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Cool, that sounds good on the return.


I think best practice is to have the fewest bends possible. I'm sure you could slam a bunch of 90s on there and it will still drain but it will be louder and leave more chance for failure/clogging. I've always tried to use 45s only if I need a bend in order keep it moving as easily as possible. If fluid is being forced into a turn it's just going to slow it's progress. 

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2 hours ago, Justind823 said:

Cool, that sounds good on the return.


I think best practice is to have the fewest bends possible. I'm sure you could slam a bunch of 90s on there and it will still drain but it will be louder and leave more chance for failure/clogging. I've always tried to use 45s only if I need a bend in order keep it moving as easily as possible. If fluid is being forced into a turn it's just going to slow it's progress. 

Makes sense.  I’ll have to head to Home Depot soon and get some pipe to mock up some ideas.  I did place an order for a gate valve today so that’ll be here soonish.


If I can get the main drain to line up with the current gap I might just run that through there and then do the emergency around the back.  I’d personally like to avoid cutting the 2x4s but if I have too for the sake of a quiet functional drain I will.  What I should have done was over built the stand a hair so I could run the plumbing straight down……

pic from the little 14 this am.  I gotta hurry this new build up haha! A few acros are starting to spread over the top rock. IMG_2188.thumb.jpeg.86588df3b6a7a0824174029e36946a9a.jpeg

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K, only way it’s gonna happen is if I make a cut so I started cutting lol.   Got too late so I couldn’t finish.


i ended up running to Home Depot to test some plumbing mocks and literally nothing else would work with out using 2-4 elbows.  With this cut, I’ll be able to run straight down to a 45, then one more 45 and we’re in the sump. 

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3 hours ago, Justind823 said:

That sounds great!

I'm gonna try and finish it up tonight, I'll get a photo up if I do!

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So, I’ve almost scraped this stand several times now.  I now know that I need to pay more attention to detail and really plan EVERYTHING out haha.


holes cut, it’s okay, I’m no woodworker but it should work.  I didn’t have to make it as big as it but what do I know lol..


Main drain is as described, two 45’s. I had to elbow the emergency but 1) it’s the emergency 2) I’m thinking it’s fine (correct me if I’m wrong) 3) I’m soooo done fiddling lol. 

(I don’t have my gate valve or anything yet as an FYI)

pics below. IMG_2208.thumb.jpeg.2eb7728bca036c8ae98f400833b1865b.jpegIMG_2207.thumb.jpeg.b336631b6f2c0c09140e660cef92b52b.jpeg

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Main stand is painted, went with a gloss white.  Built a little controller box to mount the electronics and store power bricks.  I think I’m going to mount an American DJ vertical if it’ll fit.  Will figure that out when I can get the sump back in.  It’s 7 inches across rn, so we’ll see.  Might have to mount it to the stand itself (the power strip) .  I guess I could even leave the box outside the stand.  She ain’t perfect.  Probably not exactly flush or square but I like it.  If learned a lot and the next stand will be better thought out 


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49 minutes ago, Crawford_T said:

I dig the stand. As with most things it’s a learning experience. 

Exactly, ive been saying..as long as she holds haha! I’m glad you like it.  Good news is, most people won’t notice the stand 😂😂


I still gotta figure out a door.  Haven’t even looked for the magnets I need yet. 

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11 minutes ago, ml86743 said:

Exactly, ive been saying..as long as she holds haha! I’m glad you like it.  Good news is, most people won’t notice the stand 😂😂


I still gotta figure out a door.  Haven’t even looked for the magnets I need yet. 

Oh for sure, if all goes to plan the tank on top will be the focus! Magnets.. yeah I don’t know enough on where to begin with that. I went the easy route, reinforced an Amazon stand haha. 

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10 hours ago, Crawford_T said:

Oh for sure, if all goes to plan the tank on top will be the focus! Magnets.. yeah I don’t know enough on where to begin with that. I went the easy route, reinforced an Amazon stand haha. 

Nothing wrong with that.  As long as things are supported that's what matters! 

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Got the return drilled..definitely didn’t chip it…lol.  Gonna see if the seal holds up.  I don’t think it’ll be a problem but we’ll see.  I’ve seen some comparable chips work out.  It not I’ll probably have to drill a larger hole…..


installed the gate valve/unions for plumbing mock.  Still tight but I think it’ll be good as long as I get a solid pvc seal.  I may add two more unions on the interior because feeding the pipes though the hole I cut is not fun. 

don’t make fun of me but I got a jabao return cause I’m cheap and heard some good things.  

pics below!


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15 hours ago, ml86743 said:

don’t make fun of me but I got a jabao return cause I’m cheap and heard some good things.

This is funny, we are building the same tank basically with different ways of doing it. I just got the Jebao return pump 5000 for mine. I'm planning on running it at a lower setting, but ill have more flex on the power. 


I have a small Jebao on my 13.5g and absolutely love it. I haven't had a good experience with many other pumps. 

