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Cultivated Reef

MedRed's 60 Gal Solana XL: The End of an Era


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Thank you metrokat! If my stand wasn't as tall (which I prefer that it's so tall) I could glue frags with even better skill, I am not afraid to glue and reglue frags until I like the way they look... or move them to new locations if think it might look better somewhere else.


I'm also happy to report the coralline growth is going very well. Nearly two years after I started the tank and I finally have a shot and purple rocks!

Have you tried the purple epoxy putty? It's a great color on the reef, hard to work with because it gets hot and hardens very quickly but blends in.

I too glue and re position corals sometimes. Mostly because the light and flow requirements are not working out. Unfortunately at the moment I have a favia that needs to be moved but I was overzealous with the epoxy and the thing will not come off. I've tried twisting, pulling and the rockwork (Which is cemented down BTW) actually moved, the frag however stayed attached. So I'm miserably watching the coral decline. :( Can't pry the coral off as the super glue that the LFS used is pretty tough and broke the edge of the coral. :(


I have about 3-4 kinds of coralline, I would be happy to send you a 'frag' of my deep purple one if you like?

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Thanks! I thought Stevie had some sort of new stealth overflow, lol.


I hear you on the lights. I love my radion for all the right reasons, pluch & play, shimmer, low heat, low energy useage, no bulb replacement, but..............there is a little something missing.


I hear you. If adding 4 T5 bulbs would have been easy, I would have kept my LED's.



What bulb combo are you running ? I really like the way it looks.


Thanks jam77. I'm running 1x250w 14,000K Phoenix HQI w/ 3 Blue+ and 1 Purple+ ATI T5


Have you tried the purple epoxy putty? It's a great color on the reef, hard to work with because it gets hot and hardens very quickly but blends in.

I too glue and re position corals sometimes. Mostly because the light and flow requirements are not working out. Unfortunately at the moment I have a favia that needs to be moved but I was overzealous with the epoxy and the thing will not come off. I've tried twisting, pulling and the rockwork (Which is cemented down BTW) actually moved, the frag however stayed attached. So I'm miserably watching the coral decline. :( Can't pry the coral off as the super glue that the LFS used is pretty tough and broke the edge of the coral. :(


I have about 3-4 kinds of coralline, I would be happy to send you a 'frag' of my deep purple one if you like?


That is the worst! I've had to use tools in the tank to pry off corals. It's scary work as I'm always afraid of knocking of other corals or breaking the scape. I'll look into the purple stuff. My LFS uses it. Thanks for the coralline offer. I think I have a nice variety, it was just being eaten by asterinas and then urchins. I'm excited to see what pops up!

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Deleted User 3
Current FTS: 05.12.2012





  • Equipment:
    Tank: Current Solana XL 60
    Lighting Fixture: Giesemann Infiniti
    Lighting Bulbs: 1x250w 14,000K Phoenix HQI w/ ATI T5 (3xBlue+ and 1xPurple+)
    Lighting Hardware: Geisemann hanging kit
    Lighting: Aqua Illumination Sol Blue LED x 2 w/ all 70º optics
    Lighting: EcoTech Radion XR30w x 2
    Lighting Hardware: AI 24" Hanging Kit and Current USA Hanging Arm Kit
    Lighting Hardware: AI 24" Hanging Kit now hung from the ceiling
    Sump: Advance Acrylics Custom Sump 24" x 11" x 16"
    Powerheads: Vortech MP10w ES x 2
    Return Pump: Eheim 1262 w/ Two Little Fishies Ball Valve
    Bioreactor: NextReef SMR1 w/ 250ml Warner Marine ecoBak & Mag-Drive 3 pump
    Dosing: Bubble Magus BM-T01 Dosing Pump w/ 3 x Bubble Magus 1.5l reservoirs
    Skimmer: SWC Cone 160
    ATO: Tunze Osmolator
    Salt: Seachem aquavitro Salinity
    Heaters: 2 x 150w Ebo Jagers
    Rock: X lbs of reefcleaners.org Florida Reef Rock
    Substrate: 20-25 lbs Caribsea Aragamax Select Dry Aragonite #00025
    Quarantine Tank:
    5 Gallon Marineland Eclipse tank w/ Biowheel (bare bottom)
    50 watt Marineland Stealth Heater
    Tetra Whisper Air Pump
    Rena Micro Bubbler Airstone
    Artificial Caves x 2
    (No live rock, no dead rock, no substrate)
    Supporting Equipment:

