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Weetie's 10g Prop Tank


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GREAT, my new NC12 is cycled and ready for corals. The plan for this tank is to be a zoa garden so I will be looking for lots of color.


Oh it's COLOR you want, is it???

How bout THIS??!!








I would also like to take this opportunity to give out a Public Service Announcement/Warning not to drink and dremel




or this is what you could end up with



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(I'm going to stop coming by this thread...I'm always finding stuff I "need")


Amber was thinking about heading down to the Mid TN frag swap this time. Wish I wasn't gonna be back in Maryland or I'd head down and say hi to everyone...and swipe some of those purty palys.

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dtfleming-- I PM'ed you about the sps but haven't heard back. What's up with that, don't keep me in suspense dude!


dshnarw-- that would be AWESOME if Amber could come, I'd love to hang out with her for a bit!


varanus37-- You should come too, we could have an NR party at our table!!! It's on Jan. 19 in Nashville.


Sperry-- You looney tune, the Fraggle Reef Cotton Candy Palys are those pink ones you got from me!!! Where do you think I got the colony that I fragged?!!

These purple ones are different, and I can't remember where Susan got them from. They're super nice though, I got to bring a frag of them home as a Christmas present.

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any updates on the tank?and can you tell susan to send me the pics..


Susan is actually working on the pics right now.

All of the decent ones that we've gotten so far are the ones that I've already posted.

She should have more later tonight.


I spent the last few days at BibleSue's and thought I had the whole tank thing figured out.

Basically, I'm using all of the stuff that I already have to reorganize and set up in a way that will work better for what I'm trying to accomplish.

Here's what I had planned on:

-16g acrylic tank with false wall and built in sump/refugium, 150w MH, MJ 900 w/locline to return water from built in refugium, Koralia 1 for additional circulation in main tank, Taam Rio HOB skimmer -- new prop tank


-10g AGA, 80w Current PC fixture, pumps/circ. unknown yet-- softie and lps tank


-5.5g AGa, 70w MH, 2 smaller PH's for circulation-- Nice zoa and monti garden, with a few other odds and ends


So like I said, I thought I had it all figured out, but then I came home and looked at the acrylic tank again and it's SUCH a gorgeous tank it seems like it would be wasted as a prop tank instead of a display.


I have GOT to get this figured out soon.

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i just purchased a light purple with black polyp monti and gonna frag it up....hey my lfs has a bunch of montis,i could take pics and send them to you and if you like ill buy and ship to you?

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Hey, c'mon now Weets!


Half of the fun of setting up a new tank is the planning, no?


Take your time and ENJOY it!


It does seem like a shame to set up that 16 for a prop though. :)

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i just purchased a light purple with black polyp monti and gonna frag it up....hey my lfs has a bunch of montis,i could take pics and send them to you and if you like ill buy and ship to you?


:huh: Never seen a black polyped monti...PICS PICS!!!!!


*sorry for yet another hijack Weetie*

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I wondered about those but they are so pink in my tank and purple on the website. Anyway I want a frag of those purples.


It looks like I am going to be buying only at the frag swap, it seems like every time my frag tank starts getting full I set up a new tank.

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me neither...barely got it but no polyp extension yet..its under 10k but waiting for my 15k...yeah i know pics or it didnt happen.. :P


It sounds way cool, I wanna see too.

Can you remember off the top of your head what color monti's your LFS has?

I really want blue w/green polyps (Pokerstar)

and anything with yellow, orange, pink, or blue colors.

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Sweet, fellow monti nuts. Definitely pics are in order, that sounds very kewl. And +1 to what other monti goodness that LFS has. Give me time Weetie and you're the first one I'm tellin' about the strawberry lemonade when I smash it in 2. I've got the frag plug set in between the 2 sides of a clam shell. Hoping it will grow down the sides. Pull the plug out and snap the clam shell in pieces. I'm thinkin 4 pieces so snap each half of the clam shell. That'll leave me with 4 frags and my original still on the plug.


So that, apparently, is my monti rant.



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