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Tigahboy's Reef 2005 (Part II)


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Hmmm...it shouldn't completely dissolve. I sometimes just feed cyclopeeze, but I usually mix it w/ frozen brine or mysis as well. whatever works for you, dude.

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Well I can see like red dots from the cyclo-peeze but not chunks you know. I guess it worked though because he ate and looks happy so far.

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yeah...it sucks that they are losing the green...funny thing is, I didn't even notice it until you and someone else pointed that out to me. I'm just too used to seeing it everyday.


But I dug up an old phot, and MAN! it's SOOOO lost it's color! I think I need to move it into more light. I hope it will color up again. =/


Here's a pic of it as of 12-26-04:


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I don't remember seeing old photos of the rainbow so when I looked at the current photos, I noticed they were pretty much orange as well.. =/

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took a dremel to my acan lord colony tonight. Check out the frag on the left side. About 4 full polyps and 2 halfies.




everything was going great until my hand slipped and the dremel accidentally mangled one of the polyps on the right side:




Sucks, but you expect some casualties when you frag these guys (which then factors into the cost). But I hope all of them make it thru.


But these guys are very healthy and the pic was taken just 5 minutes after the fragging.

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

took a dremel to my acan lord colony tonight.   Check out the frag on the left side.  About 4 full polyps and 2 halfies.




everything was going great until my hand slipped and the dremel accidentally mangled one of the polyps on the right side:




Sucks, but you expect some casualties when you frag these guys (which then factors into the cost).  But I hope all of them make it thru.


But these guys are very healthy and the pic was taken just 5 minutes after the fragging.


Uchiha - I fragged them for trades. =) I'm probably gonna split that frag into 2 frags. One is reserved already; and not sure yet about what to do w/ the remaining frag.


and I definitely don't see a rush of $$$ from ebay. haha. the price it's set at right now is below what I paid for that frag initially (back when there were less number of polyps too)...so I'm losing money as of right now. =/

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OUCH tigahboy. Did you feel your heart stop for a second there when that dremel hit the polyp? I know I would have gotten major pucker factor bro, hahaha. But still looks very good dude. I would buy it if it was for sale, hehehe.

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ahh i see :D get some cool trades then!


you know i was joking about the "rush" ;)


in due time you'll be in the + range on that auction.

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Its hard to hold the dremel perfectly. I find it kinda takes on its own momentum sometimes due to the gyroscope effect created by the spinning. I'm sure that it will heal fine. Mine flew across the room, and I slipped a little and their doing good, lol.

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thanks, lgoins. yeah, those are different species of acans as well. Acan subechinata (not echinata like they state) - the Acan subechinatas are not usually as desirable as the other species of Acan (lordhowensis, hillae, echinata), thus usually WAY cheaper.

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Any chance the rainbows were dyed? That's almost what I thought when I saw them... :| The frags are looking nice. If you want a frag of that pink/purple acan I have that's now become dark orange/purple, let me know. It's growing new branches out of the top of other branches. Could probably break you off a piece a bit bigger than the blue/green guy you gave me if you had a piece of birdsnest you wanted to trade... My angel is quite enjoying eating my 1/2 dead frag. :| He hasn't even looked at any other ones, though. *Knock on wood*

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Originally posted by Kogut

The frags are looking nice. If you want a frag of that pink/purple acan I have that's now become dark orange/purple, let me know. It's growing new branches out of the top of other branches.


Huh? you have a pink/purple acan that branches from the top? hehe.


I dont think it is dyed. I moved it into an area w/ a little more light, and i THINK i am seeing a SLIGHT coloration...but we'll see. =)

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I've been lookin for a sun coral w/ some less common colors. Finally found one!


Here's my newest addition up close (a bad picture tho):




And some more showing it's great green color!





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First day I got these Orange Crush Acan. just 2 small polyps.













Now it has 3 big polyps and 3 baby polyps. pretty fast grower.


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