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Coral Vue Hydros

The Mantis Tank Thread


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I completely agree travisurfer, its only an inch long now but he'll grow fast and he's going in a bigger tank ASAP...hopefully within a couple weeks. Everyone at RC is saying its a G. ternatensis too but, we'll have to get the final verdict from dr. roy. So what do you say, am I in? gotta think of a good name for the little fella too.

Edited by VannReefer87
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travis! how hard can it be? One female... new mantis owner... pico owner?




I am hurt. :tears:


PS- Petunia will take Cozmo any day.

Well, I had a feeling it was you but remembered anne had a pico too. I quickly did some pico forum searching and found out for myself. Cozmo is a loner. Besides, I would hate to find out Petunia is a guy. ;) Vannreefer, you just have to put the membership title under your avatar. :lol: Meanwhile school has started so I will most likely only be able to maintain my tanks and their threads until the weekend. Homework and projects on the first day. :rant:

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Ha, I agree but I had to throw a haiku into the mix. I am more of a science minded person too. But what beats a haiku besides iambic contamider. :huh: Cozmo still hasnt eaten the damsels thought they do have some nasty scars. Zombie fish omgomgomg

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Natasha is digging a mansion in that small piece of rock she's got - every night she 'closes' the doors to her cavern and every morning I see her peeking out at me -- she's much more entertaining to watch than Boris.

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Awesome, I am really considering changing the lighting on this tank so cozmo will come out more. Iwas thinking about either:

a ) 2 x 10w coralife screw ins

b ) 2 x 14w coralife t5

I want to give him lower light which he really seems to be more active.

Edited by travisurfer
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I think you could DIY some nice lights for cheap utilizing screw-ins. Get a couple of cheap desk lamps and the black plastic piece (the outside shell part) from a standard fluorescent strip light, put a screw in socket on either end, make a reflector, and voila, low lighting.


I just so happen to have an extra 24" strip light that can be gutted and some roof flashing that I believe could be fashioned into a decent reflector. I plan on giving it a shot, I've got a few different lighting ideas. All you would need would be the sockets and the light bulbs.

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I am going to go out today to make some lighting. I am thinking aobut a reptile lamp with a 20w coralife hung over the tank. Think it will be enough? They have some that glow in the dark for moonlighting too, :P. I dont want to do anything to obtrusive or dangerous with emphasis on the latter.

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Oh yes. I am back in action. Traded in the old crappy modem for a new blazing fast one. Internet problems solved! Time to get posting. Here are a two pics of the damsels and then Cozmo coming out to play.



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Actually this was just playing. He came out to that corner and then ran back. He only speared them a couple times "lightly" but I havent seen any new scars since then.

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When I fed Cozmo today he took the straw into his tank for further inspection. He is just so cool. I coudnt have asked for a better mantis. I really want another one for the 7 hex but I dont think the tank is really big enough. :(

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