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Coral Vue Hydros

PPE ? Could be....

The Propagator

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the frag master
Oh there are plenty of green zoanthids all over the shallows in Florida waters. You just have to know where to look.

BUT it is illegal to collect coral closer than 100 yards to shore I belive?

You must collect from a boat and it is also illegal to collect from jetti's, bridges, docks, and marinas.

Prety much any thing that touches land or is closer than 100-1000 ( cant remember which?) in Florida is out of bounds for coral collecting in Florida waters.

You also have to know what areas are sanctuaries in the ocean and what areas are not.

VERY hard to tell this because most of them arent marked on the ocean. Some are by bouyes but over thier entire span.

Thats why a GPS comes in handy with a list of coordinance provided to you by the USFWS of protected areas ;)


I would SERIOUSLY just by my coral from a liscensed collector versus collecting it your self gang.


This isnt a game. They will lock you up for it.

Just a friendly warning to all who are thinking about it thanks to

"the frag masters" incredible insight.


Just dont do it guys.

hey prop, im talking small snowflakes. as for me insighting a wild collection rage or however you want to put it, i dont collect oo much. im mainly a zoanthid person and only have a few random softies and lps in my tank. im not to picky on colors when i get frags but greens always appeal to me. i wouldnt recommend going out collect. i have a gps marker in my truck, and its for ocean locations mainly. i useually go off of my friends boat but not every day. i go out almsot 4 times a wwek, but not always to collect. sometimes jsut to actually snorkel and look at the coean under the waves.

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The Propagator

I though you said the photo you was gonna show us would be of you and YOUR boat?


Any ways.... just one question about collecting snowflakes with a slurp gun......

How do you do it?


They imediately scatter into the rock as soon as they see you 9 out of 10 times.

The only way most divers can collect them is to dismantle the rock work they are in and spook them out into the net.

They grip on to the rock work to anchor down as well so no wonder your poping the eyes out of the poor little fellas when you use it man. :(


Usualy the only eels brasin enough to peek out at a diver for any length of time or even interact with are green and yellow morays.

No slurp gunning those hoss's for sure.


BTW a GPS marker and a GPS position unit are two different animals home slice.

With a marker you wont go any where, but some one could definately find you with it.

Some one with a GPS locator. ;)

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TP I must say this thread has kept me quite entertained for the past hour and I appreciate it :P


btw how was your trip to the hospital, did everything turn out ok?


and last but not least id love to have something from your prop tank you seem to have alot of cool lookin zoas and polyps and whatnot, I have a colony of zoas that are red with a bright orange center, dont know the name, theyve spread abit since i got em a few months ago, bout 30 polyps now maybe a few more, got any cool stuff youd be willing to trade for them? id appreciate the consideration, if youd like you can pm me too




p.s. heres a crappy pic of them the day after i got em a few months ago when they were just opening, since then theyve opened and filled out alot and colored up nicer and spread....sorry its all i got, ill try to get a better one soon of youd like


edit:crap sorry it doesnt get bigger, heres a link to the original photo http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?...98872&st=20

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The Propagator

Actualy I have around 1000 opolyps of those already. I have a rock that although flat, is the size of a foot ball and is completely covered and smothered with those. ( mine are a little greener in the center around the orange mouth though) I call them reverse Gorilla Nipples.

I apreciate the offer though !


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the frag master
Actualy I have around 1000 opolyps of those already. I have a rock that although flat, is the size of a foot ball and is completely covered and smothered with those. ( mine are a little greener in the center around the orange mouth though) I call them reverse Gorilla Nipples.

I apreciate the offer though !


prop, i own a boat, the photo will be of mye on MY boat. i normally take mine, but every once and a while i dont. i dont like to pay for the gas all the time so we take each others. we als carpool. it jsut saves money on gas, being a college student myself, i cannot afford to pay for over a hundred dollarsa a dy for gas (truck and boat) on the days i go out. also, my boat is a 24 foot mako. my friends that i took last time is noe of the boat with the long pole you can use in the keys. not sure what they are called thoguh. im studying for final now as i took a six week semester this time. after finals are over you will have all you answers

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mahi mahi boy



In the boat basin you're diving in all you'll need is sea-doo and a diver down flag.






I've been there. LOL You underestimated the TP-100gal, just when you think you have something that he's never seen..... he has a whole colony. There's so many in that tank it's best to start archiving the photos.

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In the boat basin you're diving in all you'll need is sea-doo and a diver down flag.




I've been there. LOL You underestimated the TP-100gal, just when you think you have something that he's never seen..... he has a whole colony. There's so many in that tank it's best to start archiving the photos.



haha i pretty much figured he had some but i was hopin maybe i could get a trade out of him, but i didnt expect a rock the size of a football lol


propagator i still wanna get somethin from you, youve got a pm :lol:

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the frag master
nice boat for a student what do you do on the side ?

its my dads boat. i work at a supermarket and am a part time stock manager. i help the grocery manager do orders and stuff. its part my boat though , as i am now the only one who uses it because my dad has cancer. he cannot go out oo much and be in the sun. both of my parents have cancer actually and neither can use th boat. i am supporting ym family fo the mst part and i soon will graduate with my AA degree and can work at scripps institute which is coming into the palm beach area. i live 5 minutes from the proposed site and when they open up i will have a job. after iget that job, ill go to FAU and get ym Ba and masters in molecular science with a minor in marine biology. This hobby and collecting autogrpahs are jsut ways for me to get ym mind off of the problems my family has.

