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Nano Diary - running total £1547.83! - newbies stop now!

Sexy Shrimp

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Sexy Shrimp

New zoas :) :) :)








And the freebies!!!




Excuse the dirty sand - side effect of a mini cycle I guess :(

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Sexy Shrimp
Nice zoas Leanne! Love that colony in the second picture! I'll take a dozen of those!


I'm going to have to chizle the rock to make them fit so I may have some spares ;)


EDIT - Your location " From: Charlotte, NC, USA". Check out my location lol ;)

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Oh I know you're in the UK! I just figured with your unlimited resources you could afford to send them to me overnight for free. Of course I'm kidding! :lol:

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Sexy Shrimp

LOL!! I could come over with them and personally escort them past customs. Free in exchange for board n lodgings ;)

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LOL!! I could come over with them and personally escort them past customs. Free in exchange for board n lodgings ;)


Edited to keep me out of trouble! I guess I'll have to pass on that one. But they are really nice zoas.........

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Sexy Shrimp

Woo they got Seedems seal of approval!!


Zoas in the UK are pretty limited. There's one ebayer who sells nice ones but you get maybe 2-3 polyps for about £20 ($40) and they don't have a great survival rate :(


Ammonia - 0

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - nearly 0 (damn!!! I was trying to get it up a little - damn you water changes!)


pH - 8.4

KH - 8

Mg - 1240

Ca - 360


Did a bit of a dose and have more or less worked out what I need per day (roughly 1/4 tsp baked baking soda and 75g of Epsom salts). Still need to get a calcium supplement!!!!

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Good news on the ammonia & nitrites! Start overfeeding if you want to get some nitrates back. I'm seeing some shift of opinion lately on nitrates - that a small amount may be good - even for SPS tanks. I was adding some AZNO3 to get mine down to zero and got them down to about 0.1 and I'm now trying to hold it at about 0.5 - 1.0 now, based on recent opinions for SPS. I know the softies & lps like some nitrates, but it sounds like even the SPS prefer a small amount.


Is your Ca test a recent one? I know the higher priced kits list an expiration date on them, so I'd guess that all of them have components that degrade with age (especially the liquid solutions). I have at least 2 different brand kits for the important tests, and when things don't seem right I run a different test kit as a double check. I also found that no 2 test kits ever give the exact same results. My Ca has been running about 480-500. A bit high but excess Ca has no negative effect, other than wasting my dosing chemicals. I've been cutting back on the Ca part gradually to get it down to about 450.

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Sexy Shrimp

It's a new kit and I tested it against my old API kit too. The corals are simply growing too much :)


I have always felt a little nitrate is a good thing and always try and keep mine between 1 and 5. In an old tank I heavily skimmed and had 0 nitrates but also 0 coral growth ;)

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Sexy Shrimp

Thought I would post FTS over the months all in one post... (Ignore the dates - most of them on the pictures are wrong)


Old nano (now dismantled...)































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Seriosuly, your tank is one of the best I've seen...ever.

the colors are vibrant and well-placed, everything is flourishing, and it's just so great!

I love the deep saturated mushies at the bottom!

and dumbed question, but are those whisker duncans...or...?

Everything just looks so good, I can't get over how much stuff you got goin on!

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Seriosuly, your tank is one of the best I've seen...ever.

the colors are vibrant and well-placed, everything is flourishing, and it's just so great!

I love the deep saturated mushies at the bottom!

and dumbed question, but are those whisker duncans...or...?

Everything just looks so good, I can't get over how much stuff you got goin on!

+1. Where did you leather go?

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Sexy Shrimp

Thanks Dahlia :) Your tank has some good quascaping going on. I can't wait to see it have corals and stuff in it. I can't believe you mini-carpet hitchikers are splitting already!! Been tagging along for a while now (mainly for the cat pics :P). You are rapidly becoming a bit of a legend on this site :)


FishHeaded - I did sell the toadie. It grew too quickly even though I had fragged it multiple times so I decided to switch to all LPS/SPS but with mushies, rics and zoas. Hopefully my mushies will completely cover the sand one day...


Top left is a duncan. Don't know what type exactly but my male clown is besotted with it. He even holds onto the tentacles with his mouth at night (to hold on...).

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Thanks Dahlia :) Your tank has some good quascaping going on. I can't wait to see it have corals and stuff in it. I can't believe you mini-carpet hitchikers are splitting already!! Been tagging along for a while now (mainly for the cat pics :P). You are rapidly becoming a bit of a legend on this site :)


FishHeaded - I did sell the toadie. It grew too quickly even though I had fragged it multiple times so I decided to switch to all LPS/SPS but with mushies, rics and zoas. Hopefully my mushies will completely cover the sand one day...


Top left is a duncan. Don't know what type exactly but my male clown is besotted with it. He even holds onto the tentacles with his mouth at night (to hold on...).


surely you jest!!!!


Yeah, later this month I'm going to FINALLY get some....!!!!!

I plan to get some of that same whisker duncans, well at least a frag, eventually, I love how much movement it has!

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Sexy Shrimp
I plan to get some of that same whisker duncans, well at least a frag, eventually, I love how much movement it has!


Get some! They grow so fast and are cool to feed and are the closest looking thing to an anemone without actually getting one. And the are less agressive than some other types. I used to think they were a bit boring looking but I love mine already :)

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Get some! They grow so fast and are cool to feed and are the closest looking thing to an anemone without actually getting one. And the are less agressive than some other types. I used to think they were a bit boring looking but I love mine already :)


haha, aw!

well, I sorda already have some mini carpet nems...so I guess I got a theme of "almost like your real nem"


Also, what kind of food should I get for the coral...dumb question, but yours look so healthy!

I plan on getting at the swap: zoas, frogspawn, gsp, cloves, toadstool, xenia...

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Sexy Shrimp

I feed a blend of the following...


4 cubes brine shrimp

4 cubes mysis shrimp

tsp cyclopeeze

1 ml brine shrimp eggs

1ml JBL coral vite

1 cube crushed garlic


All defrosted and mixed in some RO water. I then take a turkey baster and divide it all out in icecube trays and freeze (makes about 15-20 cubes - approx 3 weeks supply). I feed half a cube if just feedind the fish and 1 cube if I am spot feeding the corals. I seem to get good growth from this and it hasn't raised my nitrates.


Bit of a faff tho!

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Curious, why the garlic?


The fish are attracted to it.

I don't think it actually does anything, haven't found any research documenting it...



I am ganking that recipe!!!


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Besides attracting them to eat it supposedly also boosts their immunity and helps fight off disease and internal parasites. That's what I've heard a few times. Not too much or the tank will smell like an Italian restaurant. :)

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Besides attracting them to eat it supposedly also boosts their immunity and helps fight off disease and internal parasites. That's what I've heard a few times. Not too much or the tank will smell like an Italian restaurant. :)


Yeah, but there isn't any evidence for it doing any of that.



maybe the fish think they're chefs?!?!

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No evidence but I've read it several times. It doesn't make it fact, but one more low cost safeguard against disease & parasites is worth it. Besides - it's keeps vampires away from the tank. :happydance:


Good article - I'll save it next time someone mentions garlic as a cure-all!

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