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Schreiba's ADA 60-F


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Looks great! Question: What high setting and what mode do you have your MP10 on? I have a 24x24 and when I turned it past five LEDs it seemed too strong.


Thanks! I have it on lagoon mode on ranging from the 4th to the 6th LED. I also have some relatively big rocks in my tank so if they were shorter I'm sure I would run it on the 3rd/4th LED. If you look at my early FTS you can see how the MP10 used to blow the sand around but now it doesn't much at all.

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Yes it'll be fine. I'm mad it didn't come today, as advertised. Eh, life is life.


Tomorrow then fingerscrossed


Yeah there's not much we could have done. I asked about express shipping when I was sending it out and that would have been $35 so -_-

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Exactly. Don't worry. What comes in, comes in. It's my fault for being a cheap-skate :D

Alright, hopefully it'll all work out!!

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So clean! I love it. Great work. I can tell you are very dedicated to your tank.

Thanks I really appreciate it!! I'll definitely be following your new tank, it looks great so far and extremely well planned.



I cleaned the MAME this morning too so I'll be taking some new shots this afternoon :happy:

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New January FTS:




The most noticeable change is the missing clam :( You can also see where the tissue on the orange monti has receded but it seems to have stopped recently. On the bright side I'm getting better at using aperture on my mac air...

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always so clean!

I like the new FTS

those GSP dont open any more huh? ( lol I was very close to writing eh? at the end of that but held back the Canadian)

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Love the FTS, I do miss that clam though...it's like there's a void that needs to be filled. What do you plan on putting in its place? Also, how much did you buy your MAME Overflow for?

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Looking great as always!! Not to keep bringing it up, but sorry about the clam.


I don't think we can ever get enough pics of this tank!

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Thanks!! I cleaned it really thoroughly this week. Almost like brand new ;)

I hear that... Ive started a new routine that before every WC on mondays, i do a nice scrub down of the glass, then a good scrape all around... even brush the silicone'd corners, and toothbrush the sand/glass area. noticed its much easier week by week than leaving in for every other 3 months lol

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always so clean!

I like the new FTS

those GSP dont open any more huh? ( lol I was very close to writing eh? at the end of that but held back the Canadian)

Thanks marcelo! And yeah for some reason a small patch of the GSP receded and died right in the middle of the rock. I think it might be because the MP10 was blasting it right at that one spot. All the polyps that are left just seem to be much smaller than they were when the rock was one big piece. It seems healthy now its just the polyps are smaller so it doesn't show up as vividly in the FTS.

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Corals came in! Everything look pissed, but certainly alive. The hammer was OK :unsure: I took the remaining intact piece (.5" by .5") and glued it to a plug. fingerscrossed



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Love the FTS, I do miss that clam though...it's like there's a void that needs to be filled. What do you plan on putting in its place? Also, how much did you buy your MAME Overflow for?

Thanks rbaby! And yeah I know the feeling -_- I'm still trying to decide though, for now I moved the pink stylo over where it was and took one of the SPS that was in my frag rack and mounted it on a piece of live rock rubble and have it in the corner as well. I'm debating getting rid of the GSP rock and finding a good size piece of LR that is pretty flat and putting most of my acans on it. But if you have any ideas let me know!


Looking great as always!! Not to keep bringing it up, but sorry about the clam.


I don't think we can ever get enough pics of this tank!

Thanks spirofucci! And it's alright I appreciate all the kind words from everyone on here. I might try and take some more pictures of corals tonight too ;)

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I hear that... Ive started a new routine that before every WC on mondays, i do a nice scrub down of the glass, then a good scrape all around... even brush the silicone'd corners, and toothbrush the sand/glass area. noticed its much easier week by week than leaving in for every other 3 months lol

Yeah that's a really good idea otherwise it does get pretty bad especially the glass near the sandbed. And the corners are very important especially in an ADA/rimless style tank! :P


Corals came in! Everything look pissed, but certainly alive. The hammer was OK :unsure: I took the remaining intact piece (.5" by .5") and glued it to a plug. fingerscrossed



That's great to hear!! I really hope they pull through and that would pretty much be the definition of hardy corals haha. Keep me updated on how they're doing!

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