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Lalani's 20H


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fantastic tentacle extension on the gsp.

Thanks adin, PMed ya.

The GSP really loves the high flow coming from the koralia nano. :)


Sorry to hear about the loss. Beautiful, as always, pics Lalani. Looking forward to seeing the new rock.

Thanks starfish, ordered the rock, so it should be in either Tues. or Wed. of next week. Then I can play with the 'scape a bit more!

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^^^Amazing colors!


Back wall doesn't look so bad to me. And I never get tired of seeing your stomas!





^^^What a pretty grouping!



Bad shot because of flash, but it's just to show one of Bobs new favorite perches:




Pshaw! Even your flash shots are perfect. So cute how those fish hang out together!



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Iffy photo skills :rolleyes:









































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Thank you, Diane, you're a sweetheart.


And Ty......... You're a big meanie! :tears:





















:P To think I didn't give you grief about your tank STILL being dry!

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I think you will be amazed when you see the LR from Sea Life. The colors on mine were amazing. I had some die off because of shipping but it came back in time.

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I really like Sea Lifes LR too. I have a few pounds of it in my pico tank, and it is packed with life! I even have a pair of pistol shrimp. So I am really excited about getting much more of it next week! :happydance:

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I really like Sea Lifes LR too. I have a few pounds of it in my pico tank, and it is packed with life! I even have a pair of pistol shrimp. So I am really excited about getting much more of it next week! :happydance:


Don't post pics! Weetie & I will be back to trying to find an excuse to get some more! :lol: I have had mine for over a year & I still find new things occasionally show up that I didn't know were there.

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Don't post pics! Weetie & I will be back to trying to find an excuse to get some more! :lol: I have had mine for over a year & I still find new things occasionally show up that I didn't know were there.

Did you say Weetie? :o

Don't let her know I'm here................. The DinoThunderPowerRangerSuperEliteMutantXMutantYMutantZForceofNeverendingDOOM!!!!!!! would be sent after me!!!

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^^^Those I would like! I just hear such bad things about Caulerpa. In fact, I got some on a frag once that was problematic. OTOH, some people have it in their tanks with seemingly no probs...and it (like so many macros, IMO) can look beautiful...



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You know it depends on the species. ;)


C. prolifera has a nice look to it and isn't quite as bad as C. taxifolia or C. racemosa. I've seen C. bikinensis before but I've never had it so I don't know how it behaves.


Prolifera also isn't known to "go sexual".

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Think I'm going to cave and scrape the back wall:



GSP growth and more stomas :wub: :






Bad shot because of flash, but it's just to show one of Bobs new favorite perches:



wow. :D great shots. i love the frogspwan! i'm actually looking for a bi-color frogspawn for my 10 gallon, but i can't find any around here... great pics of the fishies too.. very CUTE.

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You know it depends on the species. ;)


C. prolifera has a nice look to it and isn't quite as bad as C. taxifolia or C. racemosa. I've seen C. bikinensis before but I've never had it so I don't know how it behaves.


Prolifera also isn't known to "go sexual".



Thanks, Isaac. I remember hearing similar things before, and I shouldn't be so generic. (Literally!--:lol:)


ATM I'm leaning toward the FL rock...I think my excitement over hitchers outweighs my fear of, well, the "wrong" hitchers.


(Sorry for the hijack, Lalani!)



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Mr Fosi: I have some type of caulerpa growing on the rock with the rics, and no matter how much I pull out, the damn stuff keeps coming back. Would you suggest a 'lights out' period to get rid of it? :)


wow. :D great shots. i love the frogspwan! i'm actually looking for a bi-color frogspawn for my 10 gallon, but i can't find any around here... great pics of the fishies too.. very CUTE.

Thank ya! I got my frog from a local reefer. Any update on your tank???


ATM I'm leaning toward the FL rock...I think my excitement over hitchers outweighs my fear of, well, the "wrong" hitchers.


(Sorry for the hijack, Lalani!)

I don't mind the hijacking! I've got a few 'bad' hitchhikers with this Florida LR, but I've left them in the tank, except for one. There was one fairly large rock crab that was too brave, so I had to get rid of him. I left another small rock crab, two pistol shrimp, one very large bristle worm, eunice worm, and one unidentified sand-dweller (I think it may be a type of cucumber or medusa worm). The worms, pistols, and even the crab all take flake food from the forceps I use to feed the sexy shrimp. I like them all, as long as they don't cause any trouble!

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A lights-out capable of defeating caulerpa would be at least a couple months long. ;)


Really the only way ou can hope to be rid of it is cooking the rock for a 3+ months. You could frag off your rics and cook that one piece if you really don't like it.


... eunice worm... [hasn't] cause[d] any trouble!


Not yet anyway. I hope it stays reef safe but when you start missing your zoas, you'll have good guess as to where they're going.

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Thanks Mr. Fosi, guess I will have to continue weeding the rock and hope the mushrooms eventually grow over it and hopefully smother it all. (Yeah right!)

I've been keeping a close eye on all of the hitchers, especially the eunice worm. I've heard about what they can do. Luckily, he is starting to trust the forceps, so if (when) he causes any trouble, I can probably get him out of there.



Nice looking tank and great pics.


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Love that first shot of your clown and goby! They look like they are good buddies. I was checkin out stuff in the tank last night and saw some little thing with tiny antenna sluggin along the rock and was like !! I have a stomatella snail wooo hooo. Not sure how it got in there, or if it has been in there all along, but I hope theres more, do you know if they can reproduce by themselves? Nice shots again!

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Uhhhhhhhh, I don't know if they can reproduce by themselves or not. :unsure:

All I know is that I didn't see babies until I took the stoma out of the biorb tank and put it in the 10gal with the second stoma, then there was an explosion of babies.

Congrats on finding one though, they are the best snails EVER! You'll probably have more. :)

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Good news, bad news....


Bad news: The big b&w stomatella died today. I think there are so many babies, and so little algae that some of them are dying off. :(

Good news: The frogspawn has just split into 8 heads! It had two when I first got it. :)

Super good news: LR and LS for the pico upgrade, along with some base rock for this tank, porcelain crab, and red mithrax crab will all be delivered tomorrow. :happydance:

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Good news, bad news....


Bad news: The big b&w stomatella died today. I think there are so many babies, and so little algae that some of them are dying off. :(

Good news: The frogspawn has just split into 8 heads! It had two when I first got it. :)

Super good news: LR and LS for the pico upgrade, along with some base rock for this tank, porcelain crab, and red mithrax crab will all be delivered tomorrow. :happydance:


Sorry about your stoma :( Glad it had a lot of babies, hopefully they will all pull through. Can you supplement them with algae sheets or something?


Nice growth on the frogspawn! And I bet you're excited about your delivery tomorrow hah :D

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If the eunice worm is the same thing as a fire worm (like I think it is), then I know someone who would be glad to take it off your hands if it starts to cause problems. My fiance has been looking for one to make a species tank out of it. Oh and by the way I love your tank. :)

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