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Cultivated Reef

the sun sets today on kgoldy's all natural 90


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Yea, I know all about it.. My last dog was a fighter rescue. Sweetest dog I ever had.. her head was huge and she looked like she was on steroids. From what I was told at the time she was pulled from a fight ring in Camden, nj extremely over bread and timid. I had to do special classes on how to break her of the fear. She lived 10 more years with me and passed in 2010. I took that dog everywhere with me.. At the time I lived in a little studio apartment that literally was right on the beach and would take her and my cat out with me while I went surfing. My cat (one of many but the only one at that time) was so bonded with that dog.. They slept together ate together, she cleaned the dog, the dog slobbered all over her.. Still have the cat.. She's still my shadow following me everywhere.. She's getting old, but I hope we have a few more years with her..


ahh the good ol days.


I am glad we moved when I met my wife though.. The place I used to rent there was washed out to sea in Sandy.

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oh well.. looked into it more.. can't do breed dna testing for cats.. because they are aliens.. lol Actually there isn't enough info yet.


I'd love to test my brothers dog.. he annoys the crap out of me.. spent 1200 on a puppy mill mixed breed with a heart murmur and refuses to get it fixed because he thinks he's going to breed him.. grrr.. It's a half beagle half bulldog.. I hate this new designer breed dog crap.. Sorry if it offends anyone but I just think it's a crock of shit that enables backyard breeders and puppy mills to make ridiculous profits without any care about the animals health.


I'm huge into animal rescue and it just drove me nuts that he went and did that knowing that me and my sister have ties to so many rescues that need homes for all sorts of dogs. We don't have any dogs at the moment, but once we move into the new house with a yard we will be getting a retired racing grayhound from a a local rescue. I fell in love with the breed when we where in a pet shop getting turtle food and the rescue was there.. since then I have been volunteering with them doing meet and greets, and helping with home visits and such..


My favorite saying, Owners come into the clinic saying I have a pure bred Cocka Poo, or Labradoodle, or Puggle. I have to bite my tongue, they spend all their $$$ on the "Breed" and then have nothing to care for it and expect people to just give them the treatments. I love that you help out, kudos to you!


I totally understand, dude. I think dogs and cats should all be be registered, and breeding should be tightly controlled through the use of massive fines. It drives me nuts that so many animals are constantly being bred with no good homes to go to.


I adopted my two pups from Georgia, where they most certainly would have died as fighting dogs if I didn't take them home. Down in the Dirty South, Michael Vick was a ####ing hero when he got in trouble for murdering dogs.


I hate the M#$%^$ @#^^*$, I have no idea why Nike is endorsing him again or why he is allowed to play football again. He is a role model for all our young people and who said it was okay for them to kill and fight dogs? I will never buy nike again and I will have to say I find it hilarious at things people get banned from sports for, and this guy gets a year off and now he has another dog just FYI.


New pup is beautiful!

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I can't say for sure.. I do NOT like that he was involved in dog fighting.. But, I do commend him for his efforts with ASPCA.. He was at first required to do it, but he has since stuck with it, and continues to do work with them.. I do not agree with what he did, but on the other hand I do believe in redemption. If we never forgave people for things they did wrong, it would be a lonely world.

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Custom LASIK update-


Friday, January 18th 2013:


4pm- Checked in, sign paperwork that says doctor can accidentally laser my eyeballs out of my head and not be liable


4:30pm- Sign payment paperwork


4:45pm- Doc recommends a valium, I say "nah, I'm good" he says "no, you're going to take it". I take it, starting to think this will be more painful than advertised.


5pm- Observe other patient getting the procedure through glass wall and via video feed that shows just the eye and tools that go on it. Clear plastic suction thing goes directly on the patient's eyeball. This is getting disturbing. At some point they snap on an eyelid holder like they used in Clockwork Orange. Laser cuts 95% of a circle around the iris, then they use a little hook to fold over the corneal flap. Next they center the laser over the eye using something that looks like a laser targeting image from an eotech rifle site, and with about 50 seconds of click-clicking of the 193nm laser, the burn the patient's cornea into a new shape.


