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Cultivated Reef

5.5 Gallon Pico


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Argent is evil EVVEEEELL I tell you. He has started a trend on michiganreefers and now he must be punished! =)


Just kiddin, we love him.

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I picked up three of those pom pom's from the LFS


and like Happan said - apparently the 1.5G Tetra tanks are becoming addictive with my local reefing forum he he he.

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How much do pom pom crabs go for? How many can I put in my 2.5 gal tank if I were to go with them? Right now it has no live stock beside coral?

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Very nice setup Argent. Looks like you have a thing for Zoas. :P



Some ricordias qould add some nice color to the tank.


just my $0.02 :P

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I have a pale ric but its not attached to anything so it moves around the sandbed :( (he apparently didn't like the rock he was on when I got him)

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  • 4 weeks later...

For anyone still interested in my tanks -- I have recently added a big maroon feather duster and a frag of some blueish Lord - I'll get pics up when I get some nice ones - just picked those up last night -- also one of my pompom's is carrying eggs -- got a couple pictures of that too I'll try to get uploaded tonight as well.

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hehehe - just haven't updated any of my tank threads in forever so I didn't know if anyone still checked out these threads...


I'll also try and get a decent FTS as well -- I've found I need a long handle scraper though as my fat hands and the short handle one I have can't get all the spots I need to reach.

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New Duster fresh out of the bag (and my new lord frag)



Top down of some nice zoas (and the duster 'under' them)



New Lord frag in tank...



Duster in tank



and a crappy FTS - I don't know why it looks that bad -- it's really not.


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Quick Q... Whats up with your Zoo's "stretching" like they're lookin for light? Or is it just me or the pic or both? I'm a big nooblet so...forgive me for questioning. haha.

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Here's another picture I forgot to post - it's of one of my two urchins in the tank -- they are about the size of a half dollar.



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Just got back from the LFS today -- did a little more house cleaning on the tank -- and picked up three more zoas frags, two headed hammer, and an enchino (or however you spell it)


they were acclimated and placed in the tank while it was dark so I won't shoot anything until tomorrow (or whenever the zoas open up)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hate to say this - but when I got home last night from the LFS - I found my firefish had decided to carpet surf :(


suprisingly enough my cats didn't eat it....


I did also manage to come home with 4 new polyps for the tank - and I finally ordered a replacement bulb for the lights (my tank has started to slowly go to hell - and I believe my bulbs to be at least a year old)


Hopefully this will stop my enchino from receding and will also get my hammer to open up (it's not big and floofy like it should be :( ) I also lost my Acan frag I had as well -- and the evil red slime is starting to make an appearance.


Anyone have a 16" 70w Sunpod MH fixture for sale for cheap? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This tank is still looking great Argent. What is your maintenance regime? I lost my pico to that red slime stuff :( just appeared one day and completely covered everything.

How many tanks have you got on the go now ? :D

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maintenance? what's that? :lol:


I do water changes and scrape the glass every other week....


And now I'm down to just 2 reef tanks now...this one and my 8G BioCube (which I am totally in love with -- and may replace this 5.5G with a 14G BC in the future)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I fear my tank is slowly dying :(


the tank looks like it's starting to bleach out :( I've got GHA I can't get rid of and my featherduster dropped it's feathers :(


I'm so sad.....

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I fear its either because of the flatworm exit I used a few months back or because I replaced the bulb in my light fixture and 96w is really too much for 5.5G. My critters seem fine (in fact my cleaner shrimp just molted again last night and Bruce swims around in the water current) I could just get rid of the one rock with the GHA and try to suck it up out of the sandbed and get some more rock.


I'd like to start the tank over - but if I do I'll go with another AIO.


EDIT: Meet Bruce



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