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Onyx Clowns Spawning


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CESAR I added you to the list im like 3 weeks out or more doe shipping and i only have about 22 to 26 fish right now until her new batch hatches.

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cesar, two other scnrs members and myself are getting clowns shipped to the sd area. I was trying to tell you so man.


and this benefits me how? <_< Are you telling me you will drive mine all the way to L.A? You are the best nips. Thank you good sir.


CESAR I added you to the list im like 3 weeks out or more doe shipping and i only have about 22 to 26 fish right now until her new batch hatches.


Thank you. Much appreciated. I can wait no problem. As long as you keep me in mind for a future batch. :bowdown:

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i was going to drop yours off when i headed back up north for one of my visits. not anymore chump


Oh come one man. I was just kiddddinnnng. :flower:

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Hey would 2 Onyx get along with a pair of True Percula Clownfish? If they do im interested in some Onyx!

Stick to 1 pair per tank.

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Well humm that just got me thinking about setting up my 10gal again for those to and see about breeding some...humm ill look into it a bit more.

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Hi Erik


I just found your post today and it is great. It is obvious you do this with love and I agree with the person who said they rather buy from someone who cares, then someone just trying to make a buck.


I would love a pair but worried about my tomato clown. Does anyone have experience in adding a juvenile pair of clowns in with an existing tomato clown? Should I even attempt it?


I was also wondering if you're breeding your picassos too?


Thanks, and great thread.....

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Ok laura well thank you very much. And honestly it wouldnt matter to me even if i didnt sell them. I told my kids the other day when you get older and you want to do this ill have it ready for you if you dont well just have fun with them. I try to do it fair for everyone. Im very easy going and i love talking to people about the hobby. If it wasnt for hobbyists I wouldnt be a hobbyist. And to answer your question i would stay away from adding any clown let alone a juvenile clown with a tomato. There very aggresive and very territorial. I would prob either A set up a small nano or B get rid of the tomato and get the onyx. Now i understand bonding is a hobbyists way of enjoying what we do but your gonna have to sacrafice one or the other. There both beautiful in the eye of the beholder so its up to you. But no i wouldnt mix them. You want to generally stay within the same species and one pair per tank.

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Hi Erik


Thanks for responding. I could tell you cared about the hobby not the profit. :-) I love my little guy, though he can be a pain sometimes, he is very funny to watch. Territorial - yes


I was thinking of starting a smaller tank - addiction. As adults, what is the smallest size tank you would recommend that they live in. There would be no other fish in the tank if I do this. I do not believe in over loading, plus it keeps fighting down. LOL


Loved the video!!!!!!

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Thank you laura i actually have my breeders in a 12 by 12 cubicle and there all over 4 inches lol so I can say that the babies will be fine in anything over 2 gallons. I have a 2 gallon nano tank that they have done great in. I think the perfect tank for them would be like an 8 gallon bio cube or 14 and youll have to cover the vents where the intakes are with like a sponge or something so they wont get through cuz they are very small

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Thank you laura i actually have my breeders in a 12 by 12 cubicle and there all over 4 inches lol so I can say that the babies will be fine in anything over 2 gallons. I have a 2 gallon nano tank that they have done great in. I think the perfect tank for them would be like an 8 gallon bio cube or 14 and youll have to cover the vents where the intakes are with like a sponge or something so they wont get through cuz they are very small


Awesome - I was looking at the 8 gallon recently. When I get something I will pm you to see if/when you have any little buddies for sale.


Thanks again for helping me.



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sweet pix star but colby is gonna post his pix of the ones he got from me and I want you to see how much black came into the one withought hosting an anenome. I know theres allot of talk about nems not allowing the darker pigment to come in as quick or strong especialy btas so i would pull the bta and let them host some mushrooms and youll see a huge diifference. see ya buddy thanks for the post


That is very interesting. I have heard that somewhere before, but never saw a confirmation. Do you have any more info on the subject? Onyx clowns are what got me interested in the hobby and I plan on having a pair when I set up my first tank. So ditching the RBTA with say a frogspawn will not hinder their color? Thanks for the wealth of information you provide to the community. I hope to have a pair of your beautiful clowns sometime in the future.

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wow great thread erik,I have been following it for quite some time and was wondering if i can be put on the list for a pair. Where are you located by the way? thanks


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Well to answer one question when my clowns are seperated at an early age 2 by two the black comes in very fast. It has to do with a social problem. When clowns are clustering in a ball at a young age they usually look pale its weird. The mintue you take them out and put them either alone or with a friend they color up super fast. I have done controlled experiments here is an example clowns are all same age. 2 with anenome, 2 hosting a mushroom, 2 hosting nothing at all. the ones hosting nothing at all were colroed up the best. I dont know why but they do. If clowns host torches, frogspawwns, elegance etc.. they usually get black burn marks on them because they cant handle it . If clowns host mushrooms I have never seen any problems and they color up fine. Now to a hopbbyist its the coolest thing when there clowns host anenomes. I have a super black onyx perc all black fins everything. I put him as a juvenile with 4 different anenomes over 3 months. He went from being almost all black to just black between his first bar. He almost lost everything. Now I am not marine biologist or even saying that I know why, i just know it happened to many of my clowns. The clowns i sent colby I htink page ten has allot of black those were hosting mushrooms, compare that image to stars whos are hosting an anenome and the same age. Either way enviornent does matter in a way. Lighting I find they do the best under cheap pc lights less lighting more color. Halides has washed them out in my experience. Very weird but its true. And as far as where im located im in tampa. thanks guys for following along any more questions feel free

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