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Nick's 24 Gallon Aquapod

Nick's Reef

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Price glass and sealer and go to NanoPaul's old DIY thread and build your own custom tank....Hey, you can do anything the rest of these guys can do....you should see my tank build thread...you wouldn't believe the depth of DIY I did, and I have two left hands!!!


Go over to TheCoralNet dot com and see my build thread...it's an amazing journey...(that's the site I Moderate)



I could do that, my dad's good at that stuff. He's even rebuilt cracked tanks people threw out. Just knocked out the bad panes and put new ones in. But after some hard thinking I'm gonna stick with this tank for now, save money get a sapphire skimmer so i feel comfortable with a few more fish and get some nice sps. two things wen't into this decision:


1.Cost, lets say tank comes out to $100, skimmer $150, fuge light $50, stand $80, and sand $30. That's $410. That I can't afford, no way I could get it for christmas either. And if I went custom I'd go bigger and get all the stuff I'd want. After thinking about it and seeing how narrow 12" really is the ada wouldin't work out. As you said mitch no room for frags or the goby.


2.The stress of transferring tanks, sure it's just across the room but that's not the point. The mincycles, what if stuff doesn't make it...... Not going to run the risk of loosing fish or coral for a bigger tank. I spent alot of money to get my tank looking the way it is and to get those special coral and fish, no going to have them die just to get more room. The only plating corals I want atm are red planet and purple cap. The red plant has plenty of room to grow over in the left corner and the cap I can find a place for next to the other 2 caps. Rest are branching acros and encrusting montis like blue tort, superman monti, purple bonsai or marshall island tri color, etc.


I really truely am happy with the aquapod, it's just there's only really room for vertical growth. But it should take some time to grow little frags into full blown colonies.

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I could do that, my dad's good at that stuff. He's even rebuilt cracked tanks people threw out. Just knocked out the bad panes and put new ones in. But after some hard thinking I'm gonna stick with this tank for now, save money get a sapphire skimmer so i feel comfortable with a few more fish and get some nice sps. two things wen't into this decision:


1.Cost, lets say tank comes out to $100, skimmer $150, fuge light $50, stand $80, and sand $30. That's $410. That I can't afford, no way I could get it for christmas either. And if I went custom I'd go bigger and get all the stuff I'd want. After thinking about it and seeing how narrow 12" really is the ada wouldin't work out. As you said mitch no room for frags or the goby.


2.The stress of transferring tanks, sure it's just across the room but that's not the point. The mincycles, what if stuff doesn't make it...... Not going to run the risk of loosing fish or coral for a bigger tank. I spent alot of money to get my tank looking the way it is and to get those special coral and fish, no going to have them die just to get more room. The only plating corals I want atm are red planet and purple cap. The red plant has plenty of room to grow over in the left corner and the cap I can find a place for next to the other 2 caps. Rest are branching acros and encrusting montis like blue tort, superman monti, purple bonsai or marshall island tri color, etc.


I really truely am happy with the aquapod, it's just there's only really room for vertical growth. But it should take some time to grow little frags into full blown colonies.



Good choice Nick. One thing that i have learned in this hobby. If your going to do something, do it Right the first time. I dont regret my Aquapod one bit, but if i had to do it over again i would have spent the extra money, taken everyone advise and gotten MH and probibly gotten the 40 breeder. Make your next tank your dream tank!!! BTW we need to do some trading when the weather gets better here in Indiana.

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Good choice Nick. One thing that i have learned in this hobby. If your going to do something, do it Right the first time. I dont regret my Aquapod one bit, but if i had to do it over again i would have spent the extra money, taken everyone advise and gotten MH and probibly gotten the 40 breeder. Make your next tank your dream tank!!! BTW we need to do some trading when the weather gets better here in Indiana.

yeah, and the whole drem tank thing would run me thousands. Another thing that went into comsideration is that I'll be out of highschool in 4yrs and off to colledge. I don't need to be moving a 40gal tank across the state or aross the country. No way my dad would let me leave it here, he'd never take care of it and my mom could do it but the big water changes would be too much lifting since she has a bad back/neck. Gonna get all the bells a whistles for my tank later on so i don't need to get them for my next tank.

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yeah, and the whole drem tank thing would run me thousands. Another thing that went into comsideration is that I'll be out of highschool in 4yrs and off to colledge. I don't need to be moving a 40gal tank across the state or aross the country. No way my dad would let me leave it here, he'd never take care of it and my mom could do it but the big water changes would be too much lifting since she has a bad back/neck. Gonna get all the bells a whistles for my tank later on so i don't need to get them for my next tank.

