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MJ's 29g Barrel 'O Monkeys

Militant Jurist

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omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg


i have neglected NR for 2 days and now this?!?!?!

(actually i dont know what im talking about :P )



im off to San Francisco, so dont update me till about 9PM tonite. ;)

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Militant Jurist
Well at least you didn't have to worry about needreefunds taking off her undies. :haha:


inorite? You've really gotta keep an eye on Richie. :P


omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg


i have neglected NR for 2 days and now this?!?!?!

(actually i dont know what im talking about :P )



im off to San Francisco, so dont update me till about 9PM tonite. ;)


See what happens? You go away for a few days, and the inmates take over the asylum.

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inorite? You've really gotta keep an eye on Richie. :P




See what happens? You go away for a few days, and the inmates take over the asylum.


wait... this is an asylum... :huh:




so like where are all the crazy monkeys ATM?

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I am here... kind of. Why do I have do work today?! :rant:


I will be gone for 12 days starting next Wednesday so dont post too much. I dont want to come back to 10 pages of posts to read :P

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Militant Jurist
I will be gone for 12 days starting next Wednesday so dont post too much. I dont want to come back to 10 pages of posts to read :P


No promises!
















Ok, now that he can't hear us anymore, we've got to be sure that we have AT LEAST 10 pages of insanity for Opy by the end of 10 days! :P


Who wants to get this party started?

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Hmmm, let's see. I don't have any lawyer jokes, but I've got a dr joke that's older than I am. :P


What do you call someone who graduates last in their class at med school?


















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Can we talk more about skirts and taxi's?? :huh:


Anne, somewhere in the world is the worst Doctor. Has to be, process of elimination someone is at the bottom.


Scary part is, somebody has an appointment with them tomorrow! :o:scarry:



...OK, who did that bit?? Anyone? :huh:

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I don't remember who did that, Richie, sorry. And you have a dr's appt on Thanksgiving?! Wow. Your doc is either extraordinarily dedicated, or trying desperately to pay off those med school bills.


I don't have any good skirt and taxi stories...

















that I'm willing to share. :o:P

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I don't remember who did that, Richie, sorry. And you have a dr's appt on Thanksgiving?! Wow. Your doc is either extraordinarily dedicated, or trying desperately to pay off those med school bills.


I don't have any good skirt and taxi stories...

















that I'm willing to share. :o:P



That was an old George Carlin bit.


No, no Dr. appointment fur me...was just part of the bit.

I have had quite enough of those lately tho. -_-


Looking forward to cooking all morning and a eating / drinking most of the afternoon.

plus......FOOTBALL! :P


Turkey, football and beer. Get any better than that? :D



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Funny, I loved George Carlin! But I have to admit, most of his routines that I remember offhand would be *@$'ed out. :P


Sounds like you have a perfect day planned for tomorrow. Me too, cause I'm not cooking! :lol: A friend invited us, aaah. B)

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Funny, I loved George Carlin! But I have to admit, most of his routines that I remember offhand would be *@$'ed out. :P


Sounds like you have a perfect day planned for tomorrow. Me too, cause I'm not cooking! :lol: A friend invited us, aaah. B)

Nice to have a break every now and then, no? :P


Mom and Grandmother can no longer put together that meal, after many years of doing so.


It makes me happy to have them over and enjoy themselves. My Grandmother says I make the best turkey she has ever had. That is really something coming from her too! :P


I really don't mind cooking either- never have. Enjoy it actually. :happy:


Hey, it's OK folks, Anne and I will just talk amongst ourselves. :lol:


Think we can do 10 pages Anne?? :huh:

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I am going to the in-laws. I will be on-call also. So to make my T-day better I talked a buddy at work into calling me at regular intervals from his cell so I can say "oh no, I have a call! Time to go upstares to the laptop to work." Then I jump on the internet and try to forget where I am :haha: .


Happy T-day everyone


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Militant Jurist
Hmmm, let's see. I don't have any lawyer jokes, but I've got a dr joke that's older than I am. :P


What do you call someone who graduates last in their class at med school?





There's a similar joke around the law school. What do you call the person who graduates last in the class at law school? A lawyer.


Can we talk more about skirts and taxi's?? :huh:


Anne, somewhere in the world is the worst Doctor. Has to be, process of elimination someone is at the bottom.


At least with law, these people are fairly well known. If I recall correctly, every month the Ohio Supreme Court publishes a document, which is sent to all attorneys, listing every attorney disciplined by the Court that month. :o


That was an old George Carlin bit.


That's good stuff right der. I dun't care who you are, dat's funny stuff.


Turkey, football and beer. Get any better than that? :D



Well, I think it would have to involve skirt and taxis!


Funny, I loved George Carlin! But I have to admit, most of his routines that I remember offhand would be *@$'ed out. :P


Yeah, he had a way with words!


Hey, it's OK folks, Anne and I will just talk amongst ourselves. :lol:


Think we can do 10 pages Anne??


I had some traveling to do in order to get to my holiday destination (my parents' house). I can't have you and Anne doing all of the heavy lifting, now can I? ;)


I am going to the in-laws. I will be on-call also. So to make my T-day better I talked a buddy at work into calling me at regular intervals from his cell so I can say "oh no, I have a call! Time to go upstares to the laptop to work." Then I jump on the internet and try to forget where I am :haha: .


