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Awwww....... there is another option.... :)

(oh yeah, I went there!)



Chicken, lol.



hmmm...methinks jer was not espectin that card... :lol:




and darn straight. 2 unwanted images per week is 2 over my quota ;)

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I usually do three (-1.5, 0, 1.5), sometimes five; more than that and the the dynamic range of the original image is usually so comparatively small that at the extremes it's often close to solidly black or white.

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when you do a single image HDR, how many images do you break it in to?


3, 5, 7, 9, as many as possible???



3 or 5 with EV compensation of +/- 2 between each step. More than that and even at iso80 or 100 the final image gets too noisy. Even then I sometimes run them through Noise Ninja before Photomatix.

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Really, like -4, -2, 0, 2, 4? I usually do three (-1.5, 0, 1.5) or five (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2).


But then we're generally going for different looks, arent we? ;)

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Really, like -4, -2, 0, 2, 4? I usually do three (-1.5, 0, 1.5) or five (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2).


But then we're generally going for different looks, arent we? ;)


yup...i've only done -4, -2, 0 , 2, 4 on a couple of single image HDRs, one being:




^^after that and the B&W version, Lightroom is my hero :wub: Trees needed -3.5 before you could even tell they were there.



Mostly it's just -2, 0, 2, ie:











but yeah, everyone's process is different depending on their style, and every photo needs different treatment anyway.

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will do


honestly, lulz from more experienced photographers can only help to improve my work


this is a skill that has to develop and input form others is important to me

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Interesting. Thanks, Daniel.


sure :) weren't expecting that one to be the 8 stop range were ya??



will do


honestly, lulz from more experienced photographers can only help to improve my work


this is a skill that has to develop and input form others is important to me


yes, please post :) and they can always "magically disappear" later ;)



Well, take comfort: they can't be worse than dshnarw's at the start of this thread.








I KID I KID :flower:


ouch. i did rather bellyflop into photography i suppose :lol:

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hmmm...methinks jer was not espectin that card... :lol:

Btw, I think he misunderstood what I was suggesting. ;)


lets see yours...



Hellz no, I know better than to give you ammo. :lol:

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Btw, I think he misunderstood what I was suggesting. ;)



Hellz no, I know better then to give you ammo. :lol:



:lol: i missed that. methinks he did too...



you're not any fun :P

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little less enthused about that one it seems...


I can't PP the images first, right? only exposure changes or they won't merge correctly, is that right?


I'll be using photomatix if that matters


I've never tried pp first, other than what i can do in the raw software - contrast, sat, wb, etc. - but I expect it would mess with the final image from Photomatix.

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