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calcium reactor requires C02 and is not something I want to go through the hassle of. Maybe for a bigger tank, but anything this small with my small requirements doesn't necessitate all that.

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yeai guess so i jus figured it would be easier with a reactor... and if im maintaining good levels by jus manually adding the 2 part i should have no need for a doser right???

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if im maintaining good levels by jus manually adding the 2 part i should have no need for a doser right???
Yep, don't fix it if it ain't broke (as the expression goes).


I was having to dose every day, so it was not an option to dose manually.

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sure, lemme just finish mounting my Leng Sy and Purple Monster tonight and i'll take one :)

Ummm, not one to complain, but you promised...(FTS for the fans- :) )

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true o and i was wondering... i have the stock bulbin my 150 watt sunpod... i was thinking mayb a radium 20k wht do u think???

im not a big fan of 20ks as they don't represent the true color of my corals and clams.


i will try to get an fts soon, the tank is just a mess right now as i have been so busy with work! one of my clam is also fighting PM!!! i am going on the GFO theory (that iron makes the protozoan in a hyperactive state) and running massive carbon.


bubble, can you show more detailed pics of your LM set up? i see two additional pumps, how much did that set you back and where did you buy it? (pm me if you don't want to make it public) thanks buddy!

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So can I have one of your black-and-white Maximas?








I'll give you a dollar...?





Seriously, I'd freaking bang Flava Flav to get one of those. ;)


But seriously, awesome tank. Not that I'd expect otherwise from you!

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So can I have one of your black-and-white Maximas?

I'll give you a dollar...?



Seriously, I'd freaking bang Flava Flav to get one of those. ;)


But seriously, awesome tank. Not that I'd expect otherwise from you!


thanks caesar777 :flower: btw whats ur real name? its kind of hard to relate a girl to "caesar777" lol


spslover13, a phoenix 14k is a favorite of many, and is actually bluer than most 14ks.

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bubble, can you show more detailed pics of your LM set up?
Here. I know the setup looks simple from the picture, but that's really all there is to it. One extra pump, one power adapter for everything, and some tubing.


i see two additional pumps, how much did that set you back and where did you buy it?
Actually, I only have one extra pump (2 in total). One for each part of the b-ionic mix. PM coming your way on pricing
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Here. I know the setup looks simple from the picture, but that's really all there is to it. One extra pump, one power adapter for everything, and some tubing.


Actually, I only have one extra pump (2 in total). One for each part of the b-ionic mix. PM coming your way on pricing


and lmk how reliable the jbj ato has been for you. do you need any additional pumps to use it? tubings? etc.? and for the LM3, did you need additional tubings or parts?

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My name's Flo; Caesar is my dog, hehe. Actually, I never knew your name either, EZ. :)

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Just for the record, I'm not a fan of the Phoenix 14k for a 150w HQI. Keep in mind that the higher the kelvin rating, the lower the intensity. I was getting slightly better color initially, but my growth slowed waaay down and ultimately the health of my corals declined with the phoenix. I switched back to the stock sunpod bulb and while my colors may not be as good, I'm getting healthy specimens again.

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and lmk how reliable the jbj ato has been for you. do you need any additional pumps to use it? tubings? etc.? and for the LM3, did you need additional tubings or parts?
The JBJ has been just GREAT, but you do need a pump for it, tubing, reservoir, etc. If it wasn't working so well for me, I would definitely consider getting the LM3 water topoff module instead.


But if it ain't broke...... don't fix it.



Who cares about faster growth if the color is no good??
Well.... maybe I have bad luck, but I lost some corals and a clam with the phoenix (and yes I acclimated slowly). As soon as I switched back to the stock bulb, I had some corals that I thought were dead come back to life. So I'm gonna put it on the bulb until I can find a better explanation.
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Flo! my name is Jin, so whats a girl like you doin in a thread like this? lol (lame!)


Bubble, what pump are you using on your JBJ? i'll probably get a jbj cuz its cheaper than the LMiii module! and i believe the phoenix 14ks are actually pretty damn close to 20ks. you should try Randy's 2 part instead of ESV B-Ionic, i was going through 2 bottles of each part A and B 64 oz a month and it got pricey!

