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SeeDemTails 37 gal Mantle SPS and Zoa Reef


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Wow!!! Looks like that 60 is becoming a necessity now! Things are growing out of the tank!


Nice update.


Tell me about it I'm out of room! I cleared out a lot of space when I tok out the red cap, but I still need to place a bunch of corals. The problem is that the space I cleared out doesnt get enough light for anything but monti caps. Acros and such dont grow well down there, its almost 20" deep at that spot.

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I think they will be a popular coral for quite some time. The good news is that they grow really quickly, especially if you feed them. I feed my PD's and NG's crushed formula 1 flake every few days. Makes a great coral food, and really speeds up growth.


Ohh, also wanted to tell everyone that the orchid dottyback will be moved into the 37 sometime in the next week or so, he is just too big anymore for the 5.5, he grew quickly! He is pretty well behaved for a dottyback and there is no target fish for him to bother in the 37 anyway.

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I like prepared food better than lets say mysis or brine, it is much easier to get some into every palys mouth. I started using it for my acans too. It can be hard to feed corals with greedy fish like mine. The cloud of crushed flakes gives them no target!

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Thank you gerber! I do need to frag some corals, if not for any other reason that they are taking over others. The red table is really starting to get up on the blue mille.

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Yep, purebred, he is almost 6 months old. He is all shaven because he just lost his balls!


<3 <3. What a handsome boy. Best dogs in the WORLD, imo. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose...yikes. At least you won't have 70+ lbs going at your leg. Post more pictures! :lol:


Gorgeous tank btw...I have been lurking and reading all about the whole mandarin issue on this site. Even if I get killed for this, I don't really understand why so many people are hounding you about it. Isn't that what this site is for...obtaining information from your fellow/more experienced hobbyists? *shrugs*

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Yep, purebred, he is almost 6 months old. He is all shaven because he just lost his balls!


Oh no !!! Where did he put them? Maybe he burried them.







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He is on the big side of the standard, he should be around 85lbs. His dad was 85 and his older brother was 90lbs.


Thanks for the compliments!

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Whoa, nice pics Christel! Time for a 2009 reef calendar from those.


I love the pics of the PDs, the pokerstar (which is next on my want list) the sunset and the addition of the NG's! B) We shall have to trade sometime, hehe!!


I just aquired some more PDs this weekend after the ones I had perished during my move a few months ago... :tears: But alas, I have more now oh and some mohawks too!!

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Thanks Phixion and Kraylen!


The pics dont do the color of either the pd's or the pokerstar justice, but the close up of the pokerstars polyps is cool.


The dottyback is doing great, the female mandarin was surprisingly the only fish to challenge him, she got all puffed up but it was a bluff, she didnt do anything. I even spyed the neon goby trying to clean him.

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