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Quick's 40 Breeder


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Heres some actinic only shots from tonight. It also appears that almost 3 of my fish have ich over night? I was cleaning the tank yesterday and didn't see anything wrong with any of the fish. But, today when I looked at the tank my 2 clowns and my blenny are covered in white spots.. Not really sure whats going on.. Any advice or insight? Should I qt and treat the fish?




Fire N Ice


Green Bays









Here you can see the ich..



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Your tank looks awesome!

I especially love the watermelon zoas :wub:


Good luck with the ich.

I'd start by adding garlic to the fishies food!

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That is a cRaZy tank of AwEsOmEnEsS!!!!!!!!!!!!


haha, thanks man..



Your tank looks awesome!

I especially love the watermelon zoas :wub:


Good luck with the ich.

I'd start by adding garlic to the fishies food!


Thank you.. I was thinking of enriching with garlic as well.. I just hope it doesn't spread to my favorite little buddy the flamehawk.. Hopefully I can get this taken care of without any casualties..

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its so AwEsOmE that it distracted me from even noticing or reading that your fish had ich.


oh well, good luck man

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Well, my poor little male clownfish died today.. I'm not sure how a fish can go from great one day to looking not so good the next to dead the next morning. I hope my female is alright. All the other fish look fine and are behaving fine with no signs of stress or disease..

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sucks, i know how you feel.


when i came home from scfm the fish were fine but the next morning my hawk and damsel were dead:(

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Update from today:


My solo female clown is still covered in ich. I am going to set up a hospital tank tomorrow and treat her. My other fish aren't showing any signs of stress or ich, so I think I'm fine there.


I do have a question though. Once I put the clown back in will she be attacked with ich again? Also, if I add any new fish will they get ich as well from being a little stressed?



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you'll need to keep the display fishless for 6-8wks to kill the parasite. The new fish will only develop ich if the parasite is there and if it is stressed

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I lost a pair of clowns to ich around Christmas. I went away for work, and the power went out. Fish got super stressed when the tank got down to 65F :(



I just bought a 40B on the weekend. I painted the back tonight. Don't want to drill it, so I'm very interested in reading about your HOB setup. I didn't know you could get a surface skimmer for a Hagen AquaClear system.


Hope the ich works out for you better than it did for me!

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you'll need to keep the display fishless for 6-8wks to kill the parasite. The new fish will only develop ich if the parasite is there and if it is stressed


Wow, that is quite a while. Are you saying though that if I have no stressed fish, they should be able to fight the parasite off on their own?


yep so id put all the fish in the hospital tank


I would love to do that, but unfortunately all I can fit right now is a 10g tank.. I'm not sure my 4 fish would get along very well in such a small space..


I lost a pair of clowns to ich around Christmas. I went away for work, and the power went out. Fish got super stressed when the tank got down to 65F :(



I just bought a 40B on the weekend. I painted the back tonight. Don't want to drill it, so I'm very interested in reading about your HOB setup. I didn't know you could get a surface skimmer for a Hagen AquaClear system.


Hope the ich works out for you better than it did for me!


Sorry to hear about your clowns, it sucks when things out of your control happen like that..


Good luck on the 40b as well, I posted info on the last page or the page before that about my exact HOB set up. Let me know if you have other questions.

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Well, I woke up to my other clown dead... Hopefully nobody else becomes infected.. So much for getting his hospital tank today... I still want to get the tank for my other fish to live in while I let the parasite die in my display..

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Wow, so I moved all the live rock and corals out of my tank and I dropped the salinity gradually yesterday/this morning to 1.009. Unfortunately I woke up and my red-lip blenny was lying in the sand dead.. I really don't want anymore of my fish to die and I am hoping that hyposalinity will help them fight off the parasite. I'll keep you guys posted..



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Yep, it definitely does. So, while my other fish are hopefully healing in the QT and while the disease is dying off in my display, I will probably by a lot of coral to make up for the lack of fish in my display.. Hopefully once this whole deal is over I can begin thinking of stocking plans.

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Since I have had a fishless display for a few days, my girlfriend bought me a new coral to keep me entertained for a while. She got this Lobo piece which is about the size of a softball for 45 bucks.. I think thats a pretty damn good deal. I will have better pics up tomorrow as well as a FTS.


It looks a little pissed still because it had only been in the tank about 10 minutes..



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