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Calvin415's LED lit 12 footer


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Well I guess since Nano's are based on gallons and not dimensions I have to put this idea here... :(


While contruction hasn't begun yet, it looks like this is what will be coming... We still need to put the basement floors in (will be completed in the next month) but construction will begin as soon as the floors are in. :D


Here's a animated rendering... Tank will be 141.625x15.5x16.5. Orginally wanted a 16 footer but just not enough room to make it practical. :( The tank will act as a room divider seperating our rec room into two areas, our kids play area and another TV room.



Edited by calvin415
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Are you restricted with the width? It seems like you're crippling your aquascaping options by going with 15". What are you going to light it with?

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Thanks Jason, actually 15" is a step up from 12" and a step up from the original 7" ;) I plan on keeping LPS (acans, micros, blastos etc) plus smaller fish so 15" should be plently. Plan on a ton of T-5's retro'd into the canopy with Tek Reflectors.

Edited by calvin415
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Here's my current planning delemma though...


I have 80" available under the soffit and if I put the stand at 40" that will give me 20" at the top (if I keep the canopy to 5") to help give the room an open feeling.


Will only 40" off the ground look lame? How high do you feel a tank should be off the ground? My wife doesn't want the tank to turn into a full wall but I want it easily viewable (don't want to have to bend over too much)... Thoughts?

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Couldn't you put an easy chair or something by it, or make a "Sitting Area" or "Reading Area" right next to it?


Looks like a super cool concept, can't wait to see it brought to life.

The contest tank you did was pretty awesome.

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Thanks Weetabix! Yes, the kids room will be about 10x16 the TV room with be about 13x16. Plenty of room for couches and other furniture. My concern is the height of the stand for the tank. How tall are everyone's stands?

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ive got a 75g 22inch tall on a 40inch stand. u dont have to bend over too much to look in but u better have a stool to reach the bottom :)


sweet tank btw. i take it ur going to make it yourself? does acrylic come that long or do u have to seam it?

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Thanks! Yeah I had a 20" tall once on a 42 stand and I had to get a small ladder to get high enough. :D It would be a custom cast to get 12' sheets so I'll be seaming it.

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I would cover the top of the tank aswell and then put the lights so it looks like it is "built into the wall"

Nah, I kinda like it this way it's "different". This is gonna be so cool calvin! What fish are you planning?

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I would cover the top of the tank aswell and then put the lights so it looks like it is "built into the wall"


Already have it pictured with a top on the tank which will contain the lighting... ???

It will still have a built in look. It will be connected to both walls and even drywalled and textured. The only thing cabinet on it will be the doors to get into the sump below the tank.


Nah, I kinda like it this way it's "different". This is gonna be so cool calvin! What fish are you planning?


Planning on leopard wrasses, christmas wrasses, and melenaris wrasses plus some lyretail anthias. :D


How old are the kids? It would make me nervous to put a non inwall next to a play area....


3, 1, and another in about 11-12 months. It will be built in though so it should be fine. Orginal plan was to have the cabinet double as a toy bin, but that got trumped quickly. :D

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I like my stands lower. It makes it easier to reach the arms in.


Measure from your armpit to the floor and make sure the top of the tank sits no higher then that.


I like where this thread is going. Too bad it can't be open top. :\

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i have my tank sitting on a 36 inch stand... wish i went taller... true i can reach all the way to the bottom of the tank.. and its nice to sit back and watch it from the sofa... just stinks when you walk into the room and have to bend down to look at stuff near the bottom... i guess its a trade off

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Looks good! With kids that small you will be dealing with toys & balls being thrown so I would think that taller would be better if you don't want unusual tank decorations. :P Not to mention the "stuff" that transfers from little fingers to toys that might not make good additives to your tank. Keep us posted with lots of pictures!

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Are you going to put a sump on the tank? It dosnt look like you will have that much room under the tank for a big sump unless it is custom. I really like the long tank, it looks like it has the potential to have an increadible aquascape.

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I like my stands lower. It makes it easier to reach the arms in.


Measure from your armpit to the floor and make sure the top of the tank sits no higher then that.


I like where this thread is going. Too bad it can't be open top. :\


Good idea bud! We are planning on having a sectional back up against the tank, maybe I'll just measure the couch height so the tank will sit right at the top of the couch.


i have my tank sitting on a 36 inch stand... wish i went taller... true i can reach all the way to the bottom of the tank.. and its nice to sit back and watch it from the sofa... just stinks when you walk into the room and have to bend down to look at stuff near the bottom... i guess its a trade off


At 15" I doubt I'll have issues reaching the bottom, but I don't want to have to lay down to look at the tank either... Think I might just try to put it at the top of the couch and go from there.


Looks good! With kids that small you will be dealing with toys & balls being thrown so I would think that taller would be better if you don't want unusual tank decorations. :P Not to mention the "stuff" that transfers from little fingers to toys that might not make good additives to your tank. Keep us posted with lots of pictures!


Will be completely covered so the only thing the fish will need to worry about is the occasional ball hitting the acrylic. :D BTW, get your family out of your tank!!! LOL!


Are you going to put a sump on the tank? It dosnt look like you will have that much room under the tank for a big sump unless it is custom. I really like the long tank, it looks like it has the potential to have an increadible aquascape.


Yes, there will be a sump, and should have plenty of room, but that just got me thinking about it... I'll have to build the sump and stand together else it won't fit in there... :( Yes it will be custom, both tank and sump will be built by me.

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Well my wife gave me the okay to frame the stand on the concrete instead of waiting for the floors to go in so I hope to tackle that this weekend... That is if I can find a SCMAS member with a truck and nothing better to do on a Saturday. ;)

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Thanks for all the help Paul, David and my other buddy David. :D


Here's what we were able to get done in the little time I had today...





Plugs for the tank...





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This is going to be a great looking tank, can't wait to see it. :)


Thanks, it will be a little bit of time in the making but howfully it will be worth it. Sorry if I'm posting along the way instead of showing it all done with progress pics, I'm just really stoked about this one. :)


Following along


Thanks, me too! ;)



Wow, this is gonna be awesome. What kind of time frame are you expecting on the build?


Not sure yet... I'm selling my wife's BMW and it will depend on how much I can get, and if I can put any of it towards the tank or if it will all go towards whatever my wife wants next. If anyone is intested in a 2003 325xi AWD 5-speed (rare) let me know. :D If there are 0 funds from the car then I'll probably be looking at 6-9 months. :( I have to get at least 8 SETS of T-5's (16 bulbs) plus skimmer, two Darts (return and closed loop) plus anything else I'm forgetting like acrylic for the tank and sump. ;)

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Thanks, it will be a little bit of time in the making but howfully it will be worth it. Sorry if I'm posting along the way instead of showing it all done with progress pics, I'm just really stoked about this one. :)




Thanks, me too! ;)





Not sure yet... I'm selling my wife's BMW and it will depend on how much I can get, and if I can put any of it towards the tank or if it will all go towards whatever my wife wants next. If anyone is intested in a 2003 325xi AWD 5-speed (rare) let me know. :D If there are 0 funds from the car then I'll probably be looking at 6-9 months. :( I have to get at least 8 SETS of T-5's (16 bulbs) plus skimmer, two Darts (return and closed loop) plus anything else I'm forgetting like acrylic for the tank and sump. ;)


Just tell your wife that this is for her. B)


That would suck if you got nothing...I can't wait that long for this tank! ;)


What dimensions on the sump are you looking at?


Oh yeah and I like how your doing the tank as it goes...it's fun to follow it and not be making comments on something that was done months ago.



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