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Coral Vue Hydros

got2envy's 20H Contest Rimless Reef Wonderland


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no i was going with hellolights already have fans and i dont use a top i have a tunze os for top off ,,if i go mh i will use to ati blue+ for dusk dawn.


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I had asked him what light fixture they were getting for their tank :P


Darth Vader is that a light saber in your pocket...or are you just happy to see me? :huh::lol:

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Darth Vader is that a light saber in your pocket...or are you just happy to see me? :huh::lol:

This leans toward the "Zack and Miri" version of the Star Wars saga, no? :happy:


Thanks for the info on the rock mags Maria. I had them in mind as an alternate method after I removed the foam wall in me max. :flower:

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No problem buddeh! you will love em' :)


Zack and Miri was awesome..."That chick frosted me like I was a f*****g cake! !!" lolz


edit- so what other fishies should I add to ths tank? I really want some red head gobies, but they are hard to come by around here for some reason

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Sorry crappy camera phone pix for now...still looking for my battery charger :P


click for lager image



and my other contest acro frag is doing great and has encrusted to the rubble rock



hopefully I can find my charger soon :/

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click for lager image

I am clicking and clicking and nothing happens :huh: .


hopefully I can find my charger soon :/

I finally bought a spare from Ebay. I got tired of always losing mine. Of course most of the time it was plugged into a random outlet somewhere :blush: .


Oh yea, NICE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgomgomg

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envy, its looking so filled in! am so in love with this tank. i dont usually like cluttered sand beds but youve done it so tastefully.

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I am clicking and clicking and nothing happens :huh: .



I finally bought a spare from Ebay. I got tired of always losing mine. Of course most of the time it was plugged into a random outlet somewhere :blush: .


Oh yea, NICE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgomgomg


oh sorry right click and view image and then zoom...at least that's how it works on my puter

thanks opy!!




envy, its looking so filled in! am so in love with this tank. i dont usually like cluttered sand beds but youve done it so tastefully.


yeah ricordias are hard to place...especially the ones I have they are huge haha

and flower nems love the sand!


thanks squirreliey!



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I has this tank tooooo. But without the bloo background and I drilled it.


Your tank looks a hella lot better than mine right now thanks to a month of neglect.

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pix man! pix!


I need to get some H2O and do a water change myself..it's been about 3 weeks since the last one...lucky the nemastoma loves it, but I gotta be careful because of the SPS...I have no skimmer on this tank and I dose reef plus and live phyto :happy: dirty water lol

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So I am on an aptasia craze in this tank...I got 2 with some zoas and there were a few on the rocks that I purchased but now they are getting a little crazy, So I purchased 2 peppermint shrimp and an emerald crab (see some GBA) I also nuked a few with kalk paste :mellow:

I wanted to use lemon juice concentrate but I ran out :unsure:

Wish me luck!! fingerscrossed

die bastids die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgomgomg

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Thanks David! :flower:


Well looking at the tank today it looks like I got a few aptasia nuked...but some that I thought I got good are still laughing back at me <_<


This tank is at Defcon 3 :mellow:

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Yay! I bough a new battery charger on E-bay :mellow:


right click picks for larger image







these were the bleached flower nems I got from reefs2go







zoanthids and da debil <_<


whyyyyyy!! xenia!! why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





purdy <3



porites from yardboy



rainbow monti has really colored up under the phoenix bulb








red planet is getting more red...I had it on the back wall up high, but I guess the high light turned it mostly green, so I lowered it









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fantastic as always envy!


love the zoa collection. odd about your red planet, mine under high light has gone mostly red, and has lost almost all of its green. if you figure out the secret to getting a nice mix of the two colors let me know. that nemastoma is awesome!

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First of all M that Nemastoma is friggin sweet! Second of all my rainbow monti was solid red with a blue base for well over a year. It has just now sterted to show some green. LEDs do funky things.


I love coming in here for pics :happy: .


Finally, the spiral macro is doing (does it grow slow), the red macro is doing great and the green macro mostly died off over the past 2-3 days. I managed to pull a good piece off that was growing nicely and trashed the rest of it since it was going brown or clear. Now it will have more room to grow lol.

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So purdy.


Thanks pyronus! :happy:


fantastic as always envy!


love the zoa collection. odd about your red planet, mine under high light has gone mostly red, and has lost almost all of its green. if you figure out the secret to getting a nice mix of the two colors let me know. that nemastoma is awesome!


thanks squirreliey! I will let ya know, it was browned out when I first got it from the LFS...I got it half off lol I had remembered seeing the frags when they first arrived and over the span of 2 weeks they browned out in their tanks so the marked em' 50%...I remembered what I saw so I took a chance :P red planet encrusted on plug $25? who would turn that down lol


The nemastoma is growing great for me! I will be able to sell some frags soon ;)


Opy...my Star Wars pal!!!

the blue will grow fast in high light and the red is also a fast grower...give it some flow, the green is a weed lol it will grow back ten fold :P



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Opy...my Star Wars pal!!!

Star Wars FTW! omgomgomg

the blue will grow fast in high light and the red is also a fast grower...give it some flow, the green is a weed lol it will grow back ten fold :P



the blue better grow towards the light then lol. Its a 20 tall and I only got 2 rocks in there and they arent that tall. The red is fine and the green will be like my caulerpa, you know, nutrient export being plucked each week :lol: .


Oh yea and where did you get those mag rocks? I think I want one for the planted tank to put a couple of the items that need more light.

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