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Cultivated Reef

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Yous gotta check out my Aussie acan--it's starting to get it's "wood" (or maybe that's me!!)



Ok imma have to have a couple of heads of this one as well.


How fast do acan grow I have 2 Morphs now that i am sure would be a nice addition to your collection.


And after you sell some buy a new Camera,Set up your "coral Photo both and .lets get some pics that capture the true essence of beauty :D

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I find that they are like micros (maybe other LPS too)-- in that they take about a month or so to "adjust" and then they start popping little heads out. The little heads grow a little slow for my liking---but I will take a little head any way I can get it. ;)


I forgot to show this---


I dunno what it is --acan/micro--but I traded a piece of Sunset monti with a local guy for this thing--


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Looks like a Micro to me. pyss it off and check the skeleton I have noticed a huge difference in skeletons on Acans verse my micros.

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Check it ot---cool--


I was takin some pics for ebay and I saw this up closer! These babies really pop!








I haveta go back and get the pic of this piece when it was smaller.



And the Aussie acan looks better still!



I am going to re-do some of my racks this weekend. Time for a change!!


Upper Left SPS


Lower left SPS




Upper right LPS


Lower right LPS miscellaneous hunks


Closer of the upper LPS rack


And even closer still. Those green palys are growing on the pvc and eggcrate!!!



I plan on keeping the pvc the way it is but I am envisioning extending the upper rack so that I can use more of the higher light. Then I will keep the lower shelf where it is and use the upper stuff as a light filter.

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Jesus tap dancing Christ have a few frags lol..

So your adding a second layer of staging or just elevating a peice of the current portion?

Judging by the height of the current rack verse the wall you could easily create a second set of staging around the entire tub and add another 20-30 percent occupancy.

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I'm just gonna buy some shiny new eggcrate and switch the upper elbows to "T"'s. This way I plan to have pieces of pipe come out from the "T"s to provide support for me to just extend that top shelf towards the front of the tub.


The old egg crate is algae covered. Since I was gonna replace it anyway, I figured I would go for some more surface.


Yeah--just a couple frags. I must have made over 100 this past week.

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Dang Vite...

Thats one awesome basement you have :wub:

Those above look like Tangerine Micros...and very nice might I add.

Have fun with the eggcrate...I like changing mine for growth as needed, nothing like a new coat of white paint...lol.

Awesome Sir



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I don't know what I was doing, I was talking on the phone and feeding my son.

You have some really nice stuff. And a good amout of it to. I think you know what your doing(smart @ssness).

No, really great job. Keep up the good work.

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Oh--ok---Smart ass is great!!! I know some peeps that are smart asses themselves.


I just was trying to figure out what my little pony had going on with being obsessive about coralz. You're so much younger than me--I thought it was a new saying. ;)

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Hey Iz Thanks!!! They are Tangerines--they are nuts! I can't believe things that look like that just occur naturally--it's amazing to look at them.


I am not looking forward to the crate change. Algae and stomatella snails everywhere. Yech.


No. that and my brian is still waking up. How long have the tanks been set up for?

Who's Brian? :lol:


The initial set up was about 2 years ago--I added a 55 gallon fuge tub about a year ago.

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Unbelievable, Mark. I couldn't imagine having that much stuff (I tend to get kinda lazy and neglect my tank, esp during the summer months). No getting lazy with all that though, you could lose a fortune overnight.


But seriously, I look at your tank and want to kill myself. :lol:

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Aw don't kill yourself. Get a couple extra soap dishes first or something.


There ain't two ways about it---it's WORK---but it's a labour of love. (it sounds more intense with the "u" in there.)


Top offs and ph controller monitoring (for the Ca reactor) are daily chores. I make it a lot more work than it could be -- but like I said---I love it.


For instance today---I spent the better part of an afternoon extending my top shelf.




There was about 8-10 minutes that some coral had to wait out of the water. Bad planning on my part. You can see the water drops on the concrete floor to give you a better perspective.



But after painstaking hours spent hunched over placing plugs---I was done--and I have more room!!!



Top left SPS


Top right LPS



After doing all this--one thing is painfully clear. I NEED MORE CORAL!!!

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Haha, ya I wasn't all that serious. :D


And wow, dude that is tons more room. You really do need some more now.

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Haha, ya I wasn't all that serious. :D

LOL! I know--I was just trying to say it funny like---"Hey come on--try 2 soap dishes and if that doesn't work--than I can see...."


I am already trying to figure out what I can frag today.


I am pretty much out of my own things to frag. Plus--I don't need more than the 30 m. undata and 25 orange m. cap---I felt that these were my most vibrantly colored and longest aquacultured pieces---but I will never run out now!!!


I still don't even frag my mother colonies of those! I frag my fragged fragged frags and grow them. You would be amazed at how quickly the 30th frag grows when you forget about it for 6 months!!! :lol:

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That is a kick $ss frag tank. Puts my 10g frag tank to shame. hopefully my cycling will end soon and I can start fragging.

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That is a kick $ss frag tank. Puts my 10g frag tank to shame. hopefully my cycling will end soon and I can start fragging.

Thanks for the kind words! It definitely doesn't put yours to shame. I have been doing this quite a while--and it builds it's own momentum. If you look back at the first couple of my posts---I had the tub for a while--and it was nearly empty.


I bet my tub cost just a little more than your glass tank. I'm just lucky enough to have the space.


Keep it up! I love to propagate propagators!!!!

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holey frags. do u even have a display tank?

Yep--but I hate it. It's a 44 gallon corner tank. Clams and SPS only---no sump, no reactor---just a little CA/Alk sucking factory.


I have found that I like smaller pieces more than larger colonies. Every colony I get I smash up. Even my display---once something starts growing---I gotta destroy it so that I can make it better again. What's that called in people again? I saw it on ER. Munchausen's syndrome or something?

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