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dshnarw BIOTOPE


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Got the seagrass after a freaking long trip to Virginia and back. Glad the puppy came along to keep me entertained - rush hour is HORRIBLE. Anyway, it was pretty cool looking in the tank it came from.


But, the pics aren't working...the tank is back to grey from all the silt in the roots. It's not too spectacular yet anyway. Looks like I stuck a few pine needles into the sand. But I'll try to get pics before it dies back.


From all the books and people I've talked to, I should expect it to die down and suddenly reappear in 2 months...so the waiting game begins.


Still hoping to get some Halophila to go with it, and Professor and I are meeting up Saturday so I can get some of his running Caulerpa for an immediate grass-like object in the tank.



For the bot: :flower: Don't send the :ninja:

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I went to the wholesaler place (Roozen's) today looking for anemones and to check out what fish they had. Found a new EB/Phymanthus anemone. Nice green color, but he hasn't come out yet in my tank. I had to thrash the rock it was on to keep the aiptasia to a minimum, and ended up being able to save some nice zoanthids as well. While I was breaking the rock, I found this guy:






I have no idea what kind he is (made an ID thread in the ID forum), but ME NO LIKEY DEE CRABZ! So I'll wait for an ID, and then I'll see what I can do with him. So far, he's handled his little floating home pretty well.


Also got a hitchhiking blue sponge, similar to the ones in the pics in the first post of my thread, and some type of bivalve that I'll work on taking a pic of and ID-ing later.




I got the coolest anemone I've seen yet! I've been watching it at the wholesaler's for about 6 months, sitting on it's little rock. Not really sure why no one had bought it, and I find myself staring at it every time I go in. So....ITS MINE!!! Not sure of the ID, but the guy who owns the business told me that it was from Africa (and was very adamant about it not being Australian), and he'd had it for about a year, and it was the only shipment of them he'd ever gotten. It's about 2" across fully open, including the tentacle tips. It has a decent little sting, not quite as sticky as the mini carpet, but a bit more...painful...(doesn't really hurt, but stronger feeling).


Anyhoo - here he is, after only a couple minutes in the tank.






He'll be moved into the office tank as well.







It's not really much to look at right now, and it's hard to get anything resembling a decent shot, but here's a little patch:


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almost looks like a waratah (sp?) neme.. ? i dont know im no expert


As I understand it, waratah's have a smooth column. This one has a very bumpy column.

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hey again like i said on wamas!


love this


thecrab looks gorillay to me but idk...


anywho hairy crabs = no no... or so i have been told

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+1 to the Waratah 'nem....was not aware of the column differences...interesting.


Those legs look just like Harry the hairy crab! He's never come all the way out so I'm not sure about the rest of him though. There are pics of him in my 55 thread if you'd like to compare but my pics are mostly legs. I don't think his carapace is as dark as your guy but he has red tips to his claws from what I can see and dark striped legs just like that. Same thing with all of the feelers/hair. Harry is harmless but I'm not sure about your guy. Good luck with the ID and that 'nem is wicked looking.



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yeah i just went to look at pictures... that one looks like it has thinner tenticals, in a denser pattern... very nice either way


I thought so. Hopefully I can get better shots later when it's happy and upright. Shooting through the glass at that angle is horrible.


I was just watching it - he opens very fast, as fast as an aiptasia retracts. WEIRD!!


hey again like i said on wamas!


love this


thecrab looks gorillay to me but idk...


anywho hairy crabs = no no... or so i have been told


Thanks again! I imagine this thread will be more entertaining than the WAMAS one...not enough traffic over there!


I've heard the hairy crab thing as well. But in my book, any crab = no no (except maybe a pom pom). So he won't be sticking around here long, but it'd be nice to know what he is before I give him away.






Thanks Bill...I'll look up Harry and see. The pics look a little weird because of the angle/flash, but the carapace is definitely dark.

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Yeah, you'll be looking in the wrong thread. Those pictures are in the 1/2 10 gallon thread. Yep, you guessed it. The tank I set up just for that crab. No idea why I typed 55 in that last post. It's been a long day already. Good luck with the ID. Can't wait to see pics of the 'nem when it's upright and happy.



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best guess... Cladactella manni


Thats the best looking thing I've heard so far, but aren't they nearly impossible to keep? I guess it could be it, but it seems like it would have died at the wholesalers LONG ago.


The only other thing I've seen that was close is Phymactis sp. from Chile, but I haven't seen a red one, and I have no clue as to how "tropical" Chilean waters are.



Yeah, you'll be looking in the wrong thread. Those pictures are in the 1/2 10 gallon thread. Yep, you guessed it. The tank I set up just for that crab. No idea why I typed 55 in that last post. It's been a long day already. Good luck with the ID. Can't wait to see pics of the 'nem when it's upright and happy.




Thanks for letting me know before I went off searching!

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That would be a bleached M. Peltiformis


That is def correct since I got a frag of M. Peltiformis from Mr coral a few months ago...and mine has some bleaching on the outside

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If it really is from Africa, then i would guess it is a coldwater anemone from South Africa, just because that is the one of the most diverse parts of the african coastline, and it just has a coldwater look about it. It doesn't look photosynthetic, and the fact that it has a strong sting suggests that it relies on catching food, not photosynthesizing. This makes me think it is from a temperate region, as most tropical anemones have zooxanthellae.

Chile's waters range a lot in temp. Northern chile is north of the tropic of cancer and the southern end gets pretty close to antarctica, so I would say anywhere from 35-75 depending on where you go.

I have a national geographic article about marine life in south africa stashed away somewhere; I vaguely remember red anemone pics in it. I'll try to find it and double check.



