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Cultivated Reef

Sammy's 20G Cube


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Frosted back is a great idea! Never though about that even though I had my LED lamp housing frosted. It should look great but mine is painted and i'm not moving it lol. My overflow is dead silent. It was a bit noisy the first two days or so but I though it was until the bio film took over. I drilled the back elbow and inserted a 1/4" tube as exhaust and it really helps with the noise

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hey Sammy - can you recommend a source for finding out more about using Arduino to controll an LED fixture? I'd like to try something like that on this little LED you built - any suggestions?

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I like the new fixture :)


Very very sleek, and the overflow is nice. Any pics of the tank after you filled it back up?

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Hey Sammy - can you recommend a source for finding out more about using Arduino to controll an LED fixture? I'd like to try something like that on this little LED you built - any suggestions?

Hi, here's one with some info on Arduino Controller

another with Arduino Sketches

Oh and Another

Hope that helps


I like the new fixture :)


Very very sleek, and the overflow is nice. Any pics of the tank after you filled it back up?

Thanks Danny. Pics will come later today. Yesterday I got some kind of Onyx Percula for a few Zoa frags :D nice score. Also got rid of some corals that I had in big colonies. I fragged them and kept just a small piece to make room for more.

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firefish CR

wow .. i read all the 12 pages... really nice DIY!!! :bowdown::bowdown:


yo andaba buscando inspiracion de un proyecto como este ...realmente ingenioso e impresionante, las luces, los skimmers y en si todo el proyecto, muy limpio... tengo un pico de 3 galones... pero quiero algo mas grande... y pues bueno tambien a un precio razonable


vamos a ver como va



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I appreciate the links Sammy - looks like I have some studying to do! Your new tank looks like it will be awesome - best of luck with it. I'll be checking back in soon -

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firefish CR said:
wow .. i read all the 12 pages... really nice DIY!!! :bowdown::bowdown:


yo andaba buscando inspiracion de un proyecto como este ...realmente ingenioso e impresionante, las luces, los skimmers y en si todo el proyecto, muy limpio... tengo un pico de 3 galones... pero quiero algo mas grande... y pues bueno tambien a un precio razonable


vamos a ver como va




Thanks. glad you liked it ;)


OzarksReef said:
I appreciate the links Sammy - looks like I have some studying to do! Your new tank looks like it will be awesome - best of luck with it. I'll be checking back in soon -

You're welcome sir. It sure is a lot of info to read and lots of things to learn through the process. Let me know how yours turns out.


Here are some pics as promised. Took them very quick just to hold you guys till I get some nicer shots


Birds of paradise



Bam Bams (are Bam Bams slow growers? I haven't seen these to grow at all)



This one is on its way to get color back. It was totally white 2 weeks ago



Green Birdsnest


Pink Birdsnest


Red Monti




When I got this had 4 heads. Now it has 4 smaller ones!



Full Tank (white balance is very off. You get the idea how it is escaped)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres another FTS after some re arrangement on some corals and got some more new


The other day got a nice deal from a local reefer selling his livestock.

Got all this for $70

True Perc Clown

Yellow Watchman Goby

Pair of Blue Chromis

Black Clown Goby

Med-Large Cleaner Shrimp

Med-Large Fire Shrimp

Two head Frogspawn

Huge Chaeto Ball

Around 8 Hermits


Some more nicer quality pics coming later. I'm having World War 3 right now with the True Percs. Even had to put an acrylic shield over the tank to prevent fish jumping. My old perc has its fins all bitten by the new one. They have been fighting from Thursday... lets see if they finally get along.

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so like, i hate leds. are your colors doing ok? my leds pretty much just destroy everything. maybe my fixture was just too sexy for my tank, for my tank

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so like, i hate leds. are your colors doing ok? my leds pretty much just destroy everything. maybe my fixture was just too sexy for my tank, for my tank

:lol: Colors are not the best right now. Bleached the hell out of a few sps. Zoas are great though. But I know good color can be achieved under LEDs. I have a friend with a SPS tank lit by a lamp I made 6 months ago and colors are awesome. I'm currently running Blues @ 50% and whites about 40%


if your tank can't handle your sexy lamp I should try it over mine :lol:

So, are you giving them a chance or going back to MHs or T5?

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fantastic scape. those led's are bright omgomgomg

Thanks! yes they're bright as hell. I'm considering dimming the whites a little more. Even running at 40% I think it may bleach corals at the top of the rock -_-

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Some more pics. Got a new Tailspot Blenny but he's still shy. Also a new Acan (Don't know the name) but who cares when it is so nice and has 8 heads for $40

After trying a lot taking pics with Royal Blue LEDs, these were the best ones I could snap...











New One


New Perc



Do you guys think this is a YWG? He doesn't have much of a Yellow though






Black Clown Goby


New Tail Spot Blenny. Still Shy




Zoa Garden under Construction


Once they grow and fill the gaps will look awesome





Watchman's Cave


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that is a pretty sweet set up you have there . just started my fluval edge , going with zoas / rics / acans / and moar assorted shrooms. got the maxspect 60w led in the canopy, but its not adjustable so i hope its not too much light. keep up the good work, oh by the way hell of a deal you got on the fish and coral. im jealous

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that is a pretty sweet set up you have there . just started my fluval edge , going with zoas / rics / acans / and moar assorted shrooms. got the maxspect 60w led in the canopy, but its not adjustable so i hope its not too much light. keep up the good work, oh by the way hell of a deal you got on the fish and coral. im jealous

Sounds like a nice tank. That lamp is gonna be killer over that little tank. You can always hang it higher to decrease light in your tank. LEDs easily bleach corals though.



Looking great sammy. How is the LED controller working for you?



Thanks Dave. The controller is working well. Not like I would really wanted to but is just a matter of code. I still don't get that sh!t and when I try to adjust the code to my needs it doesn't work :angry: So I'm using one a guy from N-R gave me. Very simple functions.

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Thanks timanator, finally I'm getting some nice colors in my SPS once I dimmed down the power to 50% I was bleaching corals before. Also growth has begun to shoot on my SPS. In Acans and zoas was very good, not to mention color of them

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I`m just finished reading your thread, wich I found at the "Comprehensive DIY LED Project List" thread.


I bow down before the great DIY guy you are. I`m speachless!

I think I will have to buy you a one way ticket to Norway so you can build just the same setup for me! mohaha :lol:


Greetings from Langesund, Norway!

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sammy113 said:
Arduino is fun. I have everything set. Only need to play a little bit with the code to do what I want. The Hanna checker is very nice. Easy to use and affordable.


What bag are you talking about?


That one? :huh:


Those are the responsible of keeping those phosphates where they are :D (I hope so) Bio Pellets are called the "solid vodka" in case you've heard about dosing vodka to your tank ;)


hey, where did you get your reactor from? ive never seen BM make something like that

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Well is not a BM actually :lol: is a Resun. That is just a sticker that came with the skimmer ;)


I`m just finished reading your thread, wich I found at the "Comprehensive DIY LED Project List" thread.


I bow down before the great DIY guy you are. I`m speachless!

I think I will have to buy you a one way ticket to Norway so you can build just the same setup for me! mohaha :lol:


Greetings from Langesund, Norway!

:lol: Thanks, I'm glad you found me and that you liked it :P

Anytime you want, just fly me there I'll be glad to help :lol:

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what kind of camera are you using sammy? my new iphone 4g just isnt cutting it!

Haha if you're not happy with it I can give you my 3Gs as a trade :lol: Actually i though of giving a little time for the first batches to come out.


I'm using a Nikon D60. Macro shots with Sigma 70mm and others with Nikon 18-135mm

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