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The Mantis Tank Thread


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yeah just one groupie (so far) but I think drowsyfirefly is considering a mantis as well -- so she may be a convert!




on a side note Natasha has closed the doors to her fortress of solitude and has been there for a couple days -- I hope she's ok.

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*does Mantis Shrimp groupie dance*


My parents are not enthused about the idea of another tank. Alack, my kingdom for many more tanks. Man. I would have so many if I could.


In the mean time Travisurfer--I understand. If I'm the first of the fanclub does it make me president? That would be sweet.


Anyways, there is much anticipation for the 7g.


Did you end up painting a glittery unicorn mural? ;)



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as the former head of the Pico Cult


former??? I didn't realize that there was a changing of the guard....



yeah just one groupie (so far)


we need to mix a bigger batch of kool-aid


on a side note Natasha has closed the doors to her fortress of solitude and has been there for a couple days -- I hope she's ok.


she's likely just molting - Wonder what color she'll emerge?


The Colonel doesn't "close" his tunnels - When I first got him, he'd close the burrow but not anymore. I guess he's kinda weird that way.


BTW, what ever happened to reefinnewb?



Edited by yankeereefer
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yeah well -- interest in my tanks seems to have waned now in liu of everyone elses tanks - which is why I considered myself the former head (I don't think the Pico Cult is still around -- where's kmitch??)


As for Natasha -- she has at last count - 4 doors to her tiny piece of LR. Generally she only keeps two of them open during the day -- she did force the rock anemone to move (she kept tossing the rubble from her excavating out the door and on to the anemone) Since it has been a couple days - I'm hoping it's just a molt and that she'll come out eventually.


Boris proudly displays his busted nassarius shell in the opening of his cave -- wedged in like a pillar.

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Manny thinks it cool to cover my new zoa's with sand all the time, and rearange them to his liking. I hope he's not going to go soft on me and take up interior design.....new pics of Manny and the tank are in my 2.5 thread. :)

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*does Mantis Shrimp groupie dance*


My parents are not enthused about the idea of another tank. Alack, my kingdom for many more tanks. Man. I would have so many if I could.


In the mean time Travisurfer--I understand. If I'm the first of the fanclub does it make me president? That would be sweet.


Anyways, there is much anticipation for the 7g.


Did you end up painting a glittery unicorn mural? ;)



Sure, you can be president of the official mantis cult fan club. The 7 is going to be awesome! I want to find something unusual for it though. Have to be different. Anyway, the glittery unicorn mural never came to be. I was just painting the inside of the filter cover to help the light reflect.


Argent: Sounds like s/he is molting. Cozmo has closer to 20 snails cracked open all over the place. Don't worry, I won't get too caught up, I promise to govern the cult with principles of utmost equality and to provide for the welfare of the general stomatopod population.


Yankee: No kool-aide in this cult. You can drink it on your own time if you'd like though. Not sure what happened to reefinnewb, I guess school got the better of him.


Savetheeels: Why dont you join us? You obviously have realized the power of the mantis.


VannReefer: You have to sit your mantis down and tell him to take care of his precious zoa's. Most likely he is mad and is telling you to get another tank just for him.

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can we at least all still wear the same style shoes and running suits?


If they are velour absolutely not. Velour running suits will not be tolerated.


And if the shoes are cowboy boots then yes. :D

Edited by drowsyfirefly
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haha, I think so...I think I'm going to try my hands at making a custom acrylic tank for him about the size of a 20l or put him in my 33g cube, but if he breaks that man will I be mad!!!

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Savetheeels: Why dont you join us? You obviously have realized the power of the mantis.


tempting......i dont think a mantis would appreciate my pico unles hes only like inches.....


you get yours in wilmington LCFS?? (how much?) or are you working with the mantis people directly and they just come out of the sea for you....


grrrrr......i gotta get another tank now! :eek:

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Yankee: If you really want too, we can get matching suits but it would take money away from the juicy snail fund.


Drowsy: Sorry, just cant stand cowboy boots. Cant get those in the water.


Vann: Thw 20L sounds like a good idea. Ternatensis is the biggest species of its genus. I dont think he would have even the slightest chance of breaking the glass of an oceanic 33. Those are always made with overly thick glass. The breaking glass thing is more of a myth anyway.


Savetheeels: I would deffinitely get a larger tank if you want a mantis. Cozmo came from the Pets + on the north side of Wilmington. He was $50 but I had a bunch of store credit. Best purchase I ever made. I think Cozmo agrees.

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cool... can i be the assasin? -polishes his new clubs-

only 50 eh??

i DO have a 15.......hmmmm.......no hardware though.....if i buy another filter i can start cycling until i get a light......brain clouds turning darker....

i would rather go and get one vses ordering one......besides i think i need another trip to the beach....

how cold does your water get in the winter? what kinda suit will i need?

my local motion board is forever gone -={


damn you meddling kids! this is gonna cost me.... you know im not military right?? how the heck am i gonna aford this!

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Savetheeels, you can get by with a 3:2 in the winter as long as you have booties and gloves, I have a 4:3 because I don't have gloves, just booties. Check out wblivesurf.com, Travis and I are both on that forum under the same name as here.


Travis, when can we see a new FTS of Cozmo's home?

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Savetheeels, you can get by with a 3:2 in the winter as long as you have booties and gloves, I have a 4:3 because I don't have gloves, just booties. Check out wblivesurf.com, Travis and I are both on that forum under the same name as here.


3:2?? explain.... i was surfing in tropical waters. shorty suits in winter....if you can give me the average water temp....


anyhoo off subject!!

my 15gal that i keep my dirty clothes in is starting to look like a mantis tank already.....

i could fuge my 20 with an ac500......dmnit! i need another skimmer too....

what kind of bioload can i expect from these guys?? not as bad as an eel?

i gotta keep my iodine up and stuff too eh?

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I find that the bioload isn't too bad at all, Manny is by himself in the 2.5 and the tank's nitrates stay steady in the single digits all the time, and I feed him everyday for the most part. What kind of mantis are you looking to do?

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SaVeThEeELs - you're putting too much thought in to the mantis tank -- toss some sand and some rock in the tank with a heater and some flourescent lights and BAM - instant mantis tank. Nothing fancy really needed -- they prefer lower light and don't need hurricane flow.


I was thinking a nice plastic pineapple -- and getting a yellow spearer and call him Spongebob Mantispants.

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i got sand for days, its atlantic, i cured it and now am stocking it w/ critters from my old sand.....and extra lights...and 2-3 extra (small) filters.......

im just not ready to dish out 50 bucks plus the hour trip to wilmington yet...i work at outback and those **%$$#!!! cut my checks in half since i moved from memphis...if i was back home

im moving to portland after this.....

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