved.


I loved the pictures of your father and his fish. it must have been great growing up with someone who loved this stuff.

Thanks, sub!!!!!!!


It was a blast growing up with a Dad that was into fish. So many weekends we took "field trips" to LFS's. Those are some of my best memories :) Not to mention the vacations to the Florida Keys to snorkel!!!!!




Today was a very busy day. I worked on my Macro/frag tank most of it. Everything decided to arrive today :lol:


I received my Live Aquaria order, my combined with Danielle's Sealifeinc order, and some macroalgae from live-plants.com

I really need to start a dedicated thread for the macro/frag tank!!!!!!


From Live Aquaria I received my 6 sexy shrimp and an Orange-lined cardinal fish.

From Sealifeinc I received 2 nano sponges, 2 gorgonians, 2 nano serpent stars

From Live-plants.com I received way more than they advertised :lol: I have C. Barbata, Padina sp., Spicifera, and a red sampler pack filled with several red macros.


Sexies acclimating








Sexies and maxis



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Thanks, Felicia!!!!


See those suction cup soap dishes?...that's all over-flow of macro. Plus the scroll algae there at the back right corner that I need to move out before it dies from too little light!!!!!!


I dont know how these macros are gonna do. I'm a macro newb so this is a huge experiment for me. That super bright orange macro I got last week from reef-cleaners paled out on me overnight. I ended up having to remove it. I guess we'll have to see what lives through the night and what doesn't. Hopefully all will be ok!!!!!

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Holy crap! I can't believe how quickly you created a second gorgeous tank! You amaze me!


... it is :D ... I even really liked the way it looked with the egg crate design also.


The sexies are so cute. Oh I can not find the babies you gave me, I am having a freak out because I can not see them in the moss anywhere. I am worried the tube filter got them :o

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That tank looks amazing!

Thank you :)


It's mostly the new macro I got today from live-plants.com. They sent WAY more than you could imagine.


... it is :D ... I even really liked the way it looked with the egg crate design also.

Yeah...me too. Things were so much less complicated when it was just egg-crate :lol:


Now I have a fish and sexy shrimp to feed. And plants to worry about.


I sure hope these macros do ok. I'm a little nervous.


Danielle...do you like any of these macros? If so, please come and get some!!!!!!


The sexies are so cute. Oh I can not find the babies you gave me, I am having a freak out because I can not see them in the moss anywhere. I am worried the tube filter got them :o

They did ok with my filter!!!!!! They are experts at hiding. I wouldn't worry yet.

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I do :happy: thank you, but let me first send the clipping I am growing (Danyello Miracle) for Sara which will be ready next month. Then this will open up a bit more space. Can I grab some next month please?


I found 1 :happydance: .. I couldn't help it but freak.

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Congrats on TOTM! I'm not a huge fan of macros, but you may have just converted me with that awesome frag/macro tank. Good job B)

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I do :happy: thank you, but let me first send the clipping I am growing (Danyello Miracle) for Sara which will be ready next month. Then this will open up a bit more space. Can I grab some next month please?


I found 1 :happydance: .. I couldn't help it but freak.

Of course. Hopefully I can keep the extra alive that long though!!!!! Well, hopefully I can keep it all alive :lol:


I'm glad you found one :happy:


Congrats on TOTM! I'm not a huge fan of macros, but you may have just converted me with that awesome frag/macro tank. Good job B)

Thanks, Matt!!!!! I kinda like macros more than coral :lol: Just a little more ;)

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Of course. Hopefully I can keep the extra alive that long though!!!!! Well, hopefully I can keep it all alive :lol:


Do you want to see if I can? If you want I can do small sample clippings and we can see what I can do?



Totm for the frag tank next.


You know what! That is a really cool idea, they (mods) should open up the specs for other tank categories. But, keeping it to certain types not to overwhelm and flood the concept.

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Also, congrats again. :)


Totm for the frag tank next.

Thanks, Joel!!!! Wouldn't that be something :lol:


Do you want to see if I can? If you want I can do small sample clippings and we can see what I can do?

Definitely come by tomorrow if you want to. Let me know before you do though, so I can make sure everything is still alive :lol:


Has your orange gorg opened yet? Mine has, but not fully. Still nothing on the yellow one.

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Holy crap! I can't believe how quickly you created a second gorgeous tank! You amaze me!




Amazing! There is a whole lot of booty shaking sluttyness in there! Just awesome! :D

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Definitely come by tomorrow if you want to. Let me know before you do though, so I can make sure everything is still alive :lol:


Has your orange gorg opened yet? Mine has, but not fully. Still nothing on the yellow one.


Yes the orange has completely opened. The purple is only about 30% and I decided to mount this one. Since it was angled it was perfect to place next to the green zoa on the left side.


I will text you tomorrow :P

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So far all macroalgae is good :) Just let me know if you want to come by for some!!!! It's waiting for you :happy:


I will probably kick myself later (more work), but I started a dedicated thread for this macro tank. Hopefully I'll be able to do justice to two threads :lol:

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Holy crap! I can't believe how quickly you created a second gorgeous tank! You amaze me!


It's awesome! Love the macros and sponges. I need to check out live-plants.com.


Totm for the frag tank next.

lol yup


Hey...the sluts reside in my tank...

There are many sluts in this world.

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So far all macroalgae is good :) Just let me know if you want to come by for some!!!! It's waiting for you :happy:


I will probably kick myself later (more work), but I started a dedicated thread for this macro tank. Hopefully I'll be able to do justice to two threads :lol:


Will do, the hermits did graze on the weird lettuce like macro you gave me :) My pod population drop dramatically in the last week :blink: So I am hoping the cheato you gave me fixes that soon naturally. I do not want to buy the insta-pods :P


L finally saw the crab. He really likes it, because of the orange on it. It glowed under the light :lol:

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