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MedRed's 60 Gal Solana XL: The End of an Era


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He is great! he wants to eat everything! I dropped in a broken piece of algae wafer... and he tried to eat the whole dang thing. Those algae wafers are hard. He kept trying to get it down but couldn't. What a glutton.

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ok... I've been feeding him like 4-5x a day... lol He is just so dang interested in food. Now it's time to see how this beast of a skimmer and the bioreactor handle the glutton. dun, dun dun!!!!!!!


I need to run a full spectrum of tests to see what's the hold up on my coralline growth.

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I need to run a full spectrum of tests to see what's the hold up on my coralline growth.




Hey med i can tell you that when i had my AI leds i had a hard time growing coralline as well. Im pretty sure it has to do with the intensity of the leds. You may have to dial them back a bit to encourage corraline growth.

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how low are you running them?

This was my old light schedule


Time: 6:00 | B: 05% W: 01% | Ramp Duration: 30 mins

Time: 7:00 | B: 30% W: 30% | Ramp Duration: 30 mins

Time: 9:00 | B: 30% W: 40% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 11:00 | B: 50% W: 50% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 13:00 | B: 40% W: 30% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 16:00 | B: 30% W: 30% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 19:00 | B:10% W: 00% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 21:00 | B:5% W: 00% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins (lunar cycle enabled)


I changed it to this...


Time: 6:00 | B: 05% W: 01% | Ramp Duration: 30 mins

Time: 7:00 | B: 10% W: 10% | Ramp Duration: 30 mins

Time: 9:00 | B: 10% W: 20% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 11:00 | B: 30% W: 30% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 13:00 | B: 20% W: 10% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 16:00 | B: 10% W: 10% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 19:00 | B:10% W: 00% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins

Time: 21:00 | B:5% W: 00% | Ramp Duration: 60 mins (lunar cycle enabled)


The paly's that were on my seed rock bleached and would only open part way during the low light hours, but would close up during the day. They are now opening with the skirts curled up instead of down. I noticed that more torch, zoas, and rics bleached. I'm going to try these settings and slowly bump up a % or 2 a month to get back to 50% midday burst. These LEDs are powerful. I need to get a freaking par meter!


wow I missed a lot =D keep it rocking man. sorry about that fish. the rest of it looks dazzling.


Thanks Burn!

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These LEDs are powerful. I need to get a freaking par meter!


A par meter could definitely help you out. It was really frustrating for me to get new corals because I would have to keep them so low until they got used to it. I definitely ROASTED a few pieces when I first got coral because I had them full blast for almost a week. I thought my kenya tree was just a special 'white' morph....not really but I wanted to believe I wasn't literally burning things.


I run my blues at 100% and my whites at about 15%-20% now and everything seems to really enjoy it.


How's that wrasse? Picture, please?

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my big problem is that my lights are like 6 inches above the water. I'm even using a glass top and still bleaching things. The wrasse is doing well. He's in the quarantine with everybody else, but everytime I get close to the tank, he goes into hiding. His colors have improved, so that's awesome!

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Hey med I had my lights the same distance from the water. I didn't run the whites any higher than 25% and the blues were at 100%. The AI units are extremely powerful...

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Hey med I had my lights the same distance from the water. I didn't run the whites any higher than 25% and the blues were at 100%. The AI units are extremely powerful...


Did you have the Sol's or the Sol Blue Modules?

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I have a SWC Cone 160


Woot! mine should be here wed :)



All this LED talk... now you're making me feel like upgrading :angry: .....

I have to let you know, im blaming you when the gf asks about my future spending...

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Neither i had the original units. just white and royal blues


Ah... Someone on RC did Par measurements and found out the Blue lights give more par. I'd fry my corals with 100% blue since I have the 2 to 1 Sol Blue Units.


Woot! mine should be here wed :)



All this LED talk... now you're making me feel like upgrading :angry: .....

I have to let you know, im blaming you when the gf asks about my future spending...