Happy T-day everyone



Haha sounds like a good plan! I do something similar for first dates. I have my best friend call me at a pre-appointed time. If things are going well, I give him the code-word for a wave off. If it's not, the call becomes an "urgent phone call" that requires me to quickly leave to "attend to an important matter."


Well, it's after midnight here, so I can officially say





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I am so friggin sick. To much T-bird on muh belly. Man am I glad that my folks is only a bit more than 100 miles away. Nothing like 2 kiddos 2 and under. I had to take my oldest on a ride at midnight just to get her to go to sleep. But its worth it. She wanted to go rid on my tractor after we ate breakfast. So @ .75 mph for 1.5 hours she had a blast. We ran across a flock of wild turkeys, geese, and deer. She was in heaven. I took her to the creek and taught her how to skip rocks on the water. Then back we went. Man am I glad that tractor has a heater. But then when we got back she wanted to climb on our old 1949 John Deere. No heater and it was snowing. That was a short ride.


Good times. Hope your T-day was as fun as mine.


Good times to come. My wife just came home with a brand new "Little black dress" :)

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Militant Jurist
Happy Bird day MJ!


We tried to keep the tread rollin' while you wuz a weigh.


Thanks Richie! Hopefully yours went well! :happy:


Ah, Turkey Day. Too bad mine was a month ago ;)


Happy Thanksgiving guys!




The purty lady I went out dancing with the other night told me that she had 4.... that's right, FOUR, thanksgiving meals yesterday. Talk about a feast!

I am so friggin sick. To much T-bird on muh belly. Man am I glad that my folks is only a bit more than 100 miles away. Nothing like 2 kiddos 2 and under. I had to take my oldest on a ride at midnight just to get her to go to sleep. But its worth it. She wanted to go rid on my tractor after we ate breakfast. So @ .75 mph for 1.5 hours she had a blast. We ran across a flock of wild turkeys, geese, and deer. She was in heaven. I took her to the creek and taught her how to skip rocks on the water. Then back we went. Man am I glad that tractor has a heater. But then when we got back she wanted to climb on our old 1949 John Deere. No heater and it was snowing. That was a short ride.


Good times. Hope your T-day was as fun as mine.


Good times to come. My wife just came home with a brand new "Little black dress" :)


I know the feeling. I'm going to be stuffed beyond belief by the end of the weekend. I've got an uncle coming into town tonight, so there will be another meal tonight, and then a formal extended family meal tomorrow! Oh boy....


Ridin on a tractor is always fun! Sounds like your kids will have some good things to remember as they grow up. :happy:


I can venture a guess as to why your wife is coming home with a new little black dress....







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Militant Jurist

I think I posted this picture a few pages back, but a page without a picture is a sad page indeed.




I think this part of the tank could quickly become one of my favorites. It has a lot of depth to it, and I've got all kinds of ideas floating around in my head as to what I could do with it. B)

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Wow, and I thought my having 2 Thankgiving dinners was a little much :lol: Family time is awesome though, so it's worth it. At least until the 3rd glass of wine, when everyone turns the volume up a few notches because they're trying to be heard over everyone else...


EDIT: I never caught that pic until now. I love vertical faces and crevasses, they're hard to create in a tank though (unless you have the right rocks ;) ).

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Militant Jurist
At least until the 3rd glass of wine, when everyone turns the volume up a few notches because they're trying to be heard over everyone else...




That reminds me of a great Robin Williams joke.


Catholics have confession, Episcopals have Thanksgiving: your father has a couple of gin and tonics. "I never loved you mother, you know that, don't you?!" "I didn't, dad. And she's right there. Tell her again!"



Oh, and Robin's version of the first Thanksgiving:


Then the Puritans broke away from the Calvinists, our ancestors, people so uptight, the English kicked them out. How anal do you have to be for the English to go: "Get the f&*# out! Take your pimp shoes and go!"


And they land here in America going: "Hello! We bring you guilt, syphilis and alcohol."


"Here chief, try this and once you drunk it, keep moving til your feathers float. There you go!"


And the Indians go: "We have a gift for you. For us is a sacred herb. For you it will be an addictive carcinogen."


"Tobacco is a lot of fun. And a good cash crop."


"Welcome to Clusters. The Casino that cares.This is my wife. She sits for the full house. It's time for the white men to get drunk. And we'll get back the land you took from us."

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Ridin on a tractor is always fun! Sounds like your kids will have some good things to remember as they grow up. :happy:


I can venture a guess as to why your wife is coming home with a new little black dress....




:) Fun was had by all. More fun is to be had.


lol my wife does like my Massey.


Oh Yehaw I started the 57th page. Now 9 more to go for the O man!

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Militant Jurist
:) Fun was had by all. More fun is to be had.




lol my wife does like my Massey.


The women usually do. ;)



Oh Yehaw I started the 57th page. Now 9 more to go for the O man!


Well, I'm finally back from the holiday road trip up to my folks' house. Let's get this party re-started!


Oh, and my 20L will be getting a new surprise next week! :o

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lol my wife does like my Massey.





HaHa however the saying around REAL women of men with REAL tractors is " Bend me over, paint me green, and ride me like a JOHN DEERE "!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Militant Jurist
HaHa however the saying around REAL women of men with REAL tractors is " Bend me over, paint me green, and ride me like a JOHN DEERE "!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That reminds me of my favorite saying. ;)




whatisit?? whatisit??





It's an ultrasuperduper secret! :lol:


It's going to force me to start working on the 2nd surprise for my tank as well. Oh, and I guess that the second will soon be followed by a third, in order to make the whole thing work!

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