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Canon XSi or Nikon d40


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No doubt....I feel like a fish that has been caught. You cant get hooked if you dont bite! No biting for me next time!

Haha, dats it!


Okay...I understand who Dexter is now....unfortunately we don't ger Showtime....or any other premiums...like I said, I am an unfortunate financial statistic....BUT one helluva good DIY'er!!!


My last project was an extremely accurate two part dosing system.....for the cost of two digital lamp timers and some effort....the rest of the parts were either from my scrap parts bin or free...

We don't have premiums either but Showtime if free right now on DirectTV! :D

Wtf, who said you were allowed to talk reef in here??? :P

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I was just looking at your wondering how the heck I am gonna fit it in the bag lol!

That's what she sa............ah nevermind.

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No problem Mitch!




Hahahahaha :lol:


What other fourms did you read about me in? Lemme gues SCNRS!? How do I posion the life out of discussions lol? This is like the only controversial thread I have posted on in like a year lol. I am usually to busy helping people in the reef sections. Totally untrue statements. From the looks of your tank you are one of those in need of help, but not for me for sure.


I only get like this when someone personally attacks me. Heck I give free coral away to anyone who pays shipping!


So go f*** yourself! ;)



Seriously SDT, take my word on this get help...

I'm not cursing at you, I'm not putting you down, I'm just concerned about your mental health...

I'll pray for you, that you are able to let go of that anger and hatred...

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Seriously SDT, take my word on this get help...

I'm not cursing at you, I'm not putting you down, I'm just concerned about your mental health...

I'll pray for you, that you are able to let go of that anger and hatred...


Im glad u know me enough to make brash comments like that!! If u ever met me and the people who have will tell u I am the most down to earth person they know. all I care about is reefing, fishing, and my little sisters.


and anger and hatred??? if u could be on my side of the screen..... I take everything as a joke and try to not make anything personal, but what u see as "anger and hatred" is just my sense of humor.. Im the most sarcastic person in the world!! My best friends nickname is s1u7. and mine is w#0r3. so anyone outside of the conversation looking in would probably think we hated each other but the fact of the matter is the people I surround myself with as well as myself are just that way its not me trying to be mean or bitter its just how I express myself in life and it is misread on forums because no one can hear the laugh or see the smirk on my face when im saying tese things. I JOKE AROUND CONSTANTLY!!!!!!!!

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The primary feature I look for in a camera is the ability to take pictures. I think it's important but some say I live an extravagant lifestyle. Having a viewfinder is a close second.

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Did you guys seriously debate whether Nikon or Canon is better based on the pics people have taken? Jesus.


Either camera will take amazing pictures, it's 90% dependent on the photographers abilities.


That being said, I was in the same position as you were a couple of months ago. I ended up with the XSi because of quite a few reasons.


1) The button layout is vastly superior. All the functions of the camera are easy to access and the buttons correspond with the icons on the LCD (which is HUGE, btw).


2) It's 12 megapixels (not that this really matters though)


3) This is the big one, it just felt better in my hands. Either will take great pictures, just buy the one you think feels better to you.


Edit: And since everybody is throwing up pics of what their camera can do...


I took these with the XSi, white balance was set to custom and I used a grey piece of plastic in the tank to set it.




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lol, just made some observations


looks like we all scared the OP away





Yes... I don't even wan't to read this thread, lol after flipping through a few pages and post, I definately have a headache.

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Yes... I don't even wan't to read this thread, lol after flipping through a few pages and post, I definately have a headache.


eh, dont worry about it. Sometimes people miss the lounge and click photo forum instead. ask again in a couple weeks ;)

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Exactly my point. I have extensively used both brands in high demand situations, neither are superior or easier to use than the other. I can come up with high and low points for each brand:


*Canon 580 Flash sucks batteries

*Nikon grips tend to be too large for my hand

*Buttons on the Canon can be pushed and flipped easily by accident

*Nikon body sucks batteries

*I hate CF cards (both brands take the cake in this one)

*I wish the xsi had a top view panel so I don't have to get into the menu to see stuff


I could go on and on, but I won't cause it's obviously pointless. Yes Ms. Icon, whatever you say must be correct.


actually that's probably one of the best opinions i've seen in this whole thread. Can you go on and on? point out what you like about both and some more of what you hate



Soooooo....... which camera you gonna buy? :lol:



so far, probably the XSi. I'm not to big of a fan on AF Lense only.

