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Cultivated Reef

MJ's 29g Barrel 'O Monkeys

Militant Jurist

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Militant Jurist


Me too! USPS doesn't have great tracking, so they aren't enabling my obsessive compulsive tracking. ;)

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anthrax interceptor powder should be to you by sat i hope!


High Lvl Disease threat!!!

someone calll the biohazard unit!!!


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Militant Jurist
TRACK IT MOAR! omgomgomg



it conveys a sense of urgency..... ;):D


That's the one reason I like UPS. It's constant updates, anytime it gets to or leaves somewhere. I bet the UPS site bandwidth usage goes through the roof every time something of mine gets shipped by them. :P


Hai, I'm Back...






Welcome back to the party!


anthrax interceptor powder should be to you by sat i hope!




I'm keeping an eye on the green slimer that is right next to the infected acro. I haven't noticed anything yet, but I need to clean the glass tonight to be able to get a good look. I'm hoping that just a dip for the infected acro will be sufficient!



High Lvl Disease threat!!!

someone calll the biohazard unit!!!



Haha I can only imagine the reaction by the USPS guys if/when they scan the envelope. They will FREAK! If ya'll hear about Columbus, OH as the new Waco, you'll all know why! :P

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Haha I can only imagine the reaction by the USPS guys if/when they scan the envelope. They will FREAK! If ya'll hear about Columbus, OH as the new Waco, you'll all know why! :P


yous crazy Mj.


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Militant Jurist

Oh, and the local reefer that I got the red, purple, and green monti caps, as well as the birdsnest and yellow scroll from is selling his 500 gallon system. Soooo.... that means that tomorrow I'm heading over to his place to get some more frags from him! Assuming the price is within range for what I want to spend, I think I'm going to get the 29g a green slimer (because I love the one in my 20L), a bright green millepora, and perhaps a yellow porite.






Yes, please send her.

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Deleted User 6
Haha I can only imagine the reaction by the USPS guys if/when they scan the envelope. They will FREAK! If ya'll hear about Columbus, OH as the new Waco, you'll all know why! :P


yeah, if they come knocking on my door it's going to be hard to explain why i powdered an interceptor pill to kill red bugs on acros, lol. but it's in a sandwich bag, so if it were hazardous and I was trying to do something bad, why would i seal it in a sandwich bag?

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Oh, and the local reefer that I got the red, purple, and green monti caps, as well as the birdsnest and yellow scroll from is selling his 500 gallon system. Soooo.... that means that tomorrow I'm heading over to his place to get some more frags from him! Assuming the price is within range for what I want to spend, I think I'm going to get the 29g a green slimer (because I love the one in my 20L), a bright green millepora, and perhaps a yellow porite.

omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg




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Militant Jurist
yeah, if they come knocking on my door it's going to be hard to explain why i powdered an interceptor pill to kill red bugs on acros, lol. but it's in a sandwich bag, so if it were hazardous and I was trying to do something bad, why would i seal it in a sandwich bag?


Excellent point! Plus, I think everything goes through a UV system these days. Or maybe that's just for federal building mail.

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Deleted User 6

lol...now you went and freaked me out. i just got the letter out of the outgoing mailbox.


before this stuff goes out, what should I do to make sure usps doesn't send the feds after me?

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Militant Jurist
omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg









Gotta get the good frags while the gettin's good! This guy had really big frags for really low prices. If I remember right, a 3" red monti cap frag was $5. No wait, that one was free. I think the purple cap was $5. If this guy's old prices stand, the slimer will be $10, and the porites $15.




lol...now you went and freaked me out. i just got the letter out of the outgoing mailbox.


before this stuff goes out, what should I do to make sure usps doesn't send the feds after me?


I think that as long as you don't include a threatening letter or mail it to the fed, a bank, etc, it should be fine. :P Also, if you have any labeling for the interceptor, you might want to toss that in. Or, just print something off the net with the interceptor name/logo on it and toss that in. The fact that the powder is sealed in a container should help too.

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Militant Jurist
Lead seal?




That might cause even more questions to be raised. Such as "WTF is this thing sealed in lead? Let's get the CDC just to be safe."

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Militant Jurist

Grrr USPS..... they are not updating my shipment! I hate not knowing when to expect a package.



Yeah, yeah.... it's obsessive compulsive tracking....


.... but with the way my USPS carrier likes to "hide" packages, I like to know when I need to be getting myself home to grab it.



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Militant Jurist

I thought I'd share this in both threads. However, this is for the 20L.




Look familiar to anyone? This came from Richie. :happy:

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