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Cultivated Reef

Kitty's 34G Oceanic Cube


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ROFL! Thanks guys. I wouldnt say its nice right now considering the decaying meadow of Bryopsis, but I can see good things in the future most definatly(?) with this tank, so thanks for the compliments! I am noticing a SMALL change in the Bryo from dosing Kent Tech-M but seeing as how I'm only going up about 80-100 ppm a day from 980, it isnt that noticeable unless you stare at the tank all day. Right now I am around 1160......1500 is probably going to be my goal :/ so.......3-4 more days? LOL


I'm DYING to do a water change, but if I do that I might as well take a few steps back to square one with my dosing. The tank seems cloudier but I have a feeling that is because I'm blowing the rocks off a 1-2 times a day and stirring things up. The skimmer is also pulling this god awful green skimmate which is good, but man does it reak! I am also guessing and hoping that is proof the Tech-M is working its magic and killing the Bryo! ;3

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Nice tank. I see you have more than enough of a CUC, haha

Yea, I only ordered like 30 Dwarf Ceriths but I got like 150! :lol: I actually scaled Johns invoice back a little bit too! My favorite snails out of them all though have to be the Nass. Snails. They are so entertaining to watch. I might actually go pick up a Turbo or two today and see if they will be interested in mowing some of this lawn now that its hopefully starting to decay. I dont really wanna keep Turbos in my tank from the bulldozer rumors, but I need a job done that I think only they can do. :/

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Was waiting to see an update on this yesterday. Figured you either nuked the tank and dooderino was dancing on its grave, or you got called into a list minute raid ;)

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Yea, I only ordered like 30 Dwarf Ceriths but I got like 150! :lol: I actually scaled Johns invoice back a little bit too! My favorite snails out of them all though have to be the Nass. Snails. They are so entertaining to watch. I might actually go pick up a Turbo or two today and see if they will be interested in mowing some of this lawn now that its hopefully starting to decay. I dont really wanna keep Turbos in my tank from the bulldozer rumors, but I need a job done that I think only they can do. :/


Careful with the Turbo's...they can get big and knock corals off your rocks.

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Kitty i believe when your dosing mag its not a good idea to add snails.. especially turbo's. I had read somewhere they were affected adversely by the dosing.. I would atleast look into this before grabbing a few.


Hope the dosing goes well .. seems to for others


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Was waiting to see an update on this yesterday. Figured you either nuked the tank and dooderino was dancing on its grave, or you got called into a list minute raid ;)


ROFL! Yea I had been updating my Bryo journal in Disease & Pest! Thanks for the input NUgZ & Degener, I definatly took that into account ^_^ :happy:


Oh and the turbos, I went ahead and got 3, but I made damn sure to acclimate SLOWLY. The whole process probably took 45 mins, which is a LOT for snails, but I wanted to be sure. I also dont plan on keeping them due to their rep as "bulldozers", but for now with the tank being a FOWLR, I dont see the harm. I am also goin to monitor them with my Chaeto and Red Grac. just for added measures. Really I'm going to be monitoring them all the time since I am in my room all the time and the tank is behind me lol! They have been in the tank a good hour and seem to be movin around just as much as they were int he shop. They arent makin a mad break for the surface, so I guess thats a good sign too!


Picture time!


The snails in the specimen container about to get dumped. The clown was not amused with the "new beings"


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They havent been in for long and.................






















I just saw 2 of them grabbing the stalks with their mouths like an elephant uses its trunk. The smaller one is gnawing all the way down to the rock. Slowly, but he IS eating it. Maybe I should just dose up to 1300 and let them do their work?

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If they're eating it, maybe stop dosing right now and see if they'll continue to chow down. Only reason why you'd dose is if your CUC won't eat it.

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If they're eating it, maybe stop dosing right now and see if they'll continue to chow down. Only reason why you'd dose is if your CUC won't eat it.


+1 nature > chemicals

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+100 too that.


I have found with my GHA issue, with nature on your side and a little dosing to help it goes a long way to curing your algae issues. It may take a little longer, but works out best for your system in the long run.

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Glad your making progress.. dosing to 1300 for mag is not bad i dont think.. isnt that like sea water level? but if you have nothing using it and animals to do your clean up.. it is likely smarter to let the aniamls do their thang..


Grats on the progress :)

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I am most definatly on the side of nature over chemicals! I learned that the hard way when i was a kid luckily. :lol:


I'll snap some pics later. I just ate so Im full ;3

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Ugh damn turbos ate my Red Grac.! ROFL! They seemed like they were working yesterday..but when I woke up no dent int he tank except my Red Grac missing. :lol: Not a big deal. I know what it is, and that I can keep it so I'll order some later when all this is under control and the turbos are moved.


As far as the bryo no one can give me a positive ID on the stuff so Im still going on as if it WERE Bryo. It is feathery now from the base up the entire stalk.


Best closeup a P&S cam could get:


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ROFLMAO! Yea I have basically summed it up to that. In lighter news though, my Red Grac is still alive and intact...it was just bulldozed behind the rocks. When I turned the Korialas back on after feeding it blew it back to the front so....I just weighted it down and put it back under the light. It has REALLY darkened up and gotten so pretty since it was shipped, Id hate to loose it. ;P


edit: I also scrubbed the pink rock.......after that I said to hell with it and put it back in. So the pink rock looks decent but the other 2 are still the same. I HAVE noticed clumps of the stuff blowing about and coming loose more freely when I "baste" it

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Lights out 2 hours early tonight. Im figured a shorter photo-period might help too. The water is hella cloudy so I'm not going to feed tomorrow, and I MIGHT only turn the lights on to inspect the tank for a hour or two.

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Hi Kitty,


Good to see you're making progress! Dosing magnesium should be part of your dosing regime, along with Calcium and Alk. In fact, Calcium and ALk levels will become unstable without Magnesium. However, I would discourage anyone from dosing something they're not testing for, so if you're not testing for it, definitely stop dosing.

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Well my Mg is up to 1520 as of today. Now time to sit back and watch the die off I hope.



SOMETHING laid eggs last night!




I posted this up in the ID forum hopin to get a few bites as to WHAT.


I have also noticed tiny gnat lookin things in my tank (pods?)

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So I lightly brushed off my rocks....Bryo is melting away pretty much....I netted/basted up the all debris I could, cleaned out my skimmer, and shut the lights off for the night...I think I will not dose tomorrow and just let this cook for a bit.




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Getting there...keep it up!


OMG I KNOW! :lol:


I want to do a water change soooo bad......its excruciating to wait, but if I do it now, I might as well start all over again ROFL!

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OMG I KNOW! :lol:


I want to do a water change soooo bad......its excruciating to wait, but if I do it now, I might as well start all over again ROFL!


Yeah that's pretty tough. Hard to wait sometimes in this hobby, but nothing good happens fast.

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OMG I KNOW! :lol:


I want to do a water change soooo bad......its excruciating to wait, but if I do it now, I might as well start all over again ROFL!


Why can't you just dose the new water up to tank level before doing the WC?

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