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GirlGoneAqua's BC14 (NEW PICTURES Actinic 2/10)


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Hi all!

Heres my March update!

I havent posted any pictures in the last month because I was having some diffculties trying to figure out why my coral's were being eaten/dying, and for the longest time I thought it was me or my water condition and came to the conclusion it was my peppermint shrimp from hell who was doing so. He ate pieces of my brian, plate, porecelin crab, and goniopora! I recently sold him back to my LFS and all is 100% again.

Enjoy the pics!










Trumpet heads that melted off last month grew back 100%!!! :bowdown:




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Really?! A peppermint shrimp chowing down on your corals?! Weird! Good to see your back and your tank is healthy.

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Really?! A peppermint shrimp chowing down on your corals?! Weird! Good to see your back and your tank is healthy.



Ya caught the bastard tearing out the mouth of my plate! and it took me a week to catch him! I had to throw all my good corals into the breeder's net till he was out, then everything healed up and looks good again. This is how i know it was him!

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WoW long time since your last photos. Good to hear everything is back to normal.


Your tank is looking crowded! Is an upgrade planned?

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i did have one planned but now that i started school I just cant keep up on it anymore like i used to and plus everytime i move something around, everything falls apart and the tank gets angry at me! So I havent touched it for a month and kind of let it do its thing, but the water and cleaniness is a-ok.

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Hmmm... I've had a couple of LPS that have been going down hill for a while now. It's weird because my SPS is doing great and I can't figure out why they've been doing bad. I see the shrimp pick everyonce in a while, but maybe it's time for that @#$@#% to go.


How'd you catch him.... I'm half tempted to go get a hawkfish...

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what kind of shrimp is it? because there are two types of peppermint shrimps...one has pink looking guts, and the other has green ones. The one with green guts (like mine) are known to eat coral/reefs. The one with pink guts are reef safe. The pink ones come from florida, while the green ones come from haiti


I caught my bastard by cutting off the end of a plastic water bottle, stuffing a bunch a food at the bottom and letting it sink to the bottom. when he went in, i just took my net and covered the hole before he could run out.

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Green guts! Shrimp must go! He did get rid of my aiptasia problem, but still!


I love that clownfish. I like the center stripe a lot. I used to have one like that (big white center stripe) until it went carpet surfing. It's mate is still with me though and hosts my frogspawn.

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Tank is looking good. :)


I had a sexy shrimp that was picking at my corals and hurting them. I guess you never know what these little shrimp are capable of.

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Ya I had a peppermint before (pink guts) and it never did any harm but my Ocellaris at the time ate him.

I got some aiptasia growing so i bought another one and thought it was strange he had green guts and after a week he was terrorizing all my corals...but i never suspected it was him eatting them for the longet time! I was checking for nudi's and bad snails the whole time!

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The joys of reefing, you will always have ups and downs, just stick through them and awlays figure out the problem and the time they last will get shorter and shorter until you have no lulls at all!


Whats the orange thing on the frag rack? Ohh BTW a frag rack means you are a real reefer, awesome!


Peps can be hit or miss. A lot like angels. I have a model citizen right now, but I have had coral eaters before.

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I caught the little bugger. Hopefully my Acans and Micro will recover. If it was him he cost me at least two acans and my prized Micro. If it wasn't... Oh well. At least I won't have something that steals my poor LPS's food from their mouths. P.s. that Hifin goby is pretty neat. Do you have a pistol for him?

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Ohh BTW a frag rack means you are a real reefer, awesome!




Tank looks good and really filling in well.My pep nips at things time to time but the +s make up for it.......and SDT a real reefer has a frag tank and not a tacky looking frag rack in there main tank..............

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SDT: the red thing is a red mushroom I got for free


nanobuds: That picture was not mine! lol


paleo: I dont have a pistol, the tank is in my room and im such a light sleeper hearing clicking all night would drive me insane!


plainrt: Im a poor girl, i cant afford two tanks!

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plainrt: Im a poor girl, i cant afford two tanks!




I doubt your poor......LOL.Just set up a ten gal or something and find a deal on a light.You can do it :}



Oh and you should try a pistol.I love mine.They dont click that much when paired up really.

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I really dont have enough time in my life right now for two tanks! I barely have time for the 14 right now.

im at school 40hours a week and 20 hours at work and as of the last few months iv been a poor girl and my very wonderful parents have been paying for everything for me minus my hobbies

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Sucks about the Peppermint shrimp, I've heard of camel shrimp causing problems, but not pepp's. Looks like everything is well on the way to a full recovery though. Nice pictures!

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Great tank! I love how everything grown in place!!


I wish my tank can become like yours!!!


My buddy just bought a BC14, I was wondering did you do any mods to your tank? Are the lights stock?


Sorry if you have answered these questions, but your thread is too long for me to piece out every info... thx !!

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