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Cultivated Reef

MJ's 29g Barrel 'O Monkeys

Militant Jurist

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Militant Jurist









Yup, Sammy decided to pay a visit to celebrate Oktoberfest! ;) The kitteh wanted to get the party started early.

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Militant Jurist

Quick Update:


I'm still in Chicago, and will be here until Sunday. They aren't kidding when they call this place the "windy" city!


However, when I get back, I promise I'll have new pics of the tank, and maybe even some of the requisite photos of the ammonia, 'rite and 'trate test tubes. ;)

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Militant Jurist
YAY!!! :D pichtuerz. so....wheres teh coral :huh:



Haha coral in that tank is probably a month or so off. However, I think I might be going to Shedd Aquarium in Chicago while I'm here, which is supposedly the first permanent indoor aquarium saltwater collection. So if I go, I might have coral pictures for you after all! ;)

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Militant Jurist

Horray for teh first SW collection in america! :P




Of course, as I'm reading up on it, they did things the old school way back then. Instead of doing like we do and mixing up our saltwater, they shipped seawater from the coast by rail car!


Today, they apparently have over 5 million gallons of water. I can imagine that WCs are a nightmare! :P

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Militant Jurist
:unsure: 5mil? :blink:

that must be a MASSIVE place... im sure not all of it is SW though....right? :eek:


No, not all of it, unfortunately. :P Their website says that they have exhibits on the Amazon, the Caribbean Reef, Indo-Pacific Sea, Pacific-Northwest Sea, Polar regions, and "wild reefs." So while not all of it is saltwater, it sounds like the vast majority of it is! :D

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Militant Jurist
Again...TOTAL AWESOMENESS> :haha: :haha: :haha:




I didn't bring a camera with me on this trip, but thank goodness for the camera on my blackberry. If I go to this today or tomorrow, there will definitely be A LOT of pichers! ;):D :D

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Militant Jurist
cell pic arnt that good quality tho...:unsure: are you sure they will be able to take the high light of MH's?


It should be able to work just fine. My camera isn't the greatest, but even with a dirty lens, I got some good pictures when I was at the Ohio State football game last weekend. I've also taken photos of my 20L before with it, and even the unshielded T5HO blasting toward the camera didn't phase it. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :D

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Militant Jurist













Ok, so that's not my tank; it's the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. But it still looked cool! ;)

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Militant Jurist

Well, I'm finally back to Ohio, but feeling like crap. I think I picked something up during all of those cold and rainy days and nights in Chicago. :eek:


I'm staying home today to try to get better, but that means I can do a bit of work on the aquarium ;)

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Militant Jurist
ZOMG PITRUEZ. they're awesome as usual :D


Thanks! I just wish they were pictures of my aquarium.... ;)


SICK?!?!?! omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg SWINE FLU!!!!

:haha: Jk. Get well soon!




Haha nope, not the swine flu. It's more like strep throat or a cold. I hate the flu, so at least there's that!



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Militant Jurist
:flower: <Get Well Soon Flowers.


Thanks! :happy:


Today there is going to be a lot of tea, vitamins and Echinacea herbs in my future.

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Thanks! :happy:


Today there is going to be a lot of tea, vitamins and Echinacea herbs in my future.


I've been there pretty recently, still have the bottle of Echinacea/Goldenseal Caps sitting out on my kitchen counter "just in case".

You can use the downtime to come up with more good aquarium ideas. :happy:

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Militant Jurist
I've been there pretty recently, still have the bottle of Echinacea/Goldenseal Caps sitting out on my kitchen counter "just in case".


My family is a really big believer in those kind of herbs, but I'm a bit of a skeptic. Of course, when I'm sick, I'm willing to try anything! :P A very close friend of mine swears by something called "airborne," of which I'm also skeptical, but since I need to knock out quickly whatever it is that is trying to get me really sick, I just might have to go get some of that as well!


You can use the downtime to come up with more good aquarium ideas. :happy:


Exactly! I'm making something to eat and drinking green tea (with lots of sugar because I don't like it haha). Once I'm done though, I think the first order of business is to bust out my fun testing kits in order to see how well my tank has been cycling without me. Then I think I'll start laying out my plumbing. Hm.... then I think some stocking research is in order. :happy:

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Put some Tussin' on it lol


Robitussin is my bestest friend when I am sick


Hope ya get better soon :grouphug:


my throat hurts from screaming my head off at the Miami/Bills game :lol:


ok get some work done on the tank :P

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Militant Jurist
Put some Tussin' on it lol


Robitussin is my bestest friend when I am sick


Haha I remember something my Chris Rock to the effect of "Broke your arm? Put some tussin on it!"


Hope ya get better soon :grouphug:


Thanks! :grouphug:


my throat hurts from screaming my head off at the Miami/Bills game :lol:


ok get some work done on the tank :P


I know the feeling. I'm just glad it waited until now, because with the amount of talking I had to do these last few days, it could have been rough. I had a great weekend though, and met some really cool folks. Probably the coolest of the people I met was a group from South Africa.... talk about some interesting conversations!

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Feel better MJ!


Thanks for sharing the aquarium pics.


FYI, echinacea is most effective when used two weeks on/two weeks off; and airborne is great stuff--was recommended by hubby's cardio-thorassic surgeon before his open heart surgeries to boost resistance and fight off any infections.


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Militant Jurist
Feel better MJ!




Thanks for sharing the aquarium pics.


My pleasure! I wish I had taken a picture, but the aquarium even had a frag tank of sorts! However, it would be put to shame by many NR member's frag tanks... the frags were of things like kenya trees, barely colored acros and brown monti caps. Several of the aquarium displays also had fake coral... very tacky. The real coral displays (such as the ones I photographed on my phone :P) were great though.


FYI, echinacea is most effective when used two weeks on/two weeks off; and airborne is great stuff--was recommended by hubby's cardio-thorassic surgeon before his open heart surgeries to boost resistance and fight off any infections.



Well, since I'm just starting to take it again, looks like I'm good for now. Hm... if a doc is willing to recommend it, I might have to go hunt airborne down.


Anyone know if Giant Eagle, Krogers, or Wal-Mart carries it?




I did my first test on the tank to see where things are in the cycle.


NH3: 1

NO2-: over 5 (upper limit of the test kit)

NO3-: 10 - 20

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Militant Jurist

I guess sick days are good for productivity at least when I'm not so tired that I have to lay down. Anyways, I've got the main durso stack cut, primed, and cemented. I'm going to let it sit for a few hours to cure, and then I'll attach it. I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow though, to run water through it.

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