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Exactly my point. I have extensively used both brands in high demand situations, neither are superior or easier to use than the other. I can come up with high and low points for each brand:


*Canon 580 Flash sucks batteries

*Nikon grips tend to be too large for my hand

*Buttons on the Canon can be pushed and flipped easily by accident

*Nikon body sucks batteries

*I hate CF cards (both brands take the cake in this one)

*I wish the xsi had a top view panel so I don't have to get into the menu to see stuff


I could go on and on, but I won't cause it's obviously pointless. Yes Ms. Icon, whatever you say must be correct.

Most useless review I have ever read

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Most useless review I have ever read




As a user, these are the things that matter to me. Not what the shutter is made out of, or abstract ramblings about who makes what sensor. I care about end performance, ease of use, and bang for my buck.


I'll think of other things I've noticed and if I come up with any others I'll list em.

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As a user, these are the things that matter to me. Not what the shutter is made out of, or abstract ramblings about who makes what sensor. I care about end performance, ease of use, and bang for my buck.


I'll think of other things I've noticed and if I come up with any others I'll list em.


No arguements please, but it seems we are back on topic. Without ANY bashing, please let me adress your statement.


Thats like buying a high performance car and saying, "I dont care what engine it has, or the tires it uses, as long as it "looks" the same and gets me from point a to point b".


There is nothing "abstract" about pointing out that a major camera maker has started to outsource one of the most major components of their products. Also, 5 minutes of research and you will see why the CMOS sensor is much better than the CCD sensor in many ways.


These are high dollar cameras compared to anyting but other DSLR's one brand uses more advanced coponents than anothers, and has a super easy to use operating system that they have kept the same for years..."if it aint broke dont fix it". This would make it a better purchase for a new dslr customer.


As far as how the buttons and grip feels, thats subject to anyone interpritation, but the other facts are just that, facts, and should be taken into account when making a first time purchase of this magnitude.


I'm glad you are leaning towards the camera you are, you will be very happy.

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As someone who doesn't know a lot about cameras, and some point could be considering this same decision...Why would I care who made the sensor? Are you saying Sony makes poor sensors? I just don't think the fact the they outsource the sensor is neccesarily negative.


I'm not arguing, I just don't know anything about the relative quality of the sensor. If I was buying an Infiniti and found out the engine was made by Audi, that doesn't mean that the comparable BMW is better than the Inifiniti. But I'm thinking what your saying with the Nikon is that I'm buying the Inifiniti, and Kia is making the motor? Am I following you right?

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Actually, the sony CMOS sensor is a good sensor, but only the D300 uses it. I just dont like the fact a major brand isnt following everyone else and making their own, better component, they are piggy backing on sony and charging much more for the sensor.


I am refering to something else with the two models in question when it comes to the sensors.


In the cameras in question, the Canon Rebel XSi, and the Nikon d40, the canon uses the CMOS sensor and the Nikon uses the CCD sensor. The CMOS sensor is a much better sensor in the fact that is is connected at each photosite alowing it to take faster pictures and better change to different lighting situations. The CCD sensor is and analog sensor and its much older technology. Each photosite is connected to a chip on the side of the sensor, that has to convert the ANALOG signal into DIGITAL, and then save the image to the memory card.


So in lehmans terms....It would be like buying a bmw with a 1990s motor in it. Not that is isnt capable, but newer motors are more fuel effiecient and more powerful, like the CMOS sensor.


I just noticed that you said they use CF cards S.E. Both the nikon and the canon us SD cards now in these models.

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