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Well, I always thought tank threads were gay, but finally decided to post my own when I saw some really cool tanks of members like you, Tigah, etc. Honestly, I think mot people's tanks kind of all look the same, and some really surpass beyond with some awesome animals, aquascaping, and equipment, especially lighting (it's not until you really get into reefing after having been in it for awhile, it seems, that you really get into halide and the different possibilities within...or so I've seen so often, including myself).


So how large are those b&w maximas? They're giant. Very cool. Is that a green-rimmed blue max on the right, or is it the lighting/camera?

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Well, I always thought tank threads were gay, but finally decided to post my own when I saw some really cool tanks of members like you, Tigah, etc. Honestly, I think mot people's tanks kind of all look the same, and some really surpass beyond with some awesome animals, aquascaping, and equipment, especially lighting (it's not until you really get into reefing after having been in it for awhile, it seems, that you really get into halide and the different possibilities within...or so I've seen so often, including myself).


So how large are those b&w maximas? They're giant. Very cool. Is that a green-rimmed blue max on the right, or is it the lighting/camera?


you'll have to point me in which pic you're referring to.

my larger maxima is around 6.5 inches, the other one is probably 5.5

they haven't been easy on me though, i have gone through pyramid snails, and am currently fighting PM on one of the smaller clams (not the b/w). if i have the time i will probably set up a QT tank this weekend for the infected one. but as of now, i believe its the GFO i recently added that caused the PM, which is why i removed it and am running heavy carbon in my system as of the moment.

i agree with you, most tank threads aren't anything new and exciting, i got bored of common softies and lps really quickly. i have the bad habit of wanting only the rarest and best, hence my latest addition, the Tyree Purple Monster (which looks like CRAP imho but its rare so wth lol)

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Haha, I work in a saltwater specialty store, so I've pretty much seen everything except those crazy rarities. Even Superman has been common, if we want it. The rainbow monti was expensive, but from notoriously high-priced but excellent quality cherry-pickers, and it browned out in my tank! Damn having to feed all my stupid fish. I stopped that quick. They eat once every few days. Bastids. :P I'll admit that my midas blenny is a little skinny--no algae at all--so I want to feed him more, but not have more phosphate. Anyway, yeah, Maximas are really hard to get now, short of the 1-2 inch babies and gold teardrops, and all we can get besides that is regular blues. We got one that's brown with a lavender tinge, but...it's brown. I heart the blue zebra in our display--been in there for years, been through hell including several 3-day power outages, like the first of this year, actually--and someday it'll be mine. Hehe. I don't want to have to wait 2-3 years for them to grow out at the farms. Poo! So yeah, I drive our suppliers crazy trying to get the crazy stuff I like, hehe. I got a tiny Picasso perc from a supplier today for an obscenely low price, but it died! Stressed from the start. So sad, poor little guy. Imagine each fin being an orange circle, edged in black, with an orange face, and the rest WHITE. Solid! I'm trying to preserve him. Her.


Wow, Christina Ricci has a giant head. And a weird, fakey tiny voice. (Jay Leno is on--damn not having cable except Discovery, which is showing some haunting espose'.) How can she be so gorgeous and young-looking? She has to be close to 30 by now. [Double-edit: Born 1980?! Wow, she started acting young!]


Anyway, hehe, I tend to drawl on like some cowboy, but yeah, awesome tank and animals. :flower:

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thats not necesarilly true.. i kno the radium 20ks have a higher par rating than the stock sunpod bulbs... but what do u guys think about the reeflux 12k???

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some pics for you guys and flo :)


Patrick M. Teal Stag (I only know 2 people with this coral asides from me)






Leng Sy Cap



Purple Monster



PPE & PPE Blasto



Oregon Tort



A. Insignis


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I LOVE the ppe blasto! Very tentacley, hehe. I have one just like it, but it's been attacked by my red goni (which I've been asked about numerous times, and YES, it HAS GROWN! New growth all around the edges!) and has only one head left! :( Thinking of fragging that guy? (It's a giant, beautiful colony, I could see hesitation in fragging it!)


Nice anthias, too. I love those little guys, all of them. We have a big pair of Pictilis anthias at work--beautiful. If they weren't half the size of my tank, just about, hehe, I'd get them.

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