RO/DI: airwaterice.com Reefkeeper Typhoon III 100 GPD w/ HM Digital DM-1 Inline TDS Meter

Hanna Instruments 96822 Digital Refactometer
Brute 32 Gallon Trash Cans x 2 (for mixing salt)
Petco Powerhead SKU: 1191306 x 2(for mixing salt)
Marineland Stealth 100 watt heater x 2 (for mixing salt)
Tetra Whisper Air Pump x 2 (for mixing salt) retired this method
API Reef Master & Saltwater Master Test Kits
Hanna Instruments HI 758 Checker HC Handheld Colorimeter Calcium
Hanna Instruments HI 755 Checker HC Handheld Colorimeter - Alkalinity
Aquamend epoxy
JB WaterWeld epoxy

StevieT sourced inTank custom smooth acrylic overflow
Black Magic Insta-Cling 5% Static cling window tint for back glass


Candy Basslet Pair (Liopropoma carmabi)

Gladiator Picasso Pair (Amphiprion percula)

Helfrichi Firefish Pair (Nemateleotris helfrichi)

Neon Goby Pair (Elacatinus oceanops)

Blue Spot Jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti)

Tiger Blenny (Ecsenius tigris) Redo

Tiger Blenny (Ecsenius tigris)
Went MIA the first night

Tanaka's Pygmy Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella tanakai)

Tail Spot Blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura)
Sold, to make way for the Tiger Blenny

Red Spot Cardinalfish x 5 (Apogon parvulus)
Sold, didn't fit with scape




1 x Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius)

1 x Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)

3 x Emerald Crab (Mithraculus sculptus) Bubble algae management... not permanent

4 x Pom Pom Crabs (Lybia tesselata)

4 x Porcelain Crabs (Petrolisthes sp.)

2 x Anemone Porcelain Crabs (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai)

2 x White Spot Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis)



Clean Up Crew

1 x Blue Tuxedo Urchin

2 x Red Tuxedo Urchin

2 x Fighting Conch Snails

3 x Caribbean Nerite Snails

5 x Mexican Cerith Snails

5 x Caribbean Cerith Snails

5 x Nassarius Snails

5 x Banded Trochus Snails

5 x Tongan Nassarius Snails

5 x Astraea Snails

10 x Spiny Star Astraea Snails

10 x Mini Cerith Snails






Ricordea Florida

Ricordea Yuma




Elegance Coral

Torch Corals






Sun Corals






Giesemann Lighting:

Time: 7:00 am | On: Rear T5 2x Blue+|Off: Center Phoenix Halide| Off: Front T5 1x Blue+/1x Purple+

Time: 9:00 am | On: Rear T5 2x Blue+|Off: Center Phoenix Halide| On: Front T5 1x Blue+/1x Purple+
Time: 10:00 am | On: Rear T5 2x Blue+|On: Center Phoenix Halide| On: Front T5 1x Blue+/1x Purple+
Time: 18:00 pm | On: Rear T5 2x Blue+|Off: Center Phoenix Halide| On: Front T5 1x Blue+/1x Purple+
Time: 19:00 pm | On: Rear T5 2x Blue+|Off: Center Phoenix Halide| Off: Front T5 1x Blue+/1x Purple+
Time: 22:00 pm | Off: Rear T5 2x Blue+|Off: Center Phoenix Halide| Off: Front T5 1x Blue+/1x Purple+