~5:10pm- Get called in to have my eyelids washed with iodine, and receive first round of numbing eyedrops. They sting a little bit. Provided slippers that go over my shoes, a hairnet with gauze tucked in to catch the tears once I'm laying on my back. Other patient walks out of the laser room smiling. Her valium has clearly kicked in.


~5:15pm- I go into the laser room and lay back. Valium seems to be kicking in because I'm feeling a little awkward. Lay back, more numbing eyedrops are put in, which I don't feel at all. Eyeball suction thing goes on my right eye, feels weird as hell. More drops go in the right eye. Vision fades, not even fades-to-black, it's like I never had a right eye. I wonder if this is what being blind "looks" like. Vision sort of comes back. Corneal flap is cut and flipped over, vision blurs, distorts and I can tell there's a hook on my exposed cornea. Glad those numbing eyedrops worked, because after watching this happen to the other patient, this part was really freaky. Machinery turns over my face, hitting me in the nose. Ouch. I'm told to look at an orange blinking light. Blue looking laser burns my cornea for just a few seconds, much shorter than patient before me. I can smell burning flesh. Machinery is rotated away from my face, and doctor flips corneal flap back where it came from. He then uses a small sponge on the end of a tool to make sure all bubbles are out and that corneal flap is back where it belongs. I ask "is there some sort of glue that holds the flap on there?" He tells me "no, it just heals back in position right away on it's own."

Next eye is done in the same way. This time the orange light is hard to focus on. This makes me a little worried. They keep telling me to look at the orange light... I can't focus on it, keep losing it. Hoping my left eyeball isn't ####ed up at this point.


They tape clear shields over my eyes and put dark tinted sunglasses over them.


~5:45- Go into a dark room to recover for a bit. First drops are put in- anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial. Eyes feel fine. Looking at ceiling while drops are going in, I notice my mid-range vision is significantly improved. I see tiny details in the ceiling tiles that I know I couldn't see before without glasses on.


6pm- Get in the car to be driven home. Pain kicks in all at once. Eyeballs feel like they have glass in them (speaking from experience).


6:30pm- Get home and take three advil and a lunesta (or some sleep medicine). Get home and drink chicken soup because I don't want to have to open my eyes at all to eat. Stumble around the house and make it to my bedroom. Open my eyes just enough to put Netflix on my phone, go to Carl Sagan's Cosmos series, hit play, then lay there writhing in pain for a little while. Sleep medicine either worked right away, or caused me to forget how long it took to fall asleep. Pain is pretty intense, from what I can remember.


11:15pm- Wake up realizing I'm still dressed. Look at my phone to check time. Feel rested, eyes uncomfortable, but pain is pretty much gone. Lay in bed drifting between sleep on and off for remainder of night.


Today, January 18th 2013


7:30am- Wake up and open my eyes just enough to realize the sun is out. Go to the bathroom and take off the eye shields that had been taped on after the procedure. Vision is slightly fuzzy, it takes a while for my eyes to focus. Then I look out the window... Holy shit, I can see the tiny branches on trees a block away!


Spend the next hour trying to focus on objects at different distances, and the amount of time it takes to focus starts to get back to normal. Take first round of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial drops, they sting a little.


9pm- Go for followup appointment at eye doc, and 20/20 vision is confirmed. Woohoo! After using some preservative-free eyedrops, my eyes feel completely normal.



They say to expect my vision to improve as my eyes heal over the next four-six weeks. Saaweeet! :happydance:

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4:30pm- Eyeballs fall out


Haha just kidding! Congrats. I wish I could get LASIK, but my only option is Intraocular implants... Very happy with your success though!

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Check out what the suction cup things did to my eyeballs.






I cropped out the fingers stretching my eyelids open...


Oh, and here are some puppies.



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School started?



Yes, and it's keeping me busy as hell. I'm thinking during spring break it'll be fire sale time. Eff shipping. Whatever doesn't get picked up goes on my front lawn for the vultures.

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Yes, and it's keeping me busy as hell. I'm thinking during spring break it'll be fire sale time. Eff shipping. Whatever doesn't get picked up goes on my front lawn for the vultures.

If I post pictures of hot chicks will you change your mind?

