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Canon XSi or Nikon d40


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I forgot we were on n-r.com I should have said toyota or honda




also, lol at SDT not participating in any controversial threads other than this one....

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Other than religious threads lol, thats a different story. And I could still count them on one hand.


I am just about helping people otherwise. I get several PMs a day adking for help, and I always do my best. I have given many people on this forum free coral and helped many others save coral, fish, and teach hard to keep fish like mandarins to eat.


BUT, step on my toes and I wish bash you to no end. This is like the nicest forum I have even belonged too lol, I am used to this everywhere else.

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Other than religious threads lol, thats a different story. And I could still count them on one hand.


I am just about helping people otherwise.


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I can see why....this has been one of the more obnoxious threads I've ever had the ill fortune to participate in....I just wish some people could get past their own obvious shortcomings and try to be nice...I guess it's just the easy way out , trying to lower someone else....I keep a nice tank, am interested in nice corals, nce info, and NICE PEOPLE....I just don't have time for the innane insults that some of you cretins seem stuck in...


I will say it again...get a life....children....


Doesn't the world give us all enough personal challenges, without having to be nasty to each other? I've been around a long time, and find that the most satisfying folks to deal with are those who TRY to support each other....AND those who can move on....

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No problem Mitch!




Hahahahaha :lol:


What other fourms did you read about me in? Lemme gues SCNRS!? How do I posion the life out of discussions lol? This is like the only controversial thread I have posted on in like a year lol. I am usually to busy helping people in the reef sections. Totally untrue statements. From the looks of your tank you are one of those in need of help, but not for me for sure.


I only get like this when someone personally attacks me. Heck I give free coral away to anyone who pays shipping!


So go f*** yourself! ;)


Free coral?

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Good people who care about others do stuff like that....


I just gave a fellow a ball of chaeto AND about a 1 1/4 X 1 1/4 inch mounted and encrusting Orange Monti cap frag last week. It was his first SPS, and I figured he would appreciate the gesture....I got FREE CORALs when I was starting up...A friend gave me a piece of LE Superman encrusting Monti, WITH lineage directly to Tyree's own tank, a bunch of ORA German Blue polyp Digi, and several others....that's called being a good hobbiest, interested in helping people out, and interested in spreading the species around....

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I have handed out innumerable zoas, montis, acros, and others over the years....and I don't mean just ugly brown stuff either....ORA Chip's, Cali Blue torts, LE encrusting montis, etc....


I recently received a nice colony of Monti confusa FREE!!!!


(BTW....pic taken with my POS P&S)

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Yes, I have given many people free coral, pay shipping and if I have a piece of something extra its yours. Right now I am getting ready to send soemone a huge piece of red monti cap.


Nice confusa colony!


I agree, I dont know why people cant just talk about cameras and most seem to be now, but some seem to have to make it personal.

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I agree, I dont know why people cant just talk about cameras and most seem to be now, but some seem to have to make it personal.

You seem to have a strange affect on some people. Deja vu from that other thread!

Haters be hatin'

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At the risk of sounding redundant, I feel that the worls is feeding us all enough crap....we shouldn't add to it by bashing and denegrating each other....I used to feel like I had the world by the danglies....but boy oh boy was I ever in for a shock....The economy claimed me and my family in its decline....now my wife lost her job and frankly if something doesn't give soon I will be selling everything off just to feed my kids....


The world feeds us all enough crap, we don't really need to add to that, espeially not just for laughs....

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SDT is amusing because she just keeps on fighting. :D


What did you think I was gonna give up?! :D:P


All I did was point out the flaws of a certain camera and BAM, lets make it personal. Of course I am gonna get defensive! An eye for an eye! -_-

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What did you think I was gonna give up?! :D:P


All I did was point out the flaws of a certain camera and BAM, lets make it personal. Of course I am gonna get defensive! -_-

You didn't just point out flaws, you bashed Nikon. I'm a Canon user, and I've used most of the brands out there, but when you put Nikon down...... that's just plain silly. I've really got nothing against you personally, but sometimes you just come off as a run-of-the-mill troll.

Still luvs ya anyways. :P


Dexter uses Nikon



Omg, it's on right now!!

I <3 Dexter.

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Sorry Lalani!....I just got this thing against Nikon from all the crap I used to deal with from them. I know people who use them too, take great pics. Also when people make things personal I SNAP, and go on a rampage lol. Perhaps next time I will be a little less critical! :D

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Sorry Lalani!....I just got this thing against Nikon from all the crap I used to deal with from them. I know people who use them too, take great pics. Also when people make things personal I SNAP, and go on a rampage lol. Perhaps next time I will be a little less critical! :D

You need to chiiiiill...... and watch Dexter! :lol:

Next time somebody tries to make it personal, ignore them, it drives them freakin' nuts! Take the high road from time to time, please. You have no idea how angry I got with you throughout this thread, even though I knew you were full 'o chit.

And I couldn't respond until now... -_-


Who is Dexter?

Showtime, on right now! Serial killer killing bad guys...... love it!

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Next time somebody tries to make it personal, ignore them


No doubt....I feel like a fish that has been caught. You cant get hooked if you dont bite! No biting for me next time!

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Okay...I understand who Dexter is now....unfortunately we don't ger Showtime....or any other premiums...like I said, I am an unfortunate financial statistic....BUT one helluva good DIY'er!!!


My last project was an extremely accurate two part dosing system.....for the cost of two digital lamp timers and some effort....the rest of the parts were either from my scrap parts bin or free...

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