Just go to a local college and live at home. 4 years is a long time though...

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Just go to a local college and live at home. 4 years is a long time though...

Could do that, still have a long time to decide.

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Could do that, still have a long time to decide.

That's what I have been doing. I works very well plus it saves money and you can work while your in school. I guess it depends what colleges are local and what your getting into.

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That's what I have been doing. I works very well plus it saves money and you can work while your in school. I guess it depends what colleges are local and what your getting into.

the only local colleges are the community colleges, right now I'm thinking of getting into marine biology. I love to fish and keep reefs and love being out on the water and snorkeling. Works out great for me, wanted to be a fishing guide til' I found out how little they make especially in the begining, unless you have a tv show and win lots of tournaments your screwed. Considering you get at most $500 a trip and maybe 2-3 trips a month on average based on what i've seen from lilredneckman's dad who does it on the side. So say 18k a year at most not much. Now if your one of the well know guys and get 2-3 trips a week that's different, you're making close to 80k a year. I had sort of an idea of something I could do but probably couldn't make a living off it. My grandparents have 16 acres in Illinois witha large barn/garage with ac/heating and turn the garage into a aquaculture farm. They'd almost give me the property but with electric bills, startup cost, and just overall maintenance it'd be a longshot. Could get some nice deer hunting though, there'shuge bucks on/near their property thanks to a corn feild behing their propery. Had a guy hunt it last year and this year who got 2 nice bucks, one was an 8pt the other no clue.


Right now i need to worry about getting through highschool and scraping up some cash for a car. I seriously have saved no money for a car, I need a job to pay for this damn addiction called reefing and to get a car. Based on my grades and this scholarship thing florida has I should have no problem with paying for college. If I get I think a 3.5gpa all four years of highschool, the state pays 100% of tuition. I have all A's so far this 9 weeks and A's and B's the last. Exams are next week and I should have no issues except for math, it's easy but my teacher is an A$$, he just has a powerpoint of the notes, flips through it at the speed of light, tells us our homework and says here take this quiz on the section. Everone fails the quizes, if you look over the homework though it's the same questions. He's nice about tests where if you get a passing grade he gives you an A on the testand if you don't you can retake it for a B.


Now for aquarium related stuff, I started playing with diemesions of tanks and the cost to make them myself. Came up with 24x20x15, even got bored and made a carboard model, looks huge but is only 30gal. Need to price it for glass and silicone. Already have a ten gallon, would need a skimmer and fuge light though. Sticking with the ap24 for now, got payed $75 for picking up all the grass in the backyard after my dad tore it up to resod it. Gonna get some nice ORA Acros. :)

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the only local colleges are the community colleges, right now I'm thinking of getting into marine biology. I love to fish and keep reefs and love being out on the water and snorkeling. Works out great for me, wanted to be a fishing guide til' I found out how little they make especially in the begining, unless you have a tv show and win lots of tournaments your screwed. Considering you get at most $500 a trip and maybe 2-3 trips a month on average based on what i've seen from lilredneckman's dad who does it on the side. So say 18k a year at most not much. Now if your one of the well know guys and get 2-3 trips a week that's different, you're making close to 80k a year. I had sort of an idea of something I could do but probably couldn't make a living off it. My grandparents have 16 acres in Illinois witha large barn/garage with ac/heating and turn the garage into a aquaculture farm. They'd almost give me the property but with electric bills, startup cost, and just overall maintenance it'd be a longshot. Could get some nice deer hunting though, there'shuge bucks on/near their property thanks to a corn feild behing their propery. Had a guy hunt it last year and this year who got 2 nice bucks, one was an 8pt the other no clue.


Right now i need to worry about getting through highschool and scraping up some cash for a car. I seriously have saved no money for a car, I need a job to pay for this damn addiction called reefing and to get a car. Based on my grades and this scholarship thing florida has I should have no problem with paying for college. If I get I think a 3.5gpa all four years of highschool, the state pays 100% of tuition. I have all A's so far this 9 weeks and A's and B's the last. Exams are next week and I should have no issues except for math, it's easy but my teacher is an A$$, he just has a powerpoint of the notes, flips through it at the speed of light, tells us our homework and says here take this quiz on the section. Everone fails the quizes, if you look over the homework though it's the same questions. He's nice about tests where if you get a passing grade he gives you an A on the testand if you don't you can retake it for a B.