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Nice, look at you go! I like your little junction box, reminds me of an apple box! 


Did you figure out the magnets? You can definitely just drill some shallow holes and set some rare earth magnets in with epoxy. Either make sure they are coated when you buy them or completely covered in epoxy so they don't corrode on you.

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3 hours ago, ryans.salty.crew said:

This is funny, we are building the same tank basically with different ways of doing it. I just got the Jebao return pump 5000 for mine. I'm planning on running it at a lower setting, but ill have more flex on the power. 


I have a small Jebao on my 13.5g and absolutely love it. I haven't had a good experience with many other pumps. 

That's what I'm saying!  The first iterations may have had some slip ups but I hear they're rock solid now.  Honestly, how can you beat that price?


2 hours ago, AiredaleReef said:

Good progress so far! Following along! 

Thank you!  Hoping I'll get it leak tested sometime this week 🙂

1 hour ago, Justind823 said:

Nice, look at you go! I like your little junction box, reminds me of an apple box! 


Did you figure out the magnets? You can definitely just drill some shallow holes and set some rare earth magnets in with epoxy. Either make sure they are coated when you buy them or completely covered in epoxy so they don't corrode on you.

I honestly haven't even looked.  Maybe I'll do that now...Just got back from some field work so I'm kind of on cruise control for the rest of the day.  


That was plan - at least that's how I read everyone else doing it.  Do you know of any websites that sell those magnets? 


Also, you ever chip a tank you drilled?...I'm like 15% worried about it.  Little clam shell chip that extends past the bulkhead washer. I think the silicone will hold fine - I'm not really worried about further cracking/stress,,just the seal really. If it doesn't seal I can probably go to 3/4.  I've just seen a million different replies..curious of your experience if any.  You strike me as a "no-chipping" individual though haha!



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8 minutes ago, ml86743 said:

Do you know of any websites that sell those magnets? 


Also, you ever chip a tank you drilled?...I'm like 15% worried about it.  Little clam shell chip that extends past the bulkhead washer. I think the silicone will hold fine - I'm not really worried about further cracking/stress,,just the seal really. If it doesn't seal I can probably go to 3/4.  I've just seen a million different replies..curious of your experience if any.  You strike me as a "no-chipping" individual though haha!




I actually have chipped a tank like that before and went with it. Yea, now that I'm thinking about it, my last tank, the 17g had a chip very similar to what you're describing. As long as the bulkhead seals for you then I personally wouldn't worry too much about it!

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2 minutes ago, Justind823 said:




I actually have chipped a tank like that before and went with it. Yea, now that I'm thinking about it, my last tank, the 17g had a chip very similar to what you're describing. As long as the bulkhead seals for you then I personally wouldn't worry too much about it!

Thanks for the link!  


I'm not sure if you saw the photo I attached after your comment, but it's up there now.  It's super thin, MAYBE .75mm at it widest.  

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4 minutes ago, ml86743 said:

Thanks for the link!  


I'm not sure if you saw the photo I attached after your comment, but it's up there now.  It's super thin, MAYBE .75mm at it widest.  

Oh yea, I see it now. Yea, as long as you can get a good seal then you're good! Maybe go the extra mile and make sure you don't stress out the hole by putting too much pressure on it with the plumbing. By that I mean, put a bracket on your plumbing to hold the weight instead of letting it hang from the bulkhead.

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5 minutes ago, Justind823 said:

Oh yea, I see it now. Yea, as long as you can get a good seal then you're good! Maybe go the extra mile and make sure you don't stress out the hole by putting too much pressure on it with the plumbing. By that I mean, put a bracket on your plumbing to hold the weight instead of letting it hang from the bulkhead.

That's a good idea.  Luckily the 1/2inch stuff fits way better so I'll be able to make sure it's supported properly. Excited to get this thing leak tested then get the cycle moving!  Thank you.

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Magnets for the doors ordered, I just need to get some barbed connections and some soft tuning to connect the return, then hopefully leak test soon!

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Results from first leak test:


Return line had a small drip at the bulkhead.   I’m either gonna have to silicone heavy or redrill.  Maybe even get another piece of patch glass silicone and redrill.  Open to suggestions…


The bulkheads to the drains had a slight leak but I’m thinking it’s because I didn’t tighten them well.  Or the gaskets didn’t get a good seal I’m not really sure.  


I didn’t connect the emergency because it was too short…I’ll need a coupling to make it hair longer. 

good news is the plumbing was tight and sealed and jabao return is absolutely silent and the main overflow hole was leak free.

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2 hours ago, Crawford_T said:

Hoping you get the leaks all figured out, I’m sure it’ll just be slight adjustments. Hurry up though so I can see this bad boy up and running. 

One can dream.  Got the overflow bulkheads squared away, just needed some tightening.  Did some choppy silicone work on  return line bulkhead..so we'll see how that turns out. All part of the learning process I guess!

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