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I totally understand, dude. I think dogs and cats should all be be registered, and breeding should be tightly controlled through the use of massive fines. It drives me nuts that so many animals are constantly being bred with no good homes to go to.


I adopted my two pups from Georgia, where they most certainly would have died as fighting dogs if I didn't take them home. Down in the Dirty South, Michael Vick was a ####ing hero when he got in trouble for murdering dogs.

I would love it if this was possible. I hate it when people buy from backyard breeders or puppy mill dogs. IMO, rescue or search for a good, quality breeder who regularly health tests their animals and doesn't breed less than perfect quality animals. I get that some people want to go through that puppy stage, or perhaps they really adore a certain breed (for me, I love bulldogs English or French and pit bull types). Buying from a backyard breeder for those kinds of dogs could mean serious health issues.


Also, when I quote your post the f word is totally uncensored. Let's see if it stays that way when I post.

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Yes, and it's keeping me busy as hell. I'm thinking during spring break it'll be fire sale time. Eff shipping. Whatever doesn't get picked up goes on my front lawn for the vultures.


Step 1: frag the colonies

Step 2: post pictures, the ones I took, and the ones from page 58 or whatever.

Step 3: open house sale, first come first served


If anything is left, have the fire sale.


Use post it notes, the skinny bookmark size one to post prices of the colonies that are not fragged.

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If I post pictures of hot chicks will you change your mind?


Pictures? You better have some impressive damn taste or something...


Step 1: frag the colonies Step 2: post pictures, the ones I took, and the ones from page 58 or whatever. Step 3: open house sale, first come first served If anything is left, have the fire sale. Use post it notes, the skinny bookmark size one to post prices of the colonies that are not fragged.


Everyone come to my house with bags of your own saltwater.

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Hey bitts,


Do you agree with the no-hermits approach in CUC, because they limit the fauna in the sand bed? I think I read on Chuck's Addiction that the author disagrees with the use of ANY crabs (to include emeralds and the rest).


The only crabs I've ever found that I really like so far are porcelain crabs... So unless there's a bubble algae outbreak, I don't think I'll include emeralds in this setup. The one emerald in my 29 hasn't done much but stop the expansion of bubble algae in the last few months since I got him... I'd get another to see if that eradicates the bubble algae, but don't want to risk the chance of having two terror crabs in my tank.


Too unpredictable on top of it IMO ... even the Emeralds can turn on your at times ... but that is just my opinion here

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Well... That was a far more exhaustive presentation than I was expecting... Impressive indeed. But you lose points for making me click into the troll den.


My school has two random weeks off (President's "week" and something else) instead of the standard two-week Spring Break. Let's hope the weather is favorable then.

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Step 1: frag the colonies Step 2: post pictures, the ones I took, and the ones from page 58 or whatever. Step 3: open house sale, first come first served If anything is left, have the fire sale. Use post it notes, the skinny bookmark size one to post prices of the colonies that are not fragged.


Can I get Kat to ship me 1 of each zoa from your tank? ;) ... Please Kat? fingerscrossed


It will be missed but good luck with school. What about your fuge?

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Can I get Kat to ship me 1 of each zoa from your tank? ;) ... Please Kat? fingerscrossed


It will be missed but good luck with school. What about your fuge?


...Just added macros to the FS thread. I actually had to throw a bunch out this morning since it was bringing the water level to about 1/16" away from pouring out of my HOB...


Tell Kat to get back over here and start choppin if anyone wants anything shipped. Better do it in a hurry too, I've got 40+ PMs already from Manhattan Reefs since I made the post an hour ago.

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Hey kris. Once you get all the sps sold let me know about a price for your euphylias per head. Im definitely interested in them and can check out what else is in there when I pick up from you. Sad to see you go. Visit in here once in a while.

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Hey kris. Once you get all the sps sold let me know about a price for your euphylias per head. Im definitely interested in them and can check out what else is in there when I pick up from you. Sad to see you go. Visit in here once in a while.



Euphy's just got 3 interested buyers looking to get the whole lot. MR people tend to flake pretty often, so I'll let you know if there's anything left. Right now I'm sending out feelers for $300 to take all euphy's.


All livestock is for sale... If you want anything before it gets picked apart, lemme know, Pat and I'll hold it.

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