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Steely185's rimless 75 edge


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Hey nice job getting the house! Tank is looking great, I'm really digging the wrasse. Just got one myself, not sure on the ID though.

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Well looks like that was quick. We filled everything out after everything was agreed on and were notified it was sold to us. No other offers were going to be entertained as it was told to us.


Unfortunately it seems nobody is good on their word or very ethical. They allowed a second offer in after the fact. Got notified today that their offer was accepted. Total bummer after leaving our vacation (that we paid to go on) after one day. We may stop looking now after searching for six months and striking out on four houses by no means of our own. Looks like renting for another year now.

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Well looks like that was quick. We filled everything out after everything was agreed on and were notified it was sold to us. No other offers were going to be entertained as it was told to us.


Unfortunately it seems nobody is good on their word or very ethical. They allowed a second offer in after the fact. Got notified today that their offer was accepted. Total bummer after leaving our vacation (that we paid to go on) after one day. We may stop looking now after searching for six months and striking out on four houses by no means of our own. Looks like renting for another year now.


Wow that suck we went through same thing and were forced to rent another year as well-but at least we can have time to look at houses-Great tank though!!!!

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Well looks like that was quick. We filled everything out after everything was agreed on and were notified it was sold to us. No other offers were going to be entertained as it was told to us.


Unfortunately it seems nobody is good on their word or very ethical. They allowed a second offer in after the fact. Got notified today that their offer was accepted. Total bummer after leaving our vacation (that we paid to go on) after one day. We may stop looking now after searching for six months and striking out on four houses by no means of our own. Looks like renting for another year now.

That is low...

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No problems with the earthquake or hurricane this week. Power flickered twice while everyone I know lost there's an everyone within two stoplights lost power.


I've been thinking about it for a while and I think I'm going to sell my collection of Acan lords (12 of them). I can't seem to find good room for them now.

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I put in an order today on a m/f pair of flame wrasse. Got a really good deal and don't have to pay shipping. Definitely will add some more color and activity. Should have them this weekend if they got the order in on time. If not it will be next weekend.

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Thank you. I need to get in there and do some long over due work.


If blue zoo gets there site updated I plan on ordering some leopard wrasses (potters, blue spot, and possibly a black leopard or ornate). Still waiting on the read headed wrasse and flame wrasse pair. Every time I'm ready to order the vendor has some sort of issue or I've just waited too long.

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Thanks. I really appreciate that.


I want to do some aquascaping some kind of bad before I'm really happy with it but I'm also my own worst critic. It's all kind of patchwork to me until I get the rock cemented together the way I want it.


I still have a calcium reactor to hook up at some point and need to get my biopellets running again.

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The housing situation is pretty much sputtering at this point until the market heats up in the spring. So, I might finally get around to working on the tank. I have a few fish to add this weekend (potters wrasse and female flame wrasse). I still have a few more that I want to add when they become available. I may finally get around to hooking up my calcium reactor and setting my biopellet reactor back up again. If I get some time I will do some work on redoing the rockwork( same general two island structure but more minimalist and open). I picked up some epoxy so I can finally mount some of these corals. I really haven't done much with the tank since it's been set up but I'm getting some great growth. It's time to put this tank on steroids and kick the growth in to overdrive.

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Looking good man. Mine will be picture quality by sunday. Sold a few corals to open up my scape. You sure was right the glass scratches VERY easily. I have 4 nice big scratches in the front of mine. I switched from metal to plastic blade in a hurry. I to have a 2 island scape. Gonna fill the sandbed with wellso corals.

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Well my fish order will not arrive by the weekend due to tropical storms messing with shipping. It's worth the wait for the price I pay and not having to ship. It looks to be delayed until next weekend. Hopefully the delay will allow me to add a male flame to the order. They ran out but for $100 on a male flame I can't complain.

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The delay in shipping has allowed me to add to my order. If all goes well I will have a male/female flame wrasse pair, potters leopard wrasse, and a female blue star leopard wrasse this weekend. I've got my fingers crossed since this has been weeks in the making but the savings on the flames and not having to pay shipping will make it worth it.


* Looks like the male flame and female bipartitus will not be in until next week so I will pick them all up around the 1st.

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I'm considering a copperband butterfly. I know they can be difficult to keep. The local vendor is selling copperband buttefly fish that she qt's long enough to make sure they eat frozen. I could use the aptasia control and may risk it if it will eat frozen as well.

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So the flames suddenly aren't available now. So here is what will be coming instead. These aren't the actual fish but pics for those not familiar with them.


Red Headed Wrasse



Potter's Leopard Wrasse



Female Blue Star Leopard Wrasse


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