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Official Clownfish Owner's Thread


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Time to bring this thread back to life...


Here's my new pair of B&W Ocellaris clowns. I have had them for 2 days, and they are eating Frozen Formula-One. They are under 1" in leangth. They are TR, I got them from LiveAuaria.com. I would definantly suggest LiveAuaria.com to any one looking to buy HEALTHY/HAPPY fish :)




What do you guys think?



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Time to bring this thread back to life...


Here's my new pair of B&W Ocellaris clowns. I have had them for 2 days, and they are eating Frozen Formula-One. They are under 1" in leangth. They are TR, I got them from LiveAuaria.com. I would definantly suggest LiveAuaria.com to any one looking to buy HEALTHY/HAPPY fish :)




What do you guys think?


BTW, if you hae a picture, don't be shy, post it B)

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Hiya Travis, long time no post for me! I just bought a tomato clown two days ago. When I get a chance I'll post a pic or two for ya.


Gonna update my thread I guess too..


Your tank is lookin great btw..wow.



About feeding clowns...I agree that the ones I have kept generaly dont care for flake food. I found that frozen meaty foods do best. Dip a little of your tank water out and put a small amount of your frozen food in it to thaw then poor back in little by little. Pretty soon your clowns will be able to tell its feeding time just by the sound of the water dripping into the tank. :)


Great post!

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Here are my 2 new TR Percs -




Nemo (I know, I know, but my 5 year old daughter named him, what am I supposed to do?) and Shamu (I've got big plans for the B&W!).


They're both tiny - less than an inch long when I put them in the tank. I swear they've grown over the past 9 days though.


I bought both from the Docs. They've been in my Nano Cube for 9 days now. I've been feeding them Omega One Flake in the morning, and Cyclopeeze in the evening. They seem to love the Flake.

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Nice looking clowns sNEIRBO.


So, what is every one feeding their clowns? I am currently feeding chopped, frozen Formula-One which I let soak in garlic for about 5 minutes to help bost their imune system. They don't care for the flakes that I offer (Omega-One). I guess the Formula-One has all they realy need. Have you guys ever read the ingredients? They have everything from the ocean in there lol, they even have Spinach ???...:D

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Hey Travis -


I'm REALLY new to SW Fish. So if this is a really stupid question, please don't beat me too badly . . .


"Soak in garlic" to boast their immune system? Huh? Please tell me more!!! :)


I saw the Forumula-One at my LFS, but the kid behind the counter suggested Cyclopeeze instead. A little more variety wouldn't hurt though, right? Maybe F-1 every other night, with the Cyclopeeze the other night?

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Yeah, Clownfish like varriety. Be sure to get the FROZEN kind, not the flakes.


Ok when I said "Soak in garlic", I meant chop up some garlic, be sure not to use the skin or the green stem inside the garlic, then place the garlic in a cup with some of your tank water in it, then place the food you would like to feed to your fish in the cup with the tank water and garlic, then stir it every so often and after letting it soak for 5-10 minutes, pic out the garlic and dump the tank water and food into your tank when you are ready to feed your fish. It's realy easy to do ad it helps bring out their colors and makes them healthier ;)



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I'll give that a try tonight.


I've been noticing over the last week, that my True Perc is starting to develop some darkness high on its back. I know True Percs get the broad black bands when their grown. This is looking like it's going to be a really cool coloration. In that first orange stripe, it will have an orange belly, black back, and orange dorsal fin. At least that's what I'm hoping for!

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I took the picture with my Canon a while back, so it's not on par with my other photos (a lot more noise).


The anemone looked a lot better expanded. That pic was taken when I woke up one morning and found her hosting. The anemone still hadn't gotten used to it.



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I got a big, fat, tough false perc....FOR SALE!!!

Hey..how do you get your fish to stop swimmin' for a photo..???


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