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sounds like youve got a busy life, my friends mom passed from cancer last year


...no hard feelings but lets try to stick to Propagators thread


let us know when youve got some updates on these corals youve got and what your ebay name is, if you sell them id like to check them out

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the frag master
sounds like youve got a busy life, my friends mom passed from cancer last year


...no hard feelings but lets try to stick to Propagators thread


let us know when youve got some updates on these corals youve got and what your ebay name is, if you sell them id like to check them out

yea will do, updates coming soon. finals for me are 2 weeks away buti have no class. im eithe rpsoting form work on te wirelss or at home studying.

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The Propagator

OMFG will you get a life already you loser.


1st you say you are going to spring training to make a name for your self even though its FREAKING NOVEMBER, then you say you are in school, then you say you have a boat, now its not realy your boat its your dads ( no big deal there realy but..) you dive on singer island which is a baren wasteland for coral, now your all of the sudden a

jr. pharmasist or somthing going to work for scrips?


PLEASE !!!!!


and still no pics of the COLONY you say you have.


You said you would have them by thursday but nope.....

THEN you said you and Brassmonkee would go out and find them .. again NOPE!

Now you say you dont have time to post them because finals are in two weeks but you dont have time because you dont have a class during those two weeks?

No ebay name yet either.


Bro' I would say you absolutely qualify as the BIGGEST LIAR EVER TO HIT THIS FORUM.


I half dont believe you about your parents either.

SO far all you have managed to do is crap all over my thread and fill it full of meaningless nonsense.

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the frag master

prop u want to know somthing. im ion school, spring training is a ways away, and i play collage baseball at the community college. im jsut going to see if ican get onto a team. if it doesnt work out i wont persue it. i will give u pics, and so what if i m trying to do something ith my life (the scrips) .

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The Propagator

Dude, I spell horribly and yours is worse than mine. How are you going to get into Scrips Like that?

I still dont beleive your even old enough to operate a boat by your self let alone believe you about any of that other nonesense.



Now back to reality .,.....



I'll post a few pics of how they have lightened up a bit.

Nothing major but they have lightened up a bit.


Not to many growing out. I think I have 3 frags growing out now?

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the frag master
Dude, I spell horribly and yours is worse than mine. How are you going to get into Scrips Like that?

I still dont beleive your even old enough to operate a boat by your self let alone believe you about any of that other nonesense.

Now back to reality .,.....

I'll post a few pics of how they have lightened up a bit.

Nothing major but they have lightened up a bit.


Not to many growing out. I think I have 3 frags growing out now?

im 18 for your information. i early enrolled in college so i could get ahead quicker. If you have a drivers lic. you can operate a boat. I have checked. as for my spelling, i type very fast. ill have pics by tnight. my camera sucks just so u knwo but ill give you my best ones.

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im 18 for your information. i early enrolled in college so i could get ahead quicker. If you have a drivers lic. you can operate a boat. I have checked. as for my spelling, i type very fast. ill have pics by tnight. my camera sucks just so u knwo but ill give you my best ones.


.....and then......once we have the pics......give us your ebay name.......and then get back on topic and leave TP's thread alone

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the frag master
.....and then......once we have the pics......give us your ebay name.......and then get back on topic and leave TP's thread alone

ebay name, marlinsfan2006 im changing it soon so i can open a storefront for autographs and corals. i need a catchy title. i just took some pics, but need to retake them cause they were too blurry, ill have those pics tnight for you.

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"SO far all you have managed to do is crap all over my thread and fill it full of meaningless nonsense"


Not entirely meaningless.... never underestimate the value of HUMOR!!! :lol: He's good for comic relief if nothing else. :haha:

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ebay name, marlinsfan2006 im changing it soon so i can open a storefront for autographs and corals. i need a catchy title. i just took some pics, but need to retake them cause they were too blurry, ill have those pics tnight for you.


the night approaches


im assuming you dont have anything up now cuz i couldnt find anything for sale under your name

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the frag master
fragmaster.sweet chain and bible coloring book. you into the new testament or old?

those were for my mom, the books she does Sunday School work for the lcoal chruch. the chain is for me lol. i pimp out to the max when i go out lol, joking. i should have soem things up on ebay before monday, im jsut busy and all. i finally got a day off fro mwork tomorrow so im going to spend it at the beach and get a tan. pics coming soon, waiting for actinic shots

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Jon in SW Ohio

My original 3 polyps have since produced 4 more, two new ones from the two lead polyps. That said, they grow MUCH faster than my normal PPE that in the same time have yet to produce a new polyp...been a month or two.


Been lots of pages of just words...so here's a pic of mine from a month or so ago:



Here they are next to PPEs for comparison:





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