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:angry: thats right...try it again bubba... :P


:lol: I keed, I keed! :lol:


Daniel, if you marry a Hot Commodity, you have to be willing to deal with the fallout!!!

But dont' worry Richie, I've invited some Hot Reefer Chicks to come hang out with us tonight.

Now I'm off to score some cookies...

What she said!


Ah, not worried 'tall. As we found out , der's lots-o-hot reefer chicks here on N-R! ;)


And lots here in Weeties lounge too! :flower:


:slap: Dang babe, I was just playin' . Humph, gettin :owned: at home now too! :lol:


BTW-Oreo Banana split creme FTW!


She said screw it in. that little white screw doesnt effect it. Its purpose is to be able to clean the injector. Unscrew it and clean it.

Kind of funny we are talking about this too. The skimmate production on my new/used remora has dropped off quite a bit this week. Anyone know if you can buy that cleaning brush or something similar?


Weetie, are you running the overflow box / bubble trap on yours? Supernip said its well worth the investment and I have been looking pick one up.( slim pickins used and high shipping new )


Nice to be at Weeties again!

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:lol: I keed, I keed! :lol:



What she said!


Ah, not worried 'tall. As we found out , der's lots-o-hot reefer chicks here on N-R! ;)


And lots here in Weeties lounge too! :flower:


:slap: Dang babe, I was just playin' . Humph, gettin :owned: at home now too! :lol:


BTW-Oreo Banana split creme FTW!



Kind of funny we are talking about this too. The skimmate production on my new/used remora has dropped off quite a bit this week. Anyone know if you can buy that cleaning brush or something similar?


Weetie, are you running the overflow box / bubble trap on yours? Supernip said its well worth the investment and I have been looking pick one up.( slim pickins used and high shipping new )


Nice to be at Weeties again!


Not running the overflow box, but I do have one if you want to maybe work something out.

I just went out and got a flexible wire cleaning brush from the LFS. Haven't used it yet though.

Just cleaned the pump and it did finally start foaming/skimming this afternoon.

Then when I added topoff water the foam totally died back.

Anyone know anything about that?

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Not running the overflow box, but I do have one if you want to maybe work something out.

I just went out and got a flexible wire cleaning brush from the LFS. Haven't used it yet though.

Just cleaned the pump and it did finally start foaming/skimming this afternoon.

Then when I added topoff water the foam totally died back.

Anyone know anything about that?

I have noticed that with this more than any other skimmer. ANYTHING you do to change the make up of the water will cease skimmate production and increase micro bubbles for an hour or two.


Top off, feeding, sticking your hand in the tank, I even saw this after running the mag float around which I found rather odd.


What pump did you have L ?


I have the MJ1200 ( fingerscrossed )


Wow I need me one of these baaaaaad boys..... baaaaaaaaad

^^^^ :P <<<<<sheepish grin




Edited by Needreefunds
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That's weird about the Mag-Float, I hadn't noticed that one before.

For me today, it still hadn't built foam up after several hrs. I dunno.

I managed to get a short clip of what the skimmer is doing right now.

What's the point of a spiffy new camera if you can't do stuff like that, right??

Anyway, take a look and tell me what you think:


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That's weird about the Mag-Float, I hadn't noticed that one before.

For me today, it still hadn't built foam up after several hrs. I dunno.

I managed to get a short clip of what the skimmer is doing right now.

What's the point of a spiffy new camera if you can't do stuff like that, right??

Anyway, take a look and tell me what you think:



Wow, that's something else.


Nasty looking skimmate


Can anyone else help poor Weetie remove that skuzz from her tank??

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Wow I need me one of these baaaaaad boys..... baaaaaaaaad


Um, wow, that was really BAAAAAD!!!



You might have to rassle BibleSue for the chair (which would be interesting in and of itself. Anyone wanna take bets on who would win???), but if it's bad boys you want, bad boys you shall have. I had this made for you:




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Hey, what's shakin' bacon?


Here's my chair, complete with a hot man:




Back off, he's mine kmitch!


Gotta go, might be back later, need to write Mudfish an appreciative email! B)

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Oh my gosh... what in tarnation is going on in here??? :P


Hot Reefer Chicks munchin on cookies and talking bout Bad Boys, PAY ATTENTION!!!

Pull up a chair...

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bbbaaaaaa-hank you baaaaaa-ery much. I'll keep it wwwwaaaaaa-rm for you.


Can I have a cookie now?


What's your favorite cookie? If I haven't made them yet, I'll bump them up to the next batch.


It's cookie night at the Lounge folks! Help yourself & pull up a chair!



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