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Photographing Your Reef and Posting Your Photos


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  • 5 months later...

Here is a picture of my Anchor Coral, this is one of my favorites, when I zoom up into the picture I always want to try and feel the anchor it looks so squishy and cool.



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  • 1 year later...

Great post! I was online looking for some info on shooting corals and fish and this was a def a help. Good info. What about shooting under blue LED's? I have a Nikon D300 with a tripod and haven't had much success with any settings -_-

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  • 4 months later...

I'd like to get borders round my photos and have them in the centre of a post I make, does anyone know of a really good photo upload site which has the functionality or any other way of doing it?


I say this with particular reference to the way 'Viewpoints - A photographic journal of my Reef Tank' has laid out the photos


Thanks in advance for any suggestions anyone has.


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  • 1 year later...

I have tried repeatedly using your instructions to copy/paste my image url into the body of this post, it will not show here, Then I tried clicking on the "image" button and "code" buttons above and pasted the code there, nothing happens, either you missed a step or something else is wrong.


I am not new to posting photos for other blogs/community sites. But your method is not working for me, any suggestions?

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I have tried repeatedly to follow your instructions for posting images. If I try to copy/paste right here, it will not let me, nothing happens when I use "control V" or my right click mouse command to paste it here. I then tried clicking on the Image and Code buttons above and then pasted the code there, but then I cannot get out of the pane, either by clicking "X" nor OK nor Cancel....nothing is working, what is the problem? Any suggestions, I have asked this question on the Beginner Forum and tried someone's suggestion still no help.


I am using a code from Smug Mug where I'm housing my photos.


I am not new to forum posting and regularly post images on other sites, but this one will not let me do it. Please help


As for the code it looks like this:




I had to manually type this in here. I added tags too

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<p>Trying again:  just went back to Smug Mug and got a new code:</p>

<p><a href="http://asicit.smugmug.com/Becci-phone/i-WgTKcRP/0/X2/20140116_164239-X2.jpg">http://asicit.smugmug.com/Becci-phone/i-WgTKcRP/0/X2/20140116_164239-X2.jpg</a></p>

<p> </p>

<p>Well it let me paste the link in, but still no photo...now I'll try the image button again:</p>

<p><img alt="" src="http://asicit.smugmug.com/Becci-phone/i-WgTKcRP/0/X2/20140116_164239-X2.jpg" style="width: 720px; height: 960px;" /></p>

<p> </p>

<p>Hallelujah it worked...it was a browser problem.....Thanks just mentioning the browser prompted me to try Chrome...I'm partial to Microsoft Internet browser....progress...<img alt=":angry:" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.nano-reef.com/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif" title=":angry:" /></p>


Spoke too soon. I saw my image before I edited the post, but now just a bunch of code crap.....so frustrating....sorry,




Well there it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you jeremai!!!


Thanks to this tutorial gone are years of frustration trying to take decent photos and ending up with mediocre ones at best. I set up my new Canon EOS Rebel T3 following the tutorial and got some really nice photos of some of my corals today with the 18-55 mm kit lens. Here's a few of the photos.





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Thank you jeremai!!!


Thanks to this tutorial gone are years of frustration trying to take decent photos and ending up with mediocre ones at best. I set up my new Canon EOS Rebel T3 following the tutorial and got some really nice photos of some of my corals today with the 18-55 mm kit lens. Here's a few of the photos.


How did you go about adjusting the white balance with your camera? Custom, or was there a preset that worked for you?

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How did you go about adjusting the white balance with your camera? Custom, or was there a preset that worked for you?

I set it to AWB (automatic white balance) like the tutorial suggested and it worked perfect. I played with adjusting the white balance in Photoshop but the original looked the best. You do have to shoot RAW photos for it to work right. I also used a tripod and remote shutter control.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Cant find this issue so will ask.  I have a 35MM Cannon.  I have the camera set to A/V mode,  ISO 12 and white balance to auto.  Flash is turned off.  Every time I take a picture...it is pink!  what is up???

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