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GirlGoneAqua's BC14 (NEW PICTURES Actinic 2/10)


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nice,clown looks comfortable!

sweet crab don;t worry it'll grow another claw! ;)



Thanks PINOY

Iv seen your corals and OMG they are so nice!

Im super jealous :P

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I've liked this crabs for a while. Just need to find out if they get along with emeralds. Most likely not.


Your clown hosting picture is awesome!

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I get good prices because all my LFS guys :wub: me! haha

and my clown is a big cuddle bug, he loves everything in my tank, he even tries to pair up with my poor goby! sometimes the sexy will come sit next to him on the brain lol.


Heres a View from my bed


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GGA, be VERY careful with the clown hosting in the brain. if it's not kept fed, or the first instance of the clown's health going downhill, and the brain will EAT the fish. I know this from experiance when I had a naked clown and it wasn't doing well, got close to (or maybe layed on?) my open brain and it's started EATING it alive!! The clown did not make it and the brain had closed itself up on the tail half of the fish by the time I discovered it. :(

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Iv had 3 clowns host that brain with no problems. This brain is very weird, it never eats with its mouth let alone opens it! It just puffs really big and deflates at night. Plus my clown oddly enough does not sleep there at night! when the lights go off he swims up to the filter intake and lays against it lol.

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Yes, since I enjoyed the BC14 so much I would like to get the BC29. Just need to save some money to buy a stand because it will not fit on my dresser like the 14 does lol

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I just tore down my aquapod 12 today, since it has a faulty fan, and its in a bad spot in the apartment and was running really hot and since I don't control the heat in the building I figured screw it and gave all the stuff in it away to a fellow reefer


maybe in the future I'll run it open top. who knows


unless I can sell it with the stand. :)

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So Yesterday I was very excited to see my porcelain crab had regrew its claws back!

I watched him for 20mins peeling off his old shell and it was quite a treat to watch. I

left to go get new hermits and came back an hour later to find my porcelain's arms are gone!!! and saw the peppermint shrimp chowing down on them....

poor little guy has NO claws now so I put him in a breeders net to regrow again.

hope he makes it fingerscrossed









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Sweet tank!


Got a picture of your claw-less crab? I'm interested to see if it will survive. No claws has got to make it hard to feed itself.


He ought to be fine ... ime they hardly ever use their large claws. That and some porcelain crabs have been know to drop appendages when stressed.

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