Now for aquarium related stuff, I started playing with diemesions of tanks and the cost to make them myself. Came up with 24x20x15, even got bored and made a carboard model, looks huge but is only 30gal. Need to price it for glass and silicone. Already have a ten gallon, would need a skimmer and fuge light though. Sticking with the ap24 for now, got payed $75 for picking up all the grass in the backyard after my dad tore it up to resod it. Gonna get some nice ORA Acros. :)

Sound like a good thing to get into living in Florida and all (Marine Bio). buddy of mine is going to Fla Tech for marine bio now. Dang. a 3.5 and the state pays 100%? That's just crazy and it sure makes it easy to get a 3.5. I hate teachers like that, who don't teach and expect you to learn it on your own. I started out at a community college and its working really well for me. It's cheaper and easier! The only bad thing is that it took me like 2 years of college to actually figure out what I want to do the rest of my life. Make sure you make up your mind so your ready when the time comes!

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Well no Red Planet at the LFS but they did have a nice Mckoskers flasher ! He's awesome, eats like a pig at least at the LFS. Acclimating now, will take pics when he gets settled.

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Come on give me a break Mitch and Trey! He's sleeping in the left corner of the tank but his colors are all faded, when I get home from school i'll get him flashing, I put a mirror up to the tank last niht and he turnd more red than orange. I'd get a pic of him sleeping for you guys to stare at but I have to go to school in 10min and don't want to be rushed.

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Those wrasses are beautiful....

Yes they are, I love flashers, just never got one. When/if I upgrade I'm getting a Red Sea Eightline Flasher and a Blue Flasher. They Mckosker's I have now is eating like a pig, sits in that corner until food hits the water though and sleeps under those palys. He gets along great with everyone else and his colors really complement the Yasha's.

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Well the Mckosker's has ICH, gonna put him in a quarantine tank, afte losing all my fish except the yasha last time I ran into this. Also putting the yellow coris in there too to be safe. the Yasha is scaleless so she's immune to ich luckily. The LFS I got him from normally has ICH free fish. I'm pissed, and it's not a few spots it's all on his back and pectoral fins.

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Sorry to hear that your wrasse has ich. :( Hopefully it'll clear up quickly! I agree with Mitch's suggestion for food with garlic. I had ich break out in an old 75, and all I did to treat it was thaw mysis in a little cup with a crushed clove of garlic and a bit of RO/DI, let it sit for 20 minutes or so, pull out the garlic, and feed the fish - really helped their appetites while they were sick, and the ich cleared up within a week or so.

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Make sure to give him food with garlic....are they safe with shrimp? If so you might consider a Skunk Shrimp...

Yeah, but I'm using seachem ParaGaurd in a 10gallon to treat it. I'm not taking anychances as the last ICH outbreak in my tank ended up killing all my fish but the yasha because i didn't teat it, just used vita-chem and mysis to keep them eating.


Sorry to hear that your wrasse has ich. :( Hopefully it'll clear up quickly! I agree with Mitch's suggestion for food with garlic. I had ich break out in an old 75, and all I did to treat it was thaw mysis in a little cup with a crushed clove of garlic and a bit of RO/DI, let it sit for 20 minutes or so, pull out the garlic, and feed the fish - really helped their appetites while they were sick, and the ich cleared up within a week or so.


Yeah, but I'm using seachem ParaGaurd in a 10gallon to treat it and I hate cleaners after one nearly killed my duncan becuase it would reach into it's mouth and steal food. I'm not taking any chances as the last ICH outbreak in my tank ended up killing all my fish but the yasha because i didn't teat it, just used vita-chem and mysis to keep them eating. Vita-chem will improve their appetite, colors, and has tons of extra vitamins. I'll try rod's food today cause he loves that stuff, just a little as to not dirty up the tank with left overs


From now on i'm probably quarantining all my fish from now on. I've had 2 outbrecks too many, i know the cause of this one though, the temp droped from 80-74 ovenight, need a heater bad! Got a cheap one for the quarantine tank at walmart.

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When my hippo got ich all I used was garlic in the foor and water and I guess it helped because it went away and he's super healthy. Good Luck!

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When my hippo got ich all I used was garlic in the food and water and I guess it helped because it went away and he's super healthy. Good Luck!

Tried that, eneded up with 2 dead fish. He's eating rod's soaked in vita-chem and most of the ich fell off. Sould be fine by friday, still gonna leave him in there for a month or so.

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You need a heater bad...I will guarantee the cold snap gave the ich just the stress it needed to colonize...


If you ever do use garlic please be careful that NONE gets on or near your Montiporas...it's like poison to them...

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You need a heater bad...I will guarantee the cold snap gave the ich just the stress it needed to colonize...


If you ever do use garlic please be careful that NONE gets on or near your Montiporas...it's like poison to them...

Even monti caps? When my tang had ich I would dose the tank with it. My montis are doing awesome too!

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