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Photo Journal - Urbanek's 28g Nano-Cube


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What kind of pad are you using to clean the back of your tank? Mine is starting to get overrun with snail eggs and coraline.


I just use the same algae pad that I use for the glass. The trick is cleaning it every couple weeks so it doesn't get coated.

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Thanks! I've been using a mag-float for the glass but, I didn't want to use a scrapper for the back since i think it's acrylic.


Your tank was amazing last year when I first got started it, and it's only gotten better! I wish I could get mine to look 1/2 as good as yours.

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Thanks! I've been using a mag-float for the glass but, I didn't want to use a scrapper for the back since i think it's acrylic.


It's abs and will scratch but the normal glass algae pads seem to work well. I will get corral-line from time to time and I clean it will a small piece of acrylic. Same acrylic I make media baskets out of.

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I love your tank! Giving me a lot of inspiration in this thread. I really like the ATO setup. Now I wish I would have added more LR.


TK, Thanks for the post. You can always add more live rock. Better to do it early before you get a bunch of corals attached.

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TK, Thanks for the post. You can always add more live rock. Better to do it early before you get a bunch of corals attached.



First post on the site but have been on awhile. Just curious after reading your thread, what happened to the open brain? I have the CF Quad with the stock hood and lights and want a brain coral. Did yours not do well with the stock lighting or have you moved it? I know you upgraded your lighting but in the most recent FTS I dont see it on the sand bed anymore.

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First post on the site but have been on awhile. Just curious after reading your thread, what happened to the open brain? I have the CF Quad with the stock hood and lights and want a brain coral. Did yours not do well with the stock lighting or have you moved it? I know you upgraded your lighting but in the most recent FTS I dont see it on the sand bed anymore.


I gave the brain to a friend who has a much larger tank. He got to big for my sand bed. The brain did great under the quad cf and the T5 lighting. Very easy coral to keep.

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All I can say is...dang Brad. Your tank is an inspiration. Just beautiful.


I'm sure that in a year from now yours will make mine look ordinary. Thanks for the view and comment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your Tank is amazing. I try and try, but I cannot get my tank to look quite as clean and prestine as yours. Your media baskets work amazingly well by the way. Oh and did you ever have a problem feeding your open brain?

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Your Tank is amazing. I try and try, but I cannot get my tank to look quite as clean and prestine as yours. Your media baskets work amazingly well by the way. Oh and did you ever have a problem feeding your open brain?


Thanks for the view, comments and I'm glad the basket is working great for you. If you'd like to compare notes on your maintenance schedule I'd be happy to do so, just send me a PM. I'm sure we can determine what is different from your schedule to mine.


My brain coral would only eat at night after the lights went out. What I found worked best was to use the turkey baster and put a little bit of water from the cup that I had soaked the mysis in. After about 5 mins he will push out all of his feeding tentacles, then you can feed him very easily.

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Beautiful system you have going there! I see you started with 32 lbs live rock. How much sand did you start with? Seems to be a perfect equilibrium/maintenance schedule you have going. I plan on mimicking your system but doing only 3g water changes and running a skimmer. Thanks for posting all of the info. I may order a basket from you soon once I see what I am dealing with.

Thanks, Ron

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Ron, Thanks for the view and comment on the tank. I started with 20 lbs of sand in my tank. Please don't hesitate to send me a pm or email if you have questions on your setup. I would love to help or provide my opinion.

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Hey Brad, I just saw that your tank made it into the featured tanks. Congrats man!! I've been wondering for a long time why it hadn't been featured.


Thanks for the kind words. I was quite shocked when I was asked if I wanted it featured. Hope all is well on your end.

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Thanks for the reply and compliment. I will post a pic of the light on the tank this weekend after my water change. So far I am very happy with the T5 fixture Color on the corals is amazing compared to the PC. I can also tell that my one chalice is growing much quicker under the T5's.



Do you cover the tank top to lower evaporation? If so, what do you use?


I have always done 6 gal changes without any issues. There are lots of schools of thoughts here but the one I believe in is that the larger percentage of water taken out the more percentage of waste that comes out and the more you replinish your trace elements. I actually will make a 12 gallon water change from time to time. I do this when I get trace phos readings and my phos lock is not working like it typically does.


I see that many if the corals are up high in your tank. When you do the higher volume changes, how do you ensure that they are not left high and dry?



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Do you cover the tank top to lower evaporation? If so, what do you use?


I made a custom lid for the tank out of thick acrylic. I'm selling an identical one right now. You can find it in the hardware classified section.


I see that many if the corals are up high in your tank. When you do the higher volume changes, how do you ensure that they are not left high and dry?


They are without water while the change is taking place. This is at most about 10 mins. Keep in mind that as tides go in and out coral are often time out of the water.

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after looking through your thread from front to back, what happened to your zoa and ric garden along with the red monti?


If you look in the most recent FTS, the red monti is still in the same place he's always been in. My Zoa garden is on the sand bed in the bottom right corner of the tank and rics are on the ledge in the middle of the tank. I did lose all of the orange zoas that were in a few of my photos. Not sure what happened to them but they kind of just melted away.

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If you look in the most recent FTS, the red monti is still in the same place he's always been in. My Zoa garden is on the sand bed in the bottom right corner of the tank and rics are on the ledge in the middle of the tank. I did lose all of the orange zoas that were in a few of my photos. Not sure what happened to them but they kind of just melted away.

ok, it just looks like the front sandbed changed to an acan farm! Anyhow, I know what you mean with the orange zoas, mine havent melted but in oh i dont know maybe 5 months, there has been little to no growth. Its almost like self sustaining growth, ya know, like lose a polyp gain a polyp....strange and a hard one for sure.


I also feel your pain for it being hard to really capture the true depth and complexity of a scape in the 28nc. Mine always looks kinda fruit standish in my photos yet it is a virant cave and pinnacled scape in person. Heres a pic of mine shot with my panny tm-700 HD camcorder. It isnt the best stills cam but it at least has a full set up manual controls. I need to get around to setting up a thread page on my tank but its uh, still in the works after 21/2 years...You have a nice tank man.



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