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New Unoffical 10 Gallon contest coming up

Damsels R Cool

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I def think sumps should be allowed for the DIY enthusiasts, any equipment under $15 is free, LR,base rock, sand and tank should be free.

This would make for a great contest, just like the last 5.5g -10g contest. If the budget isn't fixed prior to giving everyone time to plan... you will have people enter and then drop out really quickly.

I don't want to purchase anything yet, but I am going to do a macro tank either way...maybe a 20 long if I don't get to enter this contest.


Remember the contest is about the look of the main display tank and with $111 I don't think even I doing a macro tank, collecting my own stuff can do a nice tank worth keeping around.


Ok I will shaddap now :ninja::haha:

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sorry guys but im out

i decided to buy a new lens instead

and make my existing tank better


ill still be following

it'll be an interesting contest

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Any word Jacob or Damsels on the page 15 and 16 suggestions? I think the budgeting concerns are legitimate if you actually crunch the numbers on filtration, lighting, flow, rock, coral, inverts, and fish, the current rules and budget are so tight many people may be building tanks they won't be happy with long term and dropping out.


The prizes are nice, but considerably less than the cost of setting this system up. If you don't establish a budget and rules that will allow for a rewarding, permanent addition to our tank collections, you risk losing contestants that won't be pleased with the end product do to the build rules.

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Clown Fish 39

i agree with got2envy since i just added up my total, i think live rock and base rock, sand, and tank should be free instead of boosting up the budget to 350 because the liverock and other things would as up to 50 dollars any way

thats just my opinion:)

im in either way:))))

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Damsels agreed with Sand, Heater, and Mag float not counting on page 15.


If we removed rock and tank from the budget as well, that would help.


The only potential problem I see is with people building or ordering custom sizes and shapes. If we allowed for tanks up to $15 (about the cost fo a standard AGA) and any expenses in building or ordering customs over would go against the budget, that may work better.

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Damsels R Cool
Here's where I'm at without getting into livestock.


10g AGA $12

ac110 $80

7lbs LR $28

70w MH $110

Modding supplies $10

Total equipment $240


That leaves $60 for coral, fish, inverts which is doable but pretty slim considering most nano fish are $10-$20 each.


Is this a scenario everyone is happy with? IMO, I'd still like to see it upped to $350.




So in using 10 pounds base rock (I'm assuming base rock is dry rock) and no live rock, how do you plan on seeding bacteria and microfauna usually present in LR?


Peice of shrimp and time + when i add a coral most of them come attached to something so that way i get some coraline and all that other good stuff

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This thread is only 4 pages long for me, so all of these page numbers are throwing me off.


Anyway, so is everyone saying that they think that the basic stuff, tank, lights, heater, filter, rock and sand should be out of the budget?


I would say sure that seems to make sense because when you add up lights, tank rock and sand you get like 250$ lol. Damsels what do you think?

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Damsels R Cool

This Question is for everyone competing.


Would You Like To Bump The Budget Up To $350?


The answers only count from these 9 people


Damsels R Cool

Clown fish 39


Rick Shaw






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Anyway, so is everyone saying that they think that the basic stuff, tank, lights, heater, filter, rock and sand should be out of the budget?


Yes and I think that with the DIY category sumps up to 10 should be allowed...It is about the main display for voting not the sump...many will not even think of starting a tank without drilling it lol

The budget should be for $300 for livestock...over a 6 month period this really is not much, especially for a reef tank...it's not like most will add $300 worth of livestock to a new tank right away :unsure:

You will see many more contestants fo' sho'!!


Best 10g K.I.S.S. method

Best 10g DIY modded

and what ever other categories for the amount of prizes


This Question is for everyone competing.


Would You Like To Bump The Budget Up To $350?


The answers only count from these 9 people


Damsels R Cool

Clown fish 39


Rick Shaw







I still think that even adding another $50 it still a tight budget.

Of course this is just an opinion and you are the OP ;)

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This Question is for everyone competing.


Would You Like To Bump The Budget Up To $350?


The answers only count from these 9 people


Damsels R Cool

Clown fish 39


Rick Shaw








What am I chopped liver :(

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There is a really high possibilty I'm going to do this contest. Partially because the budget looked restrictive and its going to require some amount of creativity. If the budget keeps growing, I think its going to discourage people (at least me) from setting up yet another tank. Like I said, I'm still waiting to officially throw my hat into the ring, but that is mainly because I want to wait for the rules to get ironed out.


To win a very restrictive budget contest, the winner will have to do something new or different than every other 10 gallon AGA tank out there (note: I said winner, anyone can make a $300 ####ty 10 gallon). If I try to make a tank that is similar to my main tank for $300, it wont work. If we raise the budget up to what it would require to do the standard 10 gallon AGA aquarium the contest loses a little bit of appeal for me.


Just my $.02. As soon as we get final rules, good chance I throw my hat him the ring.

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i also think we should leave the 250 or 300 budget only thing on it is light and livestock????? seriusly if you were to build ur own tank or have one made you wouldn't have muck left for livestock! just my 2 cent but i am not on the list :tears:

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Damsels R Cool
i also think we should leave the 250 or 300 budget only thing on it is light and livestock????? seriusly if you were to build ur own tank or have one made you wouldn't have muck left for livestock! just my 2 cent but i am not on the list :tears:



lol sorry i forgot you :P i'll add you now


This Question is for everyone competing.


Would You Like To Bump The Budget Up To $350?


The answers only count from these 9 people + scooternerd


Damsels R Cool

Clown fish 39


Rick Shaw








happy :D

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FWIW, my vote is to bump up the budget to $350 as well as removing heater, magfloat, sand, and tank (up to $15 value) from budget accounting.


Allthough I do like the flexibility of allowing sumps, that adds too many factors to the mix to track.

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Well, whether any of my issues are addressed or not, you can count me in if the budget is kept as restrictive as possible. I mean, with the prices you are quoting livestock at, they really favor people that want a higher budget. $5 for a ric polyp? $5 for a designer zoa? I'm cool with them, just saying they really are generous prices for people that have the concept of wanting to spend more.

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That was my other concern, I think we use the generic list for everyone regardless of how they obtained the coral.

I can do the $350 like Pisces stated including the light.

Also if you do not like the sump idea thats cool...I keep it K.I.S.S

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$350 sounds reasonable since the discount for used equipment was removed (a change that I like). Might be able to cobble together a scary diy MH with the extra $. :ninja:


As for sumps I think that would complicate things too much. But if people really want one maybe max of 2.5g if its used instead of the 2 ac110's allowed for a fug and filter since those fit about 1.25 gallons each. A sump would make for a cleaner look than the 2 ac's.


Too many plans...Want to start now :(

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