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Any 5D Mark ii Owners?


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Some guy on Facebook sent me a message about a "trick" to use any aperture in the HD Video...


Thanks for reaching out. Coolest tip. . . you can shoot any aperture on your 5d video. Set it to manual. Set any aperture. Unscrew the lens WHILE PUSHING THE DOF PREVIEW BUTTON. Put a little piece of Gaffers tape or masking tape over the contacts inside the body. Reattach your lens and your in business. It works like a charm. A little on the time consuming side but after not having any control it's a dream actually. The thought of putting the tape inside the camera was scary at first but after you try it you'll see it's not dangerous. Catch you later.


Not sure I believe this or would even try it.

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that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard...You already have full control of your aperture with the camera by turning the dial. That guy is a scam or an idiot. That would be a REALLY dumb move if Canon or any camera company adding HD vid to their DSLR and took away the aperture control.

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I figured as much. But I thought I had read where you had no manual control when using the video mode? Maybe I read something else and I'm confused...but it does sound very dumb.


Here is some evidence:



Apparently you don't have full control of the aperture in video mode with this 5D Mark II.

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I figured as much. But I thought I had read where you had no manual control when using the video mode? Maybe I read something else and I'm confused...but it does sound very dumb.


Here is some evidence:



I agree with 05 that this is a dumb idea seems like it could cause problems down the road, and don't tell Canon or you might have a void warranty. However contrary to what 05 says, the 5D Mk. II does not have manual controls for video recording (beyond AE lock).


05 please spend 30 seconds with google before calling people idiots, it just makes you look bad...

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If you are working with the video mode, could you go the manual aperture lens with an adapter route? You lose auto-focus, but that is no big deal on the 5D Mk2.

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If you are working with the video mode, could you go the manual aperture lens with an adapter route? You lose auto-focus, but that is no big deal on the 5D Mk2.


I think that would work, but I'm not a canon expert. You don't have autofocus in video mode anyway so it's not a big deal. That actually seems like a good work around to me.

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People recommend getting a cheap adapter for old nikon lenses that have manual aperture settings.


Another way is to use a neutral density filter when you set the exposure to force the aperture wide open.


It also helps to go into the menu and set the metering timer to 30 minutes in "Live View/Movie func. set." so the camera doesn't attempt to automatically change the settings too frequently.

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Just another reason if you want video..Buy a Video camera


I want video, but the quality of video that this 5D Mark II can produce is not going to be there in a separate video camera unless I spend upwards of over $5k? The Canon consumer line of HD Video just doesn't have the same IQ, and that to me doesn't make me want to buy a video camera and DSLR, when I can get both in this one unit, 5D Mark II, and have the IQ. This wasn't a popular feature to me at first, until I saw what all the fans of this camera were doing with the HD Video, and now I want to add to that madness.

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I want video, but the quality of video that this can produce is not going to be there unless I spend upwards of over $5k? The Canon consumer line of HD Video just doesn't have the same IQ, and that to me doesn't make me want to buy a video camera and DSLR, when I can get both in this one unit, 5D Mark II, and have the IQ.

Gotta pay to play...there is NO 1 solution thing


There is this



and its less then 5k and gently used ones go for the lower 2k mark

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That might be a good solution for me if I start to get really into video and need to separate the duties. But from what I've seen online the video the 5DM2 is putting out, is quite enough for what I have in mind. The limited video is perfect for me and my needs, and with a little post production on a nice Mac with some decent software, I will be producing some pretty creative little home videos. I don't expect the 5DM2 to be an all in one solution, but its pretty close...


This is all I'm looking to do...



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If you're looking at the 5d MK ii just because of the HD video, take a look at the new Canon T1i. Its next in line for the rebel series, with HD video capture.




Yeah, I think we are all familiar with this camera but most of us here discussing the 5D Mark II are not after just its HD Video capabilities, so there is more than just that to compare, but thanks jokercykoe, what kind of camera are you using to take your tank shots?

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So my 5DII arrived today with my canon 24-70. I think im in love :wub:




Where did you buy yours at...I forgot if you've already said so.

I guess you had lenses to cover the 24-105mm f/4, so you didn't go with the kit.

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