AI Lighting:
Time: 06:00 am | W:01% BL:05% RY:05% | Ramp Duration: 30 mins | Lunary Cycle: Off
Time: 07:00 am | W:10% BL:20% RY:20% | Ramp Duration: 59 mins | Lunary Cycle: Off
Time: 09:00 am | W:20% BL:30% RY:30% | Ramp Duration: 59 mins | Lunary Cycle: Off
Time: 11:00 am | W:30% BL:40% RY:40% | Ramp Duration: 59 mins | Lunary Cycle: Off
Time: 13:00 pm | W:20% BL:30% RY:30% | Ramp Duration: 59 mins | Lunary Cycle: Off
Time: 16:00 pm | W:10% BL:20% RY:20% | Ramp Duration: 59 mins | Lunary Cycle: Off
Time: 19:00 pm | W:01% BL:10% RY:10% | Ramp Duration: 30 mins | Lunary Cycle: Off
Time: 22:00 pm | W:00% BL:04% RY:04% | Ramp Duration: 30 mins | Lunary Cycle: On
Radion Lighting:
Natural Cycle
Water changes:
5 gallon water changes once weekly (sometimes throw an extra change a week for giggles).
Filter sock changed once a week of if clogged. Filter socks are turned inside out, washed in the washing machine with bleach, sent through an extra rinse cycle with Seachem Prime, turned right side in, and then allowed to dry before the next use.
Instant Ocean Marine Omnivore Pellets (Fish) *Staple
Instant Ocean Marine Herbivore Pellets (Fish)
Hikari Tropical Micro Pellets (When clownfish were small)
PE Frozen Mysis (Fish & Coral)
H20 Life Frozen Mini Marine Mysis (Fish & Coral)
H20 Live Frozen Cyclops (Coral)
Reef Nutrition Oyster Feast Liquid (Coral)
Reef Nutrition Phyto Feast Liquid (Coral)


FTS Archive:

10.16.2010 (no water)


















































_______________________________________Original Message______________________________________________



Upon anticipating a move... I broke down my 34 gallon Solana.. I've been tank-less for a little while. Well the itch is back... and I need to scratch it. I've graduated from AIO to a "real" sump! My tank is still on order, and I still have a lot to plan.


2 important things will be covering the overflow in something that can be scraped. My biggest gripe on my 34 gallon solana was the textured back wall. I want no coralline on the glass or overflow. I also need to bring it on this scape. I got a little lazy last time around and ended up with a good scape... This time I want a great scape!


I have a few decisions to make.

1) Do I want to go with 1 MP40, 1 MP40 + 1 MP10, or 2 MP10's. I'm pretty sure an MP40 would be enough flow, but I'd like to do something to randomize the flow more. What do you guys think?


2) Controller/Auto Dosing? I'm debating if I want to add a controller and possibly dosing. I don't know the first thing about auto dosing... so I'm not sure If I'll go this route. The Profilux and Reefkeeper add additional functionality to the Aqua Illumination set. Do I really need thunderstorms? No.. but I want them!


3) Should I upgrade the sump pump? The standard pump is a Quiet One 4000.


4) Livestock plans: I'd like to have a nice pair of Picassos, a pair of Helfrichi firefish, a Tail Spot Blenny, and... I want to have a singular showcase fish. I would do another Blue Spot Jawfish in a heartbeat, but I'm not sure how much sand I'm going to have in this tank. I would like my tank to be as peaceful as my last tank.


Wow your scape looks AMAZING

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Deleted User 3
lol. Thank you Tulipgirl. Welcome to Nano Reef!


Thaaaanks. Welcome. I have the reefing itch... i'm antsy now.. I want a new bigger tank.. i want to win a small lottery to fund it.. hahha

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Thaaaanks. Welcome. I have the reefing itch... i'm antsy now.. I want a new bigger tank.. i want to win a small lottery to fund it.. hahha


Ha ha...Even a small tank can scratch the itch. You just have to make it special.

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Aww... shucks... Cheers to a fellow Texan!


We traded states, I moved from LA about 8 years ago.

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I can't see your pics. Did you move them or something? :(

hmm... I have not. I just tried from a different computer and they seem to be showing up.


WOW. Love the colors, scape and corals placement. Actually everything. :lol:

Thanks parishilton, but you're supposed to say... "That's hot." lol

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Just simply beautiful, Red. Omg ... I love the way you have your placement with all the coral.



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I had to look up Harlingen, Texas. You're basically in Mexico? I'm an Austin or Dallas kind of Texan


Yep, almost Mexico. But no border probs here. Great weather, great people, South Padre Island and the Laguna Madre about 40 minutes away. I live in a 3400 sq ft house on a1/4 acre on the golf course with a huge resaca in my backyard and I paid about as much as a two bed condo in Watts, lol

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That's one reason I'd like to get back to Texas. I can live like a king!


Just simply beautiful, Red. Omg ... I love the way you have your placement with all the coral.




Thank you surgicalsense!

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wow! Fantastic tank..



so fantastic, I added you as one of my inspiration on my new tank thread ahahah


Thank you MasterMind9 and IIX!

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