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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Tigahboy's Reefaroni (67g+30g prop)

reef hugger

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oh man, I just bumped the skimmer and major splashville...a tiny drop of skimmate almost made it into my eyeball. the things I do to keep you happy, adam. haha.


since I knocked out all the sludge, no real skimmate to see in the pic. I'll post again w/ some hardcore skimmate later today/tomorrow.


but for now, here it is:



Now I gotta try to finish setting up my RO/DI filter unit. I got it back in December or Jan. and I still haven't set it up. Definitely will need it considering I lose at least 1g a day thru evap.

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haha. i usually dont run it wet. not sure how that water got in there actually. since the skimmate fell out.

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Reefer Addict
Originally posted by Tigahboy

more fun if it's a surprise.  and there's still more goodies in the "back of my tank."  =)


How did I miss those pieces?!!!!!!!!?X)


Don't you need to go to Home Depot......?:D

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Originally posted by Tigahboy



Now I gotta try to finish setting up my RO/DI filter unit.  I got it back in December or Jan. and I still haven't set it up.  Definitely will need it considering I lose at least 1g a day thru evap. [/b]


I just installed my RO system yesterday, It was not hard at all. The worst part was making it fit with the old ass plumbing in my house. Three trips to lowes later, to find the right parts, it was all hooked up. If I had all the parts to start with the install it would have been done in 15 minutes tops. I you have any questions let me know.


Tanks looking good.

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Becareful with RA Tigahboy. You know he likes to dive into the back of your tank bro. Hehehe. New thread, cool.

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thanks guys.


so...I'm about to drill my pipes and add the saddle valve. do i need that sticky foam square w/ the hole in the center? is that just to mark the spot? I cant find mine. and these instructions are ghetto xeroxed so I can't make everything out.

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Reefer Addict
Originally posted by Cesar

Becareful with RA Tigahboy. You know he likes to dive into the back of your tank bro. Hehehe. New thread, cool.


Be afraid Tigahboy...Be very afraid.....


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Completely amazing, I'm getting tons of ideas from you man. Keep the pics coming, if you can could you get an updated full tank and full frag shot and then a full system shot of tank+ frag tank together.

Again looks amazing.



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Originally posted by Tigahboy

thanks guys.


so...I'm about to drill my pipes and add the saddle valve.  do i need that sticky foam square w/ the hole in the center?  is that just to mark the spot?  I cant find mine.  and these instructions are ghetto xeroxed so I can't make everything out.


If its like the saddle valve mine came with, the foam is like a gasket and is probably needed but I'm not sure. With my saddle valve no drilling is needed you just screw the needle in and it punches a hole in the copper then you unscrew it. I had to drill for the drain off tube, I stuck it on the pipe that goes between the two drains in the double sink on the top of the pipe. I took the pipe off, if you heat up the drill bit it goes through the pvc like butter. Just don't put the drain after the P-trap, or you might end up with some sewer gas in the Apartment :x

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thanks for the info sinistard.


another question. I just got it all set-up. but I don't know how open I should keep the cold water source outlet that feeds the RO/DI unit. like do you have it open just a tad or is it going full force?


and do you keep the cold water source line open 24-7?! Seems like that could be a lot of pressure build up.

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No problem.


From what I was told the more pressure the better feeding the RO unit it works by forcing water through the membrane. Do you have a tank? The more pressure the more full the tank will get, I'm sure the system will handle more pressure then our water supply puts out.


I don't have my source turned up all the way simply because if it is all the way up my sink faucet gets to much pressure and sprays all over the place. I think all newer RO systems have auto shut offs so you can leave it on 24-7. The guy who sold me mine said the old ones that ran all the time accualy filtered better, I guess starting and stoping is not as good for the filtering.

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does you ro/di unit have a pressure gauge. when on, the pressure should be like 4-5 bars.


and do you keep the cold water source line open 24-7?!


yes if you are using a float switch/shut off valve.

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hey tigah

You are a pro man

one of the best i have ever seen

heres my question, my freind and i want to start a fragging tank but we are having problwems with frags. do you think you could please post a little manual or something on fragging the different corals. this would be a big help and i figured i would ask a pro


p.s. send me a pm if you can

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ha ha. you know how long it would take to write a fragging manual!


how about doing some research, not asking people to do it for you!


www.garf.org is good though

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Hooray! Version 2! ;)


So... When can I come pick up my frag of that rainbow? ;) Hehe. That is a great pick of the frag striking back against the other one. How come there's no FTS of the tank, yet? ???

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yeah tigah here is my little guy. they are cool fish, mine is very submissive to other fish until feeding time though



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