You'll love the skimmer! just tell your GF you're saving on the side to take her to Italy. You can ride that out for a few years I'm sure

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Thanks guys!



no water yet, but all of the fittings are connected. I accidentally broke one of the spires. Off to home depot for more epoxy. Putting everything together was a lot easier than I thought it'd be.



i love it, so when do i get my leds back, think you had them long enough lol

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First... I have coralline! It's just starting out, and you can see it in a few of the pics, but it just appeared out of the blue last week. Most of it's green, but I do have some purple in there too.I seriously didn't have a single speck of it, then it was all over the place. I changed a couple of things that may have contributed, but I'm not sure if some combination of them helped out.


1. Raised SG to 1.026 from 1.024

2. Moved seed rock from the center to the right side, in the path of the return and vortech

3. added a drop of lugol's iodine

4. Started feeding the tank super heavy 2 weeks prior to beef up bacterial count before adding fish.

5. dropped LED intensity considerably.


Take your pick! I also have some light dusting of green algae on the rocks. It's a big change from brown diatoms for sure.


I also switched the optics in my Aqua Illumination fixture from 40 degree optics to 70 degree optics. I need to borrow a par meter again before adding SPS. My bleached corals have made very quick recoveries. I'm surprised with the quick turn around. They are pretty much 80% back to normal.


I added the fish to the tank on Thursday night. So far on the fish count, I've added a tail spot blenny, BSJ, Tanaka's Wrasse, and a pair of neon gobies. I guess one goby decided he likes the blenny better as they hang out together ALL the time and the other neon goby gets chased by his "mate" if he comes out into the open.


The dominant goby is SUPER SOCIAL. He always swims over to me if I come up to the tank, and is all over my arm whenever it's in the tank.


The TSB bounces between spires. He seems to like all of the holes.


The Wrasse is shy, but spends a lot of time around the base of the rocks. He's not shy at all during feeding. The BSJ has to constantly threaten him to stay out of his area, but he doesn't seem to care at all. This is my first wrasse, and the thing that weirds me out is, he likes to sleep in the open! He will often go to sleep on the sand on the back wall, or right under the nook on the sand of the front left spire. This continues to alarm me every time I see it. It seems like the total opposite of what a shy fish should do!


And now for the BSJ... wow! He eats everything! And isn't shy unless something is going on in his area. It seems as if he knows he's secure in the tank and will completely leave his area to snap up food.


I noticed he liked to open water swim right in the middle of the tank. I decided to move his house before he became to attached to his location around the right side of the tank. I scared him into the house, covered the opening with a rock, moved it to the middle, and piled up a lot of sand around it, then removed the rock. Oh yeah... he looks AMAZING under the moonlight LED's! He better not get BSJ disease... and if he does, I'm going to take him to a taxidermist.


He immediately went to work making his new den. I gave him some rubble and just realized today he'd used ALL of it. I just broke up some more rubble for him and added it.










Spot the Blenny? yay for the pun! And this is the best shot I could get of the wrasse. He's shy as it is but he did NOT like the camera.




I added some Paly's a couple of days ago that decided to melt :-(. They were super pretty. I'm going to try another batch of them and see what happens. The other zoas from the same tank and acclimation are doing just fine.



These guys were on my piece of seed rock. They went through hell and back. They are still the most bleached coral in the tank, but didn't even open until I lowered my light intensity.








You'll have to take my word that this lobo is amazingly beautiful. My stupid sexy shrimp picked at it when I bought it Friday and caused it to retract. I'm about ready to murder these sexy shrimp... although I'm positive that it's just one rogue shrimp that likes the taste of coral as I've only ever seen one shrimp eating them. (I have 3 sexy shrimp left).



Here's my new maxima. I love it when a plan comes together. I made the shelf he's sitting on specifically for a clam. He is facing backwards which is an about face from how I positioned him yesterday. Oh well. you win some... you lose some.



Kind of hard to make out, but you can see the two Porcelain anemone crabs paired up to the right of the gonoipora! (btw I bought two more Porcelains)



This torch was pretty bleached, It's making a nice recovery!



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Looks good med. I love the picture of the jawfish...be careful they will test your lid for a way out and if they find any weaknesses they will find a way out.

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