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If it really is from Africa, then i would guess it is a coldwater anemone from South Africa, just because that is the one of the most diverse parts of the african coastline, and it just has a coldwater look about it. It doesn't look photosynthetic, and the fact that it has a strong sting suggests that it relies on catching food, not photosynthesizing. This makes me think it is from a temperate region, as most tropical anemones have zooxanthellae.

Chile's waters range a lot in temp. Northern chile is north of the tropic of cancer and the southern end gets pretty close to antarctica, so I would say anywhere from 35-75 depending on where you go.

I have a national geographic article about marine life in south africa stashed away somewhere; I vaguely remember red anemone pics in it. I'll try to find it and double check.





I suspect you may be correct on the nonphotosynthetic species. It has been in a greenhouse tank with no supplemental lighting for at least 6 months, in a part of the tank that gets little direct sunlight, at least while I've been there. If it's a coldwater species, it has acclimated well to the warmer temperatures - today was a bit chilly in the greenhouse at around 70*, but a few days in August, the tanks are probably in the 84-86* range.

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I went to the wholesaler place (Roozen's) today looking for anemones and to check out what fish they had. Found a new EB/Phymanthus anemone. Nice green color, but he hasn't come out yet in my tank. I had to thrash the rock it was on to keep the aiptasia to a minimum, and ended up being able to save some nice zoanthids as well. While I was breaking the rock, I found this guy:






I have no idea what kind he is (made an ID thread in the ID forum), but ME NO LIKEY DEE CRABZ! So I'll wait for an ID, and then I'll see what I can do with him. So far, he's handled his little floating home pretty well.


Also got a hitchhiking blue sponge, similar to the ones in the pics in the first post of my thread, and some type of bivalve that I'll work on taking a pic of and ID-ing later.




I got the coolest anemone I've seen yet! I've been watching it at the wholesaler's for about 6 months, sitting on it's little rock. Not really sure why no one had bought it, and I find myself staring at it every time I go in. So....ITS MINE!!! Not sure of the ID, but the guy who owns the business told me that it was from Africa (and was very adamant about it not being Australian), and he'd had it for about a year, and it was the only shipment of them he'd ever gotten. It's about 2" across fully open, including the tentacle tips. It has a decent little sting, not quite as sticky as the mini carpet, but a bit more...painful...(doesn't really hurt, but stronger feeling).


Anyhoo - here he is, after only a couple minutes in the tank.






He'll be moved into the office tank as well.



It's not really much to look at right now, and it's hard to get anything resembling a decent shot, but here's a little patch:




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Phymactis sp. from Chile

i obsessed over these for awhile... but couldn't afford CSO's price :x


from what i remember, the "bumps" on those were very small and dense... kind of like the material plush toys are made from. tentacle density less than the photo, more like actinia


jeremai's got a good eye for the 'nems--someone direct him to this thread

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i obsessed over these for awhile... but couldn't afford CSO's price :x


from what i remember, the "bumps" on those were very small and dense... kind of like the material plush toys are made from. tentacle density less than the photo, more like actinia


jeremai's got a good eye for the 'nems--someone direct him to this thread



:lol: Yeah...traveller7 at RC is a WAMAS member, and has been linking me their coldwater threads. I've only seen a couple pics of them, and never caught them for sale on CSO. This is the image I was thinking of:




PMed jeremai

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First off, those 'nems....insane.


So, about your crab mystery. I zoomed in on the Harry pics in photobucket and messed with them a bit. I see quite a bit of that dark red like your guy has. The problem is I don't have a top down shot of Harry as he's never out of the hole. Think you could get a side shot of your mystery guest? No big deal if it's a pain but I'm starting to think more and more it's either an older version of Harry or Harry is a chick and your mystery is a dude.


Good luck on the 'nem ID as well.



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First off, those 'nems....insane.


So, about your crab mystery. I zoomed in on the Harry pics in photobucket and messed with them a bit. I see quite a bit of that dark red like your guy has. The problem is I don't have a top down shot of Harry as he's never out of the hole. Think you could get a side shot of your mystery guest? No big deal if it's a pain but I'm starting to think more and more it's either an older version of Harry or Harry is a chick and your mystery is a dude.


Good luck on the 'nem ID as well.




Thanks Bill - I'll see what I can do. Shouldn't be too hard...he's rather confined.



actually... now that you post the photos, i'm liking that ID.


Here's the RC thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...499#post8493499

pic and the article it comes from is on the second page.

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jeremai's got a good eye for the 'nems--someone direct him to this thread

Aww... :wub:


It's an Actinia equina - and I'm darn near positive. Here's how I came at that: My first guess was Actinia tenebrosa, but they are nearly endemic to the extreme South Pacific. My second guess was the same as adin's, Cladactella. Phymactis are squatty with flat oral discs like Urticina, and have a very textured, bumpy column, so that's out. Then you say the LFS guy was adamant about it being from Africa. I had linked to this article a while back and dug around till something popped out. The fact that A. equina occur in South African waters, and that there is an almost identical appearance to A. tenebrosa only an ocean and a half away... well, that's that.


But, is the guy sure it's from Africa? I mean, honestly...


Africa? :huh:


Shamelessly linked:



PS - the first post on this thread made up my mind as to where I'll be vacationing this summer. Much thanks. :happydance:

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SCORE!! I may have just found the classification for the Borneman nems: Phymanthus buitendijki. LINK Anyone speak Deutsch? That was completely accidental.



Anyway - here's the new Phymanthus:



Bivalve hitchhiker (about 1.5" in the long direction):



Blue sponge:




still working on more crab pics - camera died from all the other excitement today.

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