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Jeffro's 50 g build.


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They seem to be doing OK. Compared to the The two I have already though. There color is kinda "blah". Nothing a good amount of cyclops can't fix though.

One thing I really don't like is my very small false percs aggression. He mite be leaving the resort soon.

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Helfrichi firefish

Posum wrasse

Dracula goby

Spoted mandarin

Small false perc

4 redspots

Ycg in my sump. He started to eat my acros so he's going back to the lfs

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The fantastic 4 is back :happydance:


Nice rics!


Helfrichi firefish

Posum wrasse

Dracula goby

Spoted mandarin

Small false perc

4 redspots

Ycg in my sump. He started to eat my acros so he's going back to the lfs

You could get some more gobies under 1 inches.

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I'm thinking a barnacle blennie. My fav lfs has a really cool red one. The owner told me they can be aggressive even though they are so small. What do ou think AM? If I get rid of the clown I'll have a lot more room for a few more small gobys or small fish. I really want a swissgaurd. And can get one for a good price. But not sure if it would be aggressive with my inverts.


And yes they are back in action! I really love the shoal thing. You know what I mean?

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I say go for a Barnacle Blenny. They actually are pretty peaceful. You can even house them in groups.


Swissguard Basslets can pose a threat a really small inverts.

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I want to add sexies again but I'd trade them for a swissgaurd. I do love them and candy basslets as well but I'm not putting out the change for one of them.

How many fish would you add after I take out the false pecr and Ycg?

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Thanks AM! I think you just chose my next fish for me. I love the gold assessor. Beautilful fish and can replace the yellow I'll be losing with my Ycg.

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So I think I may have a mated pair of redspots and this is why I think this.


Two of the four have separated and started to swim very close and in sinc. They swim back and fourth and then circle quickly separate and rejoin. Any input on this behavior is appreciated.

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Yes I do believe they are mouth brooders. I mite give a go if I slow down at work this winter. I read an article on rc about live aquarias success with breeding.

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Reef Central has some good articles. I have to start reading them don't I?


I hear the moderators don't treat their members well, is this true?

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It's agood way to find different opinions on any question you have. there are a lot of forums on many reef related topics. Some contradict each other so you just have to use your own logic to